42 lines
1.3 KiB
Executable File
42 lines
1.3 KiB
Executable File
inherit autotools pkgconfig
SUMMARY = "Accelerates basline JPEG compression and decompression."
HOMEPAGE = "http://sourceforge.net/projects/libjpeg-turbo/"
BUGTRACKER = "http://sourceforge.net/p/libjpeg-turbo/bugs/"
PRIORITY = "optional"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/files/common-licenses/GPL-2.0;md5=801f80980d171dd6425610833a22dbe6"
# Package Revision (update whenever recipe is changed)
PR = "r2"
SRC_URI = "\
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/${PN}/${PV}/${PN}-${PV}.tar.gz \
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "f61e60ff01381ece4d2fe65eeb52669e"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "cb3323f054a02cedad193bd0ca418d46934447f995d19e678ea64f78e4903770"
# Drop-in replacement for jpeg
PROVIDES = "jpeg"
RPROVIDES_${PN} += "jpeg"
RREPLACES_${PN} += "jpeg"
RCONFLICTS_${PN} += "jpeg"
EXTRA_OECONF = "--with-jpeg8 "
PACKAGES =+ "jpeg-tools libturbojpeg"
DESCRIPTION_jpeg-tools = "The jpeg-tools package includes the client programs for access libjpeg functionality. \
These tools allow for the compression, decompression, transformation and display of JPEG files."
FILES_jpeg-tools = "${bindir}/*"
FILES_libturbojpeg = "${libdir}/libturbojpeg.so"
INSANE_SKIP_libturbojpeg = "dev-so"
DEPENDS = "nasm-native"
LEAD_SONAME = "libjpeg.so.8"
#EXTRA_OECONF = "--libdir=${base_libdir}"