mirror of https://git.bandie.org/Bandie/identity-declaration synced 2024-04-01 20:11:26 +00:00

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## Identification - Part 1
For reading part 1, see the content of [my keybase profile](https://keybase.io/bandie).
Summary of part 1:
- I do have a github account named
- [Bandie](https://github.com/Bandie)
- I do have control over the websites of bandie.org with all its subdomains and are able to change their DNS settings.
- I do have a Bitcoin address
- `1N5xBHpDjBVjSj8CmmfYqrC1NNVKm1sKKj`
## Identification - Part 2
### Or: Accounts which keybase doesn't verify automatically yet
I, Bandie [E2D7876915312785DC086BFCC1E133BC65A822DD], hereby claim the following statements:
(The following list is sorted by preference.)
- I do have an XMPP account named
- bandie@jabber.ccc.de, using the following OMEMO fingerprints
- 1042197029 (Laptop)
- E63CEF2D 502AC0F1 B640E386 897F1AB5 28D747CF D910A8A6 886D9D44 798ED456
- 2009522359 (Smartphone)
- 61E66327 EABFC306 B3821CB6 A75BBAC9 42DBEFDA A953C272 048E8B15 1AC7C954
- I do have registered nicknames at the following IRC servers:
- hackint.org: Bandie
- freenode.net: Bandie
- I do have a matrix account named
- @bandie:matrix.chaospott.de, using the following device and fingerprints for it:
- cTok lluJ PzMg GCF5 kHEx SnEL ldGd 84ci stQn WsPS wb0
- DMkB j8+o swJB pJsm Ss0X kFAP i7o+ /SAC hIdc yR7v 3xY
- I do have the following Threema ID
- NW94F7HM
- I do have Mastodon accounts at
- chaos.social [@bandie@chaos.social](https://chaos.social/@bandie). [Main account.]
- computerfairi.es [@Bandie\_cf@computerfairi.es](https://computerfairi.es/@Bandie_cf).
- I do have a scuttlebutt key pair whose real name is
- @WplgA4skTYTDSY26QQMcctgL6Tle3Ol0LOznFCNkwxQ=.ed25519
## Identification - Part 3
### Excluding possible false identities
Any accounts that you witness using the name
- "Bandie"
- "bandie"
- or any minor alteration of the names stated above that are not listed here
should assumed to be as fraudulent accounts operated by an imposter.
This document is signed by GPG and will be published at the following internet locations:
- [https://git.bandie.org/Bandie/identity-declaration](https://git.bandie.org/Bandie/identity-declaration)
- [https://bandie.org/assets/id.md.asc.txt](https://bandie.org/assets/id.md.asc.txt)
- [https://bandie.keybase.pub/index.md.asc](https://bandie.keybase.pub/index.md.asc)
- [https://bandie.keybase.pub/](https://bandie.keybase.pub/) - Markdown interpreted, not signed by GPG but signed through keybase's chain-of-trust.
This document is kept up-to-date and was last updated at
> Tue, 12 Feb 2019 15:00:06 +0100
P.S.: Thank you, [@Sir\_Boops](https://mastodon.sergal.org/@Sir_Boops), for preparing this document.