2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00

188 lines
7.3 KiB

# Small event handler to automatically open URLs and file
# bug reports at a bugzilla of your choiche
# it uses XML-RPC interface, so you must have it enabled
# Before using you must define BUGZILLA_USER, BUGZILLA_PASS credentials,
# BUGZILLA_XMLRPC - uri of xmlrpc.cgi,
# BUGZILLA_PRODUCT, BUGZILLA_COMPONENT - a place in BTS for build bugs
# BUGZILLA_VERSION - version against which to report new bugs
def bugzilla_find_bug_report(debug_file, server, args, bugname):
args['summary'] = bugname
bugs = server.Bug.search(args)
if len(bugs['bugs']) == 0:
print >> debug_file, "Bugs not found"
return (False,None)
else: # silently pick the first result
print >> debug_file, "Result of bug search is "
print >> debug_file, bugs
status = bugs['bugs'][0]['status']
id = bugs['bugs'][0]['id']
return (not status in ["CLOSED", "RESOLVED", "VERIFIED"],id)
def bugzilla_file_bug(debug_file, server, args, name, text, version):
args['summary'] = name
args['comment'] = text
args['version'] = version
args['op_sys'] = 'Linux'
args['platform'] = 'Other'
args['severity'] = 'normal'
args['priority'] = 'Normal'
return server.Bug.create(args)['id']
except Exception, e:
print >> debug_file, repr(e)
return None
def bugzilla_reopen_bug(debug_file, server, args, bug_number):
args['ids'] = [bug_number]
args['status'] = "CONFIRMED"
return True
except Exception, e:
print >> debug_file, repr(e)
return False
def bugzilla_create_attachment(debug_file, server, args, bug_number, text, file_name, log, logdescription):
args['ids'] = [bug_number]
args['file_name'] = file_name
args['summary'] = logdescription
args['content_type'] = "text/plain"
args['data'] = log
args['comment'] = text
return True
except Exception, e:
print >> debug_file, repr(e)
return False
def bugzilla_add_comment(debug_file, server, args, bug_number, text):
args['id'] = bug_number
args['comment'] = text
return True
except Exception, e:
print >> debug_file, repr(e)
return False
addhandler bugzilla_eventhandler
bugzilla_eventhandler[eventmask] = "bb.event.MsgNote bb.build.TaskFailed"
python bugzilla_eventhandler() {
import glob
import xmlrpclib, httplib
class ProxiedTransport(xmlrpclib.Transport):
def __init__(self, proxy, use_datetime = 0):
xmlrpclib.Transport.__init__(self, use_datetime)
self.proxy = proxy
self.user = None
self.password = None
def set_user(self, user):
self.user = user
def set_password(self, password):
self.password = password
def make_connection(self, host):
self.realhost = host
return httplib.HTTP(self.proxy)
def send_request(self, connection, handler, request_body):
connection.putrequest("POST", 'http://%s%s' % (self.realhost, handler))
if self.user != None:
if self.password != None:
auth = "%s:%s" % (self.user, self.password)
auth = self.user
connection.putheader("Proxy-authorization", "Basic " + base64.encodestring(auth))
event = e
data = e.data
name = bb.event.getName(event)
if name == "MsgNote":
# avoid recursion
if name == "TaskFailed":
xmlrpc = data.getVar("BUGZILLA_XMLRPC", True)
user = data.getVar("BUGZILLA_USER", True)
passw = data.getVar("BUGZILLA_PASS", True)
product = data.getVar("BUGZILLA_PRODUCT", True)
compon = data.getVar("BUGZILLA_COMPONENT", True)
version = data.getVar("BUGZILLA_VERSION", True)
proxy = data.getVar('http_proxy', True )
if (proxy):
import urllib2
s, u, p, hostport = urllib2._parse_proxy(proxy)
transport = ProxiedTransport(hostport)
transport = None
server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(xmlrpc, transport=transport, verbose=0)
args = {
'Bugzilla_login': user,
'Bugzilla_password': passw,
'product': product,
'component': compon}
# evil hack to figure out what is going on
debug_file = open(os.path.join(data.getVar("TMPDIR", True),"..","bugzilla-log"),"a")
file = None
bugname = "%(package)s-%(pv)s-autobuild" % { "package" : data.getVar("PN", True),
"pv" : data.getVar("PV", True),
log_file = glob.glob("%s/log.%s.*" % (event.data.getVar('T', True), event.task))
text = "The %s step in %s failed at %s for machine %s" % (e.task, data.getVar("PN", True), data.getVar('DATETIME', True), data.getVar( 'MACHINE', True ) )
if len(log_file) != 0:
print >> debug_file, "Adding log file %s" % log_file[0]
file = open(log_file[0], 'r')
log = file.read()
print >> debug_file, "No log file found for the glob"
log = None
(bug_open, bug_number) = bugzilla_find_bug_report(debug_file, server, args.copy(), bugname)
print >> debug_file, "Bug is open: %s and bug number: %s" % (bug_open, bug_number)
# The bug is present and still open, attach an error log
if not bug_number:
bug_number = bugzilla_file_bug(debug_file, server, args.copy(), bugname, text, version)
if not bug_number:
print >> debug_file, "Couldn't acquire a new bug_numer, filing a bugreport failed"
print >> debug_file, "The new bug_number: '%s'" % bug_number
elif not bug_open:
if not bugzilla_reopen_bug(debug_file, server, args.copy(), bug_number):
print >> debug_file, "Failed to reopen the bug #%s" % bug_number
print >> debug_file, "Reopened the bug #%s" % bug_number
if bug_number and log:
print >> debug_file, "The bug is known as '%s'" % bug_number
desc = "Build log for machine %s" % (data.getVar('MACHINE', True))
if not bugzilla_create_attachment(debug_file, server, args.copy(), bug_number, text, log_file[0], log, desc):
print >> debug_file, "Failed to attach the build log for bug #%s" % bug_number
print >> debug_file, "Created an attachment for '%s' '%s' '%s'" % (product, compon, bug_number)
print >> debug_file, "Not trying to create an attachment for bug #%s" % bug_number
if not bugzilla_add_comment(debug_file, server, args.copy(), bug_number, text, ):
print >> debug_file, "Failed to create a comment the build log for bug #%s" % bug_number
print >> debug_file, "Created an attachment for '%s' '%s' '%s'" % (product, compon, bug_number)
# store bug number for oestats-client
if bug_number:
data.setVar('OESTATS_BUG_NUMBER', bug_number)