Moved mathpixel to new repo and added new default animation
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import numpy as np
import time
import os
import sys
import colorsys
Nx = int(sys.argv[1])
Ny = int(sys.argv[2])
N = max(Nx, Ny)
def CpxRandNormal(min, max, N):
mu = (min+max)/2
sigma = (max-min)/2
return np.random.normal(mu, sigma, (N, N))+1.0j*np.random.normal(mu, sigma, (N, N))
def CpxRand(min, max, N):
return np.random.uniform(min, max, (N, N))+1.0j*np.random.uniform(min, max, (N, N))
A = CpxRandNormal(-100, 100, N)
B = CpxRand(-1, 1, N)*0.1
C = CpxRand(-1, 1, N)
A_ex = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(N)-B)@C
dir = -1
solve = True
t = 0
while True:
t += 0.003
if solve:
A = 0.9*A+0.1*(B@A+C)
A += CpxRandNormal(0, 0.008, N)
diff = A-A_ex
#angles = (np.angle(diff)+np.pi)/(2*np.pi
#diff = np.abs(diff)
#diff = 1-diff/(1+diff)
a = np.abs(np.real(diff))
a = a/(a+1)
b = np.abs(np.imag(diff))
b = b/(b+1)
img = np.zeros((Ny, Nx, 3))
for x in range(Nx):
for y in range(Ny):
c = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb((t+0.2+a[x, y]*0.2)%1, 1, 0.5*b[x, y]+0.5)
img[y,x,:] = np.array(c)*255
#img[:,:,0] = np.minimum(np.abs(diff*255).astype(int), 255)[:Ny,:Nx]
out = img.reshape((Nx*Ny*3,)).astype(np.uint8)
#A += np.random.uniform(-0.01, 0.01, (N, N))
os.write(1, out.tobytes())
if solve and np.sum(np.abs(diff)) <= 0.001*N*N:
solve = False
elif not solve and np.sum(np.abs(diff)) >= 1*N*N:
solve = True
#os.write(2, b"frame")
#print(angles, diff)
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
import time
import colorsys
Nx = int(sys.argv[1])
Ny = int(sys.argv[2])
N = 100
iterations = 2
N = int(sys.argv[3])
def rk4(f, x, dt):
k1 = f(x)
k2 = f(x+k1*dt/2)
k3 = f(x+k2*dt/2)
k4 = f(x+k3*dt)
return x+dt*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)/6.0
dt = 0.08
m = 1
l = 1
g = 1
def sq(x): return x*x
def rhs(x):
phi1 = x[0]
p1 = x[1]
phi2 = x[2]
p2 = x[3]
dphi1 = 6/(m*l*l)*(2*p1-3*np.cos(phi1-phi2)*p2)/(16-9*sq(np.cos(phi1-phi2)))
dphi2 = 6/(m*l*l)*(8*p2-3*np.cos(phi1-phi2)*p1)/(16-9*sq(np.cos(phi1-phi2)))
dp1 = -0.5*m*l*l*(dphi1*dphi2*np.sin(phi1-phi2)+3*g/l*np.sin(phi1))
dp2 = -0.5*m*l*l*(-dphi1*dphi2*np.sin(phi1-phi2)+g/l*np.sin(phi2))
return np.array([dphi1, dp1, dphi2, dp2])
s = np.array([np.pi+0.1, 0, np.pi-0.1, 0])
angles = np.linspace(np.pi, np.pi/3, N)+np.random.uniform(-np.pi/6/N, np.pi/6/N, N)
angles = np.random.uniform(-np.pi/6, np.pi/3, N)+np.pi
states = [np.array([np.pi, 0, a, 0]) for a in angles]
def clamp(x, min_, max_):
return max(min_, min(max_, x))
buffer = bytearray(b"\x00"*Nx*Ny*3)
def setpixel(x, y, r, g, b):
xi = int(Nx*(x+1.2)/2.4)
yi = int(Ny*(y+1.2)/2.4)
if xi < 0 or xi >= Nx or yi < 0 or yi >= Ny:
idx = xi+Nx*yi
buffer[3*idx+0] = r
buffer[3*idx+1] = g
buffer[3*idx+2] = b
timestep = 0
timefac = 0.03
while True:
timestep += 1
for s, i in zip(states, range(len(states))):
phi1 = s[0]
phi2 = s[2]
x1 = np.sin(phi1)*l
y1 = np.cos(phi1)*l
x2 = np.sin(phi2)*l+x1
y2 = np.cos(phi2)*l+y1
h = 0.2*i/N+0*timestep*timefac/iterations
r, g, b = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h%1, 1, 1)
setpixel(x2, y2, int(r*255), int(g*255), int(b*255))
states[i] = rk4(rhs, s, dt/iterations)
if timestep > 10*iterations and timestep % iterations == 0:
os.write(1, buffer)
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import time
import colorsys
Nx = int(sys.argv[1])
Ny = int(sys.argv[2])
iterations = 10
class Slider:
def __init__(self, lo, hi, step, pos=0):
self.lo = lo
self.hi = hi
self.stepSize = step
self.pos = 0
self.dir = 1
def step(self):
if self.pos >= self.hi:
self.dir = -1
elif self.pos <= self.lo:
self.dir = 1
self.pos += self.dir * self.stepSize
return self.pos
Sa = Slider(-10, 10, 0.1/iterations, 0) #1.1
Sb = Slider(-10, 10, 0.2/iterations, 1) #-2.1
Sc = Slider(-10, 10, 0.2/iterations, 2) #-0.33
Sd = Slider(-10, 10, 0.1/iterations, 3) #1.7
Se = Slider(-10, 10, 0.2/iterations, 4)
Sf = Slider(-10, 10, 0.01/iterations, 5)
x, y = np.meshgrid(
np.linspace(-4, 4, Nx),
np.linspace(-4, 4, Ny))
color = 1.0
img = np.zeros( [Ny, Nx, 3] )
cr = 1.0
cg = 0.5
cb = 0.25
step = 0
while True:
a = Sa.step()
b = Sb.step()
c = Sc.step()
d = Sd.step()
e = Se.step()
f = Sf.step()
curve = (np.abs(a*x**2 + b*x*y + c*y**2 + d*x + e*y + f) <= 1.5)*1
cr, cg, cb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(color, 1, 1)
s = np.shape(curve)
#img[:,:,0] = curve
img[:,:,0] = np.where(curve > 0, curve*cr*255, img[:,:,0])
img[:,:,1] = np.where(curve > 0, curve*cg*255, img[:,:,1])
img[:,:,2] = np.where(curve > 0, curve*cb*255, img[:,:,2])
step += 1
if step % iterations == 0:
out = img.reshape((Nx*Ny*3,)).astype(np.uint8)
os.write(1, out.tobytes())
color = (color+0.01/iterations ) % 1
cb = (cb + 0.05) % 1
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import os
import numpy as np
Nx = int(sys.argv[1])
Ny = int(sys.argv[2])
param = sys.argv[3]
buffer = bytearray(b" "*(3*Nx*Ny))
Lx = 32 #128 #Physikalische Laenge des Gebietes in x-Richtung
Ly =32 #128#Physikalische Laenge des Gebietes in y-Richtung
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(Nx)* Lx/Nx, np.arange(Ny)* Ly/Ny) #x-Array
kx, ky = np.meshgrid(np.fft.fftfreq(Nx,Lx/(Nx*2.0*np.pi)), np.fft.fftfreq(Ny,Ly/(Ny*2.0*np.pi)))
ksq = kx*kx + ky*ky
c = 0.0+(np.random.random((Ny,Nx))-0.5)*0.1
#eps = 0.1
#delta = 1.0
t = 0.0
dt = 0.01
T_End = 300000
N_t = int(T_End / dt)
plotEveryNth = 100
ck = np.fft.fft2(c) #FFT(c)
# Lineare Terme
def rhs_lin(ksq):
return result
i = 0
def lerp_sat(a, t, b):
v = (1-t)*a+t*b
v = int(v)
if v < 0:
v = 0
if v > 255:
v = 255
return v
while True:
i+= 1
eps = 0.1+0.2*np.cos(i/10000)
delta = np.sin(i/10000)
if(i % plotEveryNth == 0):
myc = c.real
myc = (myc-np.min(myc))/(np.max(myc)-np.min(myc))
for px in range(Nx):
for py in range(Ny):
idx = 3*(px+Nx*py)
buffer[idx+0] = lerp_sat(0xff, myc[py,px], 0x00)
buffer[idx+1] = lerp_sat(0x00, myc[py,px], 0xff)
buffer[idx+2] = 0
os.write(1, buffer)
@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ WebPort = 8000
# first app is always running as default
Apps = [
{"guiname": "Structure formation", "name": "swifthohenberg", "cmd": "apps/", "persistent": False},
{"guiname": "Lines", "name": "lines", "cmd": "apps/", "persistent": False},
{"guiname": "Flicker", "name": "flicker", "cmd": "apps/flicker"},
{"guiname": "Pixelflut", "name": "pixelflut", "cmd": "apps/pixelflut", "persistent": True},
{"guiname": "Pong", "name": "pong", "cmd": "apps/"},
@ -28,6 +29,9 @@ Apps = [
{"guiname": "Show Framebuffer", "name": "fbcp", "cmd": ["apps/fbcp", "/dev/fb0"]},
{"guiname": "Strobo", "name": "strobo", "cmd": "apps/"},
{"guiname": "Beispiel", "name": "example", "cmd": "apps/"},
# mathpixel
{"guiname": "Structure formation", "name": "swifthohenberg", "cmd": "apps/", "persistent": False},
{"guiname": "Quadratisch", "name": "quadratic", "cmd": "apps/"},
{"guiname": "Pendel", "name": "pendulum", "cmd": "apps/"},
{"guiname": "Konvergenz", "name": "convergence", "cmd": "apps/"},
@ -3,13 +3,10 @@
echo "Setting Attributes for script"
chmod +x apps/
chmod +x apps/
chmod +x apps/
chmod +x apps/
chmod +x apps/
chmod +x apps/
chmod +x apps/
chmod +x apps/
chmod +x apps/
echo "Building c/c++ apps"
@ -43,4 +40,23 @@ if hash cargo 2>/dev/null; then
cp -f external/pixelfoo/target/release/dualmaze apps/
echo "Getting mathpixel"
mkdir -p external
pushd external
if [ ! -d "mathpixel" ]; then
git clone
pushd pixelfoo
git pull
cp -f external/mathpixel/ apps/
cp -f external/mathpixel/ apps/
cp -f external/mathpixel/ apps/
cp -f external/mathpixel/ apps/
chmod +x apps/
chmod +x apps/
chmod +x apps/
chmod +x apps/
echo "Setup done"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user