2024-09-09 08:59:52 +00:00

744 lines
20 KiB
Executable File

/* This is an independent implementation of the encryption algorithm: */
/* */
/* RIJNDAEL by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen */
/* */
/* which is a candidate algorithm in the Advanced Encryption Standard */
/* programme of the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. */
/* */
/* Copyright in this implementation is held by Dr B R Gladman but I */
/* hereby give permission for its free direct or derivative use subject */
/* to acknowledgment of its origin and compliance with any conditions */
/* that the originators of the algorithm place on its exploitation. */
/* */
/* Dr Brian Gladman (gladman@seven77.demon.co.uk) 14th January 1999 */
#if 0
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#ifdef __KERNEL__
#include <linux/time.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#elif defined(__ECOS)
#include <cyg/hal/plf_intr.h>
#include <cyg/io/eth/rltk/819x/wrapper/sys_support.h>
#include <cyg/io/eth/rltk/819x/wrapper/skbuff.h>
#include <cyg/io/eth/rltk/819x/wrapper/timer.h>
#include <cyg/io/eth/rltk/819x/wrapper/wrapper.h>
#include "./8192cd_cfg.h"
#if defined(INCLUDE_WPA_PSK) || (defined(RTK_NL80211) && defined(CONFIG_IEEE80211W))
#ifdef RTL_WPA2
//#define MODULE_TEST
/*#include "aes_defs.h" */
#ifdef _SHOW_
#define _VERBOSE_ 1
#elif !defined(_VERBOSE_)
#define _VERBOSE_ 0
// david, move define to Makefile
// kenny
//#define BIG_ENDIAN 1
#if defined(__BORLANDC__) /* show what compiler we used */
#define COMPILER_ID "Borland"
//#define LITTLE_ENDIAN 1
// modified by chilong
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define COMPILER_ID "Microsoft"
//#define LITTLE_ENDIAN 1
// modified by chilong
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
/* marked by chilong
#ifndef BIG_ENDIAN // assume gcc = little-endian, unless told otherwise
// modified by chilong
#ifndef _BIG_ENDIAN_ // assume gcc = little-endian, unless told otherwise
// modified by chilong
#else /* assume big endian, if compiler is unknown */
#define COMPILER_ID "Unknown"
/* 1. Standard types for AES cryptography source code */
typedef unsigned char u08b; /* an 8 bit unsigned character type */
typedef unsigned short u16b; /* a 16 bit unsigned integer type */
typedef unsigned int u32b; /* a 32 bit unsigned integer type */
#ifndef __LINUX_2_6__
#ifndef __ECOS
typedef int bool;
/* 2. Standard interface for AES cryptographic routines */
/* These are all based on 32-bit unsigned values and will therefore */
/* require endian conversions for big-endian architectures */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
u32b * AES_SetKey (const u32b in_key[ ], const u32b key_len);
void AES_Encrypt(const u32b in_blk[4], u32b out_blk[4]);
void AES_Decrypt(const u32b in_blk[4], u32b out_blk[4]);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* 3. Basic macros for speeding up generic operations */
/* Circular rotate of 32 bit values */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <stdlib.h>
#pragma intrinsic(_lrotr,_lrotl)
#define rotr(x,n) _lrotr(x,n)
#define rotl(x,n) _lrotl(x,n)
#define rotr(x,n) (((x) >> ((int)(n))) | ((x) << (32 - (int)(n))))
#define rotl(x,n) (((x) << ((int)(n))) | ((x) >> (32 - (int)(n))))
/* Extract byte from a 32 bit quantity (little endian notation) */
#define byte(x,n) ((u08b)((x) >> (8 * n)))
/* For inverting byte order in input/output 32 bit words, if needed */
// modified by chilong
#define bswap(x) (x)
#define bswap(x) ((rotl((x), 8) & 0x00ff00ff) | (rotr((x), 8) & 0xff00ff00))
//end of aes_def.h
/*------------------ DLW debug code */
#include <stdio.h>
int rNum;
void ShowBlk(const u32b *b,int final)
int i,j;
u32b x;
u08b a;
printf("%s %2d: ",(final) ? "Final" : "Round",rNum++);
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
printf(" ");
x = b[i]; /* always used internally as "little-endian" */
for (j=0;j<4;j++)
a = byte(x,j);
printf(" %02X",a);
void ShowKeySched(const u32b *key,int cnt,const char *hdrMsg)
int i,j;
u32b x;
u08b a;
for (i=0;i<4*cnt;i++)
x = key[i]; /* key always used as "little-endian" */
printf(" ");
for (j=0;j<4;j++)
a = byte(x,j);
printf(" %02X",a);
if ((i%4) == 3) printf("\n");
#define SetR(r) { rNum = r; }
#define ShowBlk(b,f)
#define SetR(r)
#define ShowKeySched(key,cnt,hdrMsg)
/*---------------- end of DLW debug */
u08b pow_tab[256];
u08b log_tab[256];
u08b sbx_tab[256];
u08b isb_tab[256];
u32b rco_tab[ 10];
u32b ft_tab[4][256];
u32b it_tab[4][256];
u32b fl_tab[4][256];
u32b il_tab[4][256];
u32b tab_gen = 0;
u32b k_len;
u32b e_key[64];
u32b d_key[64];
#define ff_mult(a,b) (a && b ? pow_tab[(log_tab[a] + log_tab[b]) % 255] : 0)
#define f_rn(bo, bi, n, k) \
bo[n] = ft_tab[0][byte(bi[n],0)] ^ \
ft_tab[1][byte(bi[(n + 1) & 3],1)] ^ \
ft_tab[2][byte(bi[(n + 2) & 3],2)] ^ \
ft_tab[3][byte(bi[(n + 3) & 3],3)] ^ *(k + n)
#define i_rn(bo, bi, n, k) \
bo[n] = it_tab[0][byte(bi[n],0)] ^ \
it_tab[1][byte(bi[(n + 3) & 3],1)] ^ \
it_tab[2][byte(bi[(n + 2) & 3],2)] ^ \
it_tab[3][byte(bi[(n + 1) & 3],3)] ^ *(k + n)
#define ls_box(x) \
( fl_tab[0][byte(x, 0)] ^ \
fl_tab[1][byte(x, 1)] ^ \
fl_tab[2][byte(x, 2)] ^ \
fl_tab[3][byte(x, 3)] )
#define f_rl(bo, bi, n, k) \
bo[n] = fl_tab[0][byte(bi[n],0)] ^ \
fl_tab[1][byte(bi[(n + 1) & 3],1)] ^ \
fl_tab[2][byte(bi[(n + 2) & 3],2)] ^ \
fl_tab[3][byte(bi[(n + 3) & 3],3)] ^ *(k + n)
#define i_rl(bo, bi, n, k) \
bo[n] = il_tab[0][byte(bi[n],0)] ^ \
il_tab[1][byte(bi[(n + 3) & 3],1)] ^ \
il_tab[2][byte(bi[(n + 2) & 3],2)] ^ \
il_tab[3][byte(bi[(n + 1) & 3],3)] ^ *(k + n)
#define ls_box(x) \
((u32b)sbx_tab[byte(x, 0)] << 0) ^ \
((u32b)sbx_tab[byte(x, 1)] << 8) ^ \
((u32b)sbx_tab[byte(x, 2)] << 16) ^ \
((u32b)sbx_tab[byte(x, 3)] << 24)
#define f_rl(bo, bi, n, k) \
bo[n] = (u32b)sbx_tab[byte(bi[n],0)] ^ \
rotl(((u32b)sbx_tab[byte(bi[(n + 1) & 3],1)]), 8) ^ \
rotl(((u32b)sbx_tab[byte(bi[(n + 2) & 3],2)]), 16) ^ \
rotl(((u32b)sbx_tab[byte(bi[(n + 3) & 3],3)]), 24) ^ *(k + n)
#define i_rl(bo, bi, n, k) \
bo[n] = (u32b)isb_tab[byte(bi[n],0)] ^ \
rotl(((u32b)isb_tab[byte(bi[(n + 3) & 3],1)]), 8) ^ \
rotl(((u32b)isb_tab[byte(bi[(n + 2) & 3],2)]), 16) ^ \
rotl(((u32b)isb_tab[byte(bi[(n + 1) & 3],3)]), 24) ^ *(k + n)
void gen_tabs(void)
{ u32b i, t;
u08b p, q;
/* log and power tables for GF(2**8) finite field with */
/* 0x11b as modular polynomial - the simplest prmitive */
/* root is 0x11, used here to generate the tables */
for(i = 0,p = 1; i < 256; ++i)
pow_tab[i] = (u08b)p; log_tab[p] = (u08b)i;
p = p ^ (p << 1) ^ (p & 0x80 ? 0x01b : 0);
log_tab[1] = 0; p = 1;
for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
rco_tab[i] = p;
p = (p << 1) ^ (p & 0x80 ? 0x1b : 0);
/* note that the affine byte transformation matrix in */
/* rijndael specification is in big endian format with */
/* bit 0 as the most significant bit. In the remainder */
/* of the specification the bits are numbered from the */
/* least significant end of a byte. */
for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
p = (i ? pow_tab[255 - log_tab[i]] : 0); q = p;
q = (q >> 7) | (q << 1); p ^= q;
q = (q >> 7) | (q << 1); p ^= q;
q = (q >> 7) | (q << 1); p ^= q;
q = (q >> 7) | (q << 1); p ^= q ^ 0x63;
sbx_tab[i] = (u08b)p; isb_tab[p] = (u08b)i;
for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
p = sbx_tab[i];
t = p; fl_tab[0][i] = t;
fl_tab[1][i] = rotl(t, 8);
fl_tab[2][i] = rotl(t, 16);
fl_tab[3][i] = rotl(t, 24);
t = ((u32b)ff_mult(2, p)) |
((u32b)p << 8) |
((u32b)p << 16) |
((u32b)ff_mult(3, p) << 24);
ft_tab[0][i] = t;
ft_tab[1][i] = rotl(t, 8);
ft_tab[2][i] = rotl(t, 16);
ft_tab[3][i] = rotl(t, 24);
p = isb_tab[i];
t = p; il_tab[0][i] = t;
il_tab[1][i] = rotl(t, 8);
il_tab[2][i] = rotl(t, 16);
il_tab[3][i] = rotl(t, 24);
t = ((u32b)ff_mult(14, p)) |
((u32b)ff_mult( 9, p) << 8) |
((u32b)ff_mult(13, p) << 16) |
((u32b)ff_mult(11, p) << 24);
it_tab[0][i] = t;
it_tab[1][i] = rotl(t, 8);
it_tab[2][i] = rotl(t, 16);
it_tab[3][i] = rotl(t, 24);
if (i<4) /* helpful for debugging on new platform */
{ /* (compare with results from known platform) */
if (i==0)
printf("%8s : %08X %08X %08X %08X\n","rco_tab",
#define _ShowTab(tName) printf("%8s[%d]: %08X %08X %08X %08X\n",#tName,i, \
tab_gen = 1;
#define star_x(x) (((x) & 0x7f7f7f7f) << 1) ^ ((((x) & 0x80808080) >> 7) * 0x1b)
#define imix_col(y,x) \
u = star_x(x); \
v = star_x(u); \
w = star_x(v); \
t = w ^ (x); \
(y) = u ^ v ^ w; \
(y) ^= rotr(u ^ t, 8) ^ \
rotr(v ^ t, 16) ^ \
/* initialise the key schedule from the user supplied key */
#define loop4(i) \
{ t = ls_box(rotr(t, 8)) ^ rco_tab[i]; \
t ^= e_key[4 * i]; e_key[4 * i + 4] = t; \
t ^= e_key[4 * i + 1]; e_key[4 * i + 5] = t; \
t ^= e_key[4 * i + 2]; e_key[4 * i + 6] = t; \
t ^= e_key[4 * i + 3]; e_key[4 * i + 7] = t; \
#define loop6(i) \
{ t = ls_box(rotr(t, 8)) ^ rco_tab[i]; \
t ^= e_key[6 * i]; e_key[6 * i + 6] = t; \
t ^= e_key[6 * i + 1]; e_key[6 * i + 7] = t; \
t ^= e_key[6 * i + 2]; e_key[6 * i + 8] = t; \
t ^= e_key[6 * i + 3]; e_key[6 * i + 9] = t; \
t ^= e_key[6 * i + 4]; e_key[6 * i + 10] = t; \
t ^= e_key[6 * i + 5]; e_key[6 * i + 11] = t; \
#define loop8(i) \
{ t = ls_box(rotr(t, 8)) ^ rco_tab[i]; \
t ^= e_key[8 * i]; e_key[8 * i + 8] = t; \
t ^= e_key[8 * i + 1]; e_key[8 * i + 9] = t; \
t ^= e_key[8 * i + 2]; e_key[8 * i + 10] = t; \
t ^= e_key[8 * i + 3]; e_key[8 * i + 11] = t; \
t = e_key[8 * i + 4] ^ ls_box(t); \
e_key[8 * i + 12] = t; \
t ^= e_key[8 * i + 5]; e_key[8 * i + 13] = t; \
t ^= e_key[8 * i + 6]; e_key[8 * i + 14] = t; \
t ^= e_key[8 * i + 7]; e_key[8 * i + 15] = t; \
u32b *AES_SetKey(const u32b in_key[], const u32b key_len)
{ u32b i, t, u, v, w;
k_len = (key_len + 31) / 32;
for (i=0;i<k_len;i++)
e_key[i] = bswap(in_key[i]);
t = e_key[k_len-1];
case 4: for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
case 6: for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
case 8: for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
d_key[0] = e_key[0]; d_key[1] = e_key[1];
d_key[2] = e_key[2]; d_key[3] = e_key[3];
for(i = 4; i < 4 * k_len + 24; ++i)
imix_col(d_key[i], e_key[i]);
ShowKeySched(e_key,4,"Encryption key schedule:");
ShowKeySched(d_key,4,"Decryption key schedule:");
return e_key;
/* encrypt a block of text */
#define f_nround(bo, bi, k) \
f_rn(bo, bi, 0, k); \
f_rn(bo, bi, 1, k); \
f_rn(bo, bi, 2, k); \
f_rn(bo, bi, 3, k); \
ShowBlk(bo,0); \
k += 4
#define f_lround(bo, bi, k) \
f_rl(bo, bi, 0, k); \
f_rl(bo, bi, 1, k); \
f_rl(bo, bi, 2, k); \
f_rl(bo, bi, 3, k); \
void AES_Encrypt(const u32b in_blk[4], u32b out_blk[4])
{ u32b b0[4], b1[4], *kp;
b0[0] = bswap(in_blk[0]) ^ e_key[0];
b0[1] = bswap(in_blk[1]) ^ e_key[1];
b0[2] = bswap(in_blk[2]) ^ e_key[2];
b0[3] = bswap(in_blk[3]) ^ e_key[3];
SetR(1); ShowBlk(b0,0);
kp = e_key + 4;
if(k_len > 6)
f_nround(b1, b0, kp); f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
if(k_len > 4)
f_nround(b1, b0, kp); f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
f_nround(b1, b0, kp); f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
f_nround(b1, b0, kp); f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
f_nround(b1, b0, kp); f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
f_nround(b1, b0, kp); f_nround(b0, b1, kp);
f_nround(b1, b0, kp); f_lround(b0, b1, kp);
out_blk[0] = bswap(b0[0]);
out_blk[1] = bswap(b0[1]);
out_blk[2] = bswap(b0[2]);
out_blk[3] = bswap(b0[3]);
/* decrypt a block of text */
#define i_nround(bo, bi, k) \
i_rn(bo, bi, 0, k); \
i_rn(bo, bi, 1, k); \
i_rn(bo, bi, 2, k); \
i_rn(bo, bi, 3, k); \
k -= 4
#define i_lround(bo, bi, k) \
i_rl(bo, bi, 0, k); \
i_rl(bo, bi, 1, k); \
i_rl(bo, bi, 2, k); \
i_rl(bo, bi, 3, k)
void AES_Decrypt(const u32b in_blk[4], u32b out_blk[4])
{ u32b b0[4], b1[4], *kp;
b0[0] = bswap(in_blk[0]) ^ e_key[4 * k_len + 24];
b0[1] = bswap(in_blk[1]) ^ e_key[4 * k_len + 25];
b0[2] = bswap(in_blk[2]) ^ e_key[4 * k_len + 26];
b0[3] = bswap(in_blk[3]) ^ e_key[4 * k_len + 27];
kp = d_key + 4 * (k_len + 5);
if(k_len > 6)
i_nround(b1, b0, kp); i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
if(k_len > 4)
i_nround(b1, b0, kp); i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
i_nround(b1, b0, kp); i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
i_nround(b1, b0, kp); i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
i_nround(b1, b0, kp); i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
i_nround(b1, b0, kp); i_nround(b0, b1, kp);
i_nround(b1, b0, kp); i_lround(b0, b1, kp);
out_blk[0] = bswap(b0[0]);
out_blk[1] = bswap(b0[1]);
out_blk[2] = bswap(b0[2]);
out_blk[3] = bswap(b0[3]);
BLK_SIZE = 16, // # octets in an AES block
MAX_PACKET = 3*512, // largest packet size
N_RESERVED = 0, // reserved nonce octet value
A_DATA = 0x40, // the Adata bit in the flags
M_SHIFT = 3, // how much to shift the 3-bit M field
L_SHIFT = 0, // how much to shift the 3-bit L field
L_SIZE = 2 // size of the l(m) length field (in octets)
typedef union _block // AES cipher block
u32b x[BLK_SIZE/4]; // access as 8-bit octets or 32-bit words
u08b b[BLK_SIZE];
typedef struct _packet
BOOLEAN encrypted; // TRUE if encrypted
u08b TA[6]; // xmit address
int micLength; // # octets of MIC appended to plaintext (M)
int clrCount; // # cleartext octets covered by MIC
u32b pktNum[2]; // unique packet sequence number (like WEP IV)
block key; // the encryption key (K)
int length; // # octets in data[]
u08b data[MAX_PACKET+2*BLK_SIZE]; // packet contents
input : 256 bits, 32 bytes, 4 block for TKIP
128 bits, 16 bytes, 2 block for CCMP, WRAP, and WEP
up to 32 block for WPA2
output: 8 bytes MIC | Wraped key data
#define BLOCKSIZE8 8
void AES_WRAP(u08b * plain, int plain_len,
u08b * iv, int iv_len,
u08b * kek, int kek_len,
u08b *cipher, u16b *cipher_len)
int i, j, k, nblock = plain_len/BLOCKSIZE8;
#ifdef RTL_WPA2
static u08b R[32][BLOCKSIZE8], A[BLOCKSIZE8], xor[BLOCKSIZE8];
static packet p;
static block m,x;
memcpy(&p.key.b , kek, kek_len);
AES_SetKey(p.key.x, BLK_SIZE*8); // run the key schedule
//Initialize Variable
memcpy(A, iv, BLOCKSIZE8);
for(i = 0; i < nblock ; i++)
memcpy(&R[i], plain + i*BLOCKSIZE8, BLOCKSIZE8);
//Caalculate Intermediate Values
for(j = 0 ; j < 6 ; j++ )
for (i = 0 ; i < nblock ; i++)
memcpy(&m.b, A, BLOCKSIZE8);
memcpy((&m.b[0]) + BLOCKSIZE8, &(R[i]), BLOCKSIZE8);
// => B = AES(K, A|R[i])
// => A = MSB(64,B) ^t where t = (n*j) + i
memset(xor, 0, sizeof xor);
xor[7] |= ((nblock * j) + i + 1);
for(k = 0 ; k < 8 ; k++)
A[k] = x.b[k] ^ xor[k];
// => R[i] = LSB(64,B)
for(k = 0 ; k < 8 ; k++)
R[i][k] = x.b[k + BLOCKSIZE8];
//Output the result
memcpy(cipher, A, BLOCKSIZE8);
for(i = 0; i<nblock ; i++)
memcpy(cipher + (i+1)*BLOCKSIZE8, &R[i], BLOCKSIZE8);
*cipher_len = plain_len + BLOCKSIZE8;
void AES_UnWRAP(u08b * cipher, int cipher_len,
u08b * kek, int kek_len,
u08b * plain, int plain_len)
int i, j, k, nblock = (cipher_len/BLOCKSIZE8) - 1;
#ifdef RTL_WPA2
if (nblock > 32) {
printk("AES_UnWRAP Error: cipher len exceeds!\n");
if (nblock > 4) {
printk("AES_UnWRAP Error: cipher len exceeds!\n");
packet *p;
block m,x;
if ((plain_len < BLOCKSIZE8) || (plain_len < cipher_len)) {
printk("AES_UnWRAP Error: cipher len exceeds plain len!\n");
p = (packet *)kmalloc(sizeof(packet), GFP_ATOMIC);
if (p == NULL)
memcpy(p->key.b , kek, kek_len);
AES_SetKey(p->key.x, BLK_SIZE*8); // run the key schedule
//Initialize Variable
memcpy(A, cipher, BLOCKSIZE8);
for(i = 0; i < nblock ; i++)
memcpy(&R[i], cipher + (i+1)*BLOCKSIZE8, BLOCKSIZE8);
//Compute internediate Value
for(j=5 ; j>=0 ; j--)
for(i= nblock-1 ; i>=0 ; i--)
// => B = AES-1((A^t) |R[i])
memset(xor, 0, sizeof xor);
xor[7] |= ((nblock * j) + i + 1);
for(k = 0 ; k < 8 ; k++)
x.b[k] = A[k] ^ xor[k];
memcpy((&x.b[0]) + BLOCKSIZE8, &(R[i]), BLOCKSIZE8);
memcpy(A, &m.b[0], BLOCKSIZE8);
//for(k=0 ; k<BLOCKSIZE8 ; k++)
// A[k] = m.b[k];
for(k=0 ; k<BLOCKSIZE8 ; k++)
R[i][k] = m.b[k + BLOCKSIZE8];
memcpy(plain, A, BLOCKSIZE8);
for(i = 0; i < nblock ; i++)
memcpy(plain + (i+1)*BLOCKSIZE8, &R[i], BLOCKSIZE8);
void TestAESWRAP()
unsigned char kek[] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F};
unsigned char plaintext[] = {0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
unsigned char cipher[16+ 8];
unsigned char iv[] = {0xA6, 0xA6, 0xA6, 0xA6, 0xA6, 0xA6, 0xA6, 0xA6};
unsigned char plaintext1[] ={0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F,
0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F};
AES_WRAP(plaintext, 16,
iv, 8,
kek, 16,
AES_UnWRAP(cipher, 24,
kek, 16,
plaintext, 24);
#endif // RTL_WPA2