ding is a client-server thing written in python3. Its aim is to execute a set of commands remotely. The commands can be set in the server's config file.
The server will wait for a command to be sent by a client. If the command is present within the server's config file it will then execute the command, else nothing will happen.
The authentication is done via a SSL Client Certificate signed by an (self generated) Certificate Authority. The scripts for generating a CA and signing the Server/Client Certificates are also included to make it (relatively) easy. [ This involves typing in a few certificate details and entering a previously defined CA password. ]
At every step please read carefully what the generate certificates scripts want from you. The information on the certificates doesn't need to be true and can be totally random. They only need to be different from one another.
4. Move `ding_client`, `ding_client.cfg`, `ding_client.crt`, `ding_client.key` and `CA.crt` to the computer which should be able to send commands to the server.
If you have a password with special characters as in spaces and the like, you may want to use quotation marks around your password. `./ding_client "abc def"` or `python .\ding_client "abc def"` on Windows.