2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00

1034 lines
46 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script has subcommands which operate against your bitbake layers, either
# displaying useful information, or acting against them.
# See the help output for details on available commands.
# Copyright (C) 2011 Mentor Graphics Corporation
# Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Intel Corporation
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import logging
import os
import sys
import fnmatch
from collections import defaultdict
import argparse
import re
import httplib, urlparse, json
import subprocess
bindir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
topdir = os.path.dirname(bindir)
sys.path[0:0] = [os.path.join(topdir, 'lib')]
import bb.cache
import bb.cooker
import bb.providers
import bb.utils
import bb.tinfoil
def logger_create(name, output=sys.stderr):
logger = logging.getLogger(name)
console = logging.StreamHandler(output)
format = bb.msg.BBLogFormatter("%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
if output.isatty():
return logger
logger = logger_create('bitbake-layers')
class Commands():
def __init__(self):
self.bbhandler = None
self.bblayers = []
def init_bbhandler(self, config_only = False):
if not self.bbhandler:
self.bbhandler = bb.tinfoil.Tinfoil()
self.bblayers = (self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBLAYERS', True) or "").split()
def do_show_layers(self, args):
"""show current configured layers"""
self.init_bbhandler(config_only = True)
logger.plain("%s %s %s" % ("layer".ljust(20), "path".ljust(40), "priority"))
logger.plain('=' * 74)
for layerdir in self.bblayers:
layername = self.get_layer_name(layerdir)
layerpri = 0
for layer, _, regex, pri in self.bbhandler.cooker.recipecache.bbfile_config_priorities:
if regex.match(os.path.join(layerdir, 'test')):
layerpri = pri
logger.plain("%s %s %d" % (layername.ljust(20), layerdir.ljust(40), layerpri))
def do_add_layer(self, args):
"""Add a layer to bblayers.conf
Adds the specified layer to bblayers.conf
layerdir = os.path.abspath(args.layerdir)
if not os.path.exists(layerdir):
sys.stderr.write("Specified layer directory doesn't exist\n")
return 1
layer_conf = os.path.join(layerdir, 'conf', 'layer.conf')
if not os.path.exists(layer_conf):
sys.stderr.write("Specified layer directory doesn't contain a conf/layer.conf file\n")
return 1
bblayers_conf = os.path.join('conf', 'bblayers.conf')
if not os.path.exists(bblayers_conf):
sys.stderr.write("Unable to find bblayers.conf\n")
return 1
(notadded, _) = bb.utils.edit_bblayers_conf(bblayers_conf, layerdir, None)
if notadded:
for item in notadded:
sys.stderr.write("Specified layer %s is already in BBLAYERS\n" % item)
def do_remove_layer(self, args):
"""Remove a layer from bblayers.conf
Removes the specified layer from bblayers.conf
bblayers_conf = os.path.join('conf', 'bblayers.conf')
if not os.path.exists(bblayers_conf):
sys.stderr.write("Unable to find bblayers.conf\n")
return 1
if args.layerdir.startswith('*'):
layerdir = args.layerdir
layerdir = os.path.abspath(args.layerdir)
(_, notremoved) = bb.utils.edit_bblayers_conf(bblayers_conf, None, layerdir)
if notremoved:
for item in notremoved:
sys.stderr.write("No layers matching %s found in BBLAYERS\n" % item)
return 1
def get_json_data(self, apiurl):
proxy_settings = os.environ.get("http_proxy", None)
conn = None
_parsedurl = urlparse.urlparse(apiurl)
path = _parsedurl.path
query = _parsedurl.query
def parse_url(url):
parsedurl = urlparse.urlparse(url)
if parsedurl.netloc[0] == '[':
host, port = parsedurl.netloc[1:].split(']', 1)
if ':' in port:
port = port.rsplit(':', 1)[1]
port = None
if parsedurl.netloc.count(':') == 1:
(host, port) = parsedurl.netloc.split(":")
host = parsedurl.netloc
port = None
return (host, 80 if port is None else int(port))
if proxy_settings is None:
host, port = parse_url(apiurl)
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port)
conn.request("GET", path + "?" + query)
host, port = parse_url(proxy_settings)
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port)
conn.request("GET", apiurl)
r = conn.getresponse()
if r.status != 200:
raise Exception("Failed to read " + path + ": %d %s" % (r.status, r.reason))
return json.loads(r.read())
def get_layer_deps(self, layername, layeritems, layerbranches, layerdependencies, branchnum, selfname=False):
def layeritems_info_id(items_name, layeritems):
litems_id = None
for li in layeritems:
if li['name'] == items_name:
litems_id = li['id']
return litems_id
def layerbranches_info(items_id, layerbranches):
lbranch = {}
for lb in layerbranches:
if lb['layer'] == items_id and lb['branch'] == branchnum:
lbranch['id'] = lb['id']
lbranch['vcs_subdir'] = lb['vcs_subdir']
return lbranch
def layerdependencies_info(lb_id, layerdependencies):
ld_deps = []
for ld in layerdependencies:
if ld['layerbranch'] == lb_id and not ld['dependency'] in ld_deps:
if not ld_deps:
logger.error("The dependency of layerDependencies is not found.")
return ld_deps
def layeritems_info_name_subdir(items_id, layeritems):
litems = {}
for li in layeritems:
if li['id'] == items_id:
litems['vcs_url'] = li['vcs_url']
litems['name'] = li['name']
return litems
if selfname:
selfid = layeritems_info_id(layername, layeritems)
lbinfo = layerbranches_info(selfid, layerbranches)
if lbinfo:
selfsubdir = lbinfo['vcs_subdir']
logger.error("%s is not found in the specified branch" % layername)
selfurl = layeritems_info_name_subdir(selfid, layeritems)['vcs_url']
if selfurl:
return selfurl, selfsubdir
logger.error("Cannot get layer %s git repo and subdir" % layername)
ldict = {}
itemsid = layeritems_info_id(layername, layeritems)
if not itemsid:
return layername, None
lbid = layerbranches_info(itemsid, layerbranches)
if lbid:
lbid = layerbranches_info(itemsid, layerbranches)['id']
logger.error("%s is not found in the specified branch" % layername)
return None, None
for dependency in layerdependencies_info(lbid, layerdependencies):
lname = layeritems_info_name_subdir(dependency, layeritems)['name']
lurl = layeritems_info_name_subdir(dependency, layeritems)['vcs_url']
lsubdir = layerbranches_info(dependency, layerbranches)['vcs_subdir']
ldict[lname] = lurl, lsubdir
return None, ldict
def get_fetch_layer(self, fetchdir, url, subdir, fetch_layer):
layername = self.get_layer_name(url)
if os.path.splitext(layername)[1] == '.git':
layername = os.path.splitext(layername)[0]
repodir = os.path.join(fetchdir, layername)
layerdir = os.path.join(repodir, subdir)
if not os.path.exists(repodir):
if fetch_layer:
result = subprocess.call('git clone %s %s' % (url, repodir), shell = True)
if result:
logger.error("Failed to download %s" % url)
return None, None
return layername, layerdir
logger.plain("Repository %s needs to be fetched" % url)
return layername, layerdir
elif os.path.exists(layerdir):
return layername, layerdir
logger.error("%s is not in %s" % (url, subdir))
return None, None
def do_layerindex_fetch(self, args):
"""Fetches a layer from a layer index along with its dependent layers, and adds them to conf/bblayers.conf.
self.init_bbhandler(config_only = True)
apiurl = self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBLAYERS_LAYERINDEX_URL', True)
if not apiurl:
logger.error("Cannot get BBLAYERS_LAYERINDEX_URL")
if apiurl[-1] != '/':
apiurl += '/'
apiurl += "api/"
apilinks = self.get_json_data(apiurl)
branches = self.get_json_data(apilinks['branches'])
branchnum = 0
for branch in branches:
if branch['name'] == args.branch:
branchnum = branch['id']
if branchnum == 0:
validbranches = ', '.join([branch['name'] for branch in branches])
logger.error('Invalid layer branch name "%s". Valid branches: %s' % (args.branch, validbranches))
return 1
ignore_layers = []
for collection in self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBFILE_COLLECTIONS', True).split():
lname = self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBLAYERS_LAYERINDEX_NAME_%s' % collection, True)
if lname:
if args.ignore:
layeritems = self.get_json_data(apilinks['layerItems'])
layerbranches = self.get_json_data(apilinks['layerBranches'])
layerdependencies = self.get_json_data(apilinks['layerDependencies'])
invaluenames = []
repourls = {}
printlayers = []
def query_dependencies(layers, layeritems, layerbranches, layerdependencies, branchnum):
depslayer = []
for layername in layers:
invaluename, layerdict = self.get_layer_deps(layername, layeritems, layerbranches, layerdependencies, branchnum)
if layerdict:
repourls[layername] = self.get_layer_deps(layername, layeritems, layerbranches, layerdependencies, branchnum, selfname=True)
for layer in layerdict:
if not layer in ignore_layers:
printlayers.append((layername, layer, layerdict[layer][0], layerdict[layer][1]))
if not layer in ignore_layers and not layer in repourls:
repourls[layer] = (layerdict[layer][0], layerdict[layer][1])
if invaluename and not invaluename in invaluenames:
return depslayer
depslayers = query_dependencies(args.layername, layeritems, layerbranches, layerdependencies, branchnum)
while depslayers:
depslayer = query_dependencies(depslayers, layeritems, layerbranches, layerdependencies, branchnum)
depslayers = depslayer
if invaluenames:
for invaluename in invaluenames:
logger.error('Layer "%s" not found in layer index' % invaluename)
return 1
logger.plain("%s %s %s %s" % ("Layer".ljust(19), "Required by".ljust(19), "Git repository".ljust(54), "Subdirectory"))
logger.plain('=' * 115)
for layername in args.layername:
layerurl = repourls[layername]
logger.plain("%s %s %s %s" % (layername.ljust(20), '-'.ljust(20), layerurl[0].ljust(55), layerurl[1]))
printedlayers = []
for layer, dependency, gitrepo, subdirectory in printlayers:
if dependency in printedlayers:
logger.plain("%s %s %s %s" % (dependency.ljust(20), layer.ljust(20), gitrepo.ljust(55), subdirectory))
if repourls:
fetchdir = self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBLAYERS_FETCH_DIR', True)
if not fetchdir:
logger.error("Cannot get BBLAYERS_FETCH_DIR")
return 1
if not os.path.exists(fetchdir):
addlayers = []
for repourl, subdir in repourls.values():
name, layerdir = self.get_fetch_layer(fetchdir, repourl, subdir, not args.show_only)
if not name:
# Error already shown
return 1
addlayers.append((subdir, name, layerdir))
if not args.show_only:
for subdir, name, layerdir in set(addlayers):
if os.path.exists(layerdir):
if subdir:
logger.plain("Adding layer \"%s\" to conf/bblayers.conf" % subdir)
logger.plain("Adding layer \"%s\" to conf/bblayers.conf" % name)
localargs = argparse.Namespace()
localargs.layerdir = layerdir
def do_layerindex_show_depends(self, args):
"""Find layer dependencies from layer index.
args.show_only = True
args.ignore = []
def version_str(self, pe, pv, pr = None):
verstr = "%s" % pv
if pr:
verstr = "%s-%s" % (verstr, pr)
if pe:
verstr = "%s:%s" % (pe, verstr)
return verstr
def do_show_overlayed(self, args):
"""list overlayed recipes (where the same recipe exists in another layer)
Lists the names of overlayed recipes and the available versions in each
layer, with the preferred version first. Note that skipped recipes that
are overlayed will also be listed, with a " (skipped)" suffix.
items_listed = self.list_recipes('Overlayed recipes', None, True, args.same_version, args.filenames, True)
# Check for overlayed .bbclass files
classes = defaultdict(list)
for layerdir in self.bblayers:
classdir = os.path.join(layerdir, 'classes')
if os.path.exists(classdir):
for classfile in os.listdir(classdir):
if os.path.splitext(classfile)[1] == '.bbclass':
# Locating classes and other files is a bit more complicated than recipes -
# layer priority is not a factor; instead BitBake uses the first matching
# file in BBPATH, which is manipulated directly by each layer's
# conf/layer.conf in turn, thus the order of layers in bblayers.conf is a
# factor - however, each layer.conf is free to either prepend or append to
# BBPATH (or indeed do crazy stuff with it). Thus the order in BBPATH might
# not be exactly the order present in bblayers.conf either.
bbpath = str(self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBPATH', True))
overlayed_class_found = False
for (classfile, classdirs) in classes.items():
if len(classdirs) > 1:
if not overlayed_class_found:
logger.plain('=== Overlayed classes ===')
overlayed_class_found = True
mainfile = bb.utils.which(bbpath, os.path.join('classes', classfile))
if args.filenames:
logger.plain('%s' % mainfile)
# We effectively have to guess the layer here
logger.plain('%s:' % classfile)
mainlayername = '?'
for layerdir in self.bblayers:
classdir = os.path.join(layerdir, 'classes')
if mainfile.startswith(classdir):
mainlayername = self.get_layer_name(layerdir)
logger.plain(' %s' % mainlayername)
for classdir in classdirs:
fullpath = os.path.join(classdir, classfile)
if fullpath != mainfile:
if args.filenames:
print(' %s' % fullpath)
print(' %s' % self.get_layer_name(os.path.dirname(classdir)))
if overlayed_class_found:
items_listed = True;
if not items_listed:
logger.plain('No overlayed files found.')
def do_show_recipes(self, args):
"""list available recipes, showing the layer they are provided by
Lists the names of recipes and the available versions in each
layer, with the preferred version first. Optionally you may specify
pnspec to match a specified recipe name (supports wildcards). Note that
skipped recipes will also be listed, with a " (skipped)" suffix.
title = 'Available recipes:'
self.list_recipes(title, args.pnspec, False, False, args.filenames, args.multiple)
def list_recipes(self, title, pnspec, show_overlayed_only, show_same_ver_only, show_filenames, show_multi_provider_only):
pkg_pn = self.bbhandler.cooker.recipecache.pkg_pn
(latest_versions, preferred_versions) = bb.providers.findProviders(self.bbhandler.config_data, self.bbhandler.cooker.recipecache, pkg_pn)
allproviders = bb.providers.allProviders(self.bbhandler.cooker.recipecache)
# Ensure we list skipped recipes
# We are largely guessing about PN, PV and the preferred version here,
# but we have no choice since skipped recipes are not fully parsed
skiplist = self.bbhandler.cooker.skiplist.keys()
skiplist.sort( key=lambda fileitem: self.bbhandler.cooker.collection.calc_bbfile_priority(fileitem) )
for fn in skiplist:
recipe_parts = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))[0].split('_')
p = recipe_parts[0]
if len(recipe_parts) > 1:
ver = (None, recipe_parts[1], None)
ver = (None, 'unknown', None)
allproviders[p].append((ver, fn))
if not p in pkg_pn:
pkg_pn[p] = 'dummy'
preferred_versions[p] = (ver, fn)
def print_item(f, pn, ver, layer, ispref):
if f in skiplist:
skipped = ' (skipped)'
skipped = ''
if show_filenames:
if ispref:
logger.plain("%s%s", f, skipped)
logger.plain(" %s%s", f, skipped)
if ispref:
logger.plain("%s:", pn)
logger.plain(" %s %s%s", layer.ljust(20), ver, skipped)
preffiles = []
items_listed = False
for p in sorted(pkg_pn):
if pnspec:
if not fnmatch.fnmatch(p, pnspec):
if len(allproviders[p]) > 1 or not show_multi_provider_only:
pref = preferred_versions[p]
preffile = bb.cache.Cache.virtualfn2realfn(pref[1])[0]
if preffile not in preffiles:
preflayer = self.get_file_layer(preffile)
multilayer = False
same_ver = True
provs = []
for prov in allproviders[p]:
provfile = bb.cache.Cache.virtualfn2realfn(prov[1])[0]
provlayer = self.get_file_layer(provfile)
provs.append((provfile, provlayer, prov[0]))
if provlayer != preflayer:
multilayer = True
if prov[0] != pref[0]:
same_ver = False
if (multilayer or not show_overlayed_only) and (same_ver or not show_same_ver_only):
if not items_listed:
logger.plain('=== %s ===' % title)
items_listed = True
print_item(preffile, p, self.version_str(pref[0][0], pref[0][1]), preflayer, True)
for (provfile, provlayer, provver) in provs:
if provfile != preffile:
print_item(provfile, p, self.version_str(provver[0], provver[1]), provlayer, False)
# Ensure we don't show two entries for BBCLASSEXTENDed recipes
return items_listed
def do_flatten(self, args):
"""flatten layer configuration into a separate output directory.
Takes the specified layers (or all layers in the current layer
configuration if none are specified) and builds a "flattened" directory
containing the contents of all layers, with any overlayed recipes removed
and bbappends appended to the corresponding recipes. Note that some manual
cleanup may still be necessary afterwards, in particular:
* where non-recipe files (such as patches) are overwritten (the flatten
command will show a warning for these)
* where anything beyond the normal layer setup has been added to
layer.conf (only the lowest priority number layer's layer.conf is used)
* overridden/appended items from bbappends will need to be tidied up
* when the flattened layers do not have the same directory structure (the
flatten command should show a warning when this will cause a problem)
Warning: if you flatten several layers where another layer is intended to
be used "inbetween" them (in layer priority order) such that recipes /
bbappends in the layers interact, and then attempt to use the new output
layer together with that other layer, you may no longer get the same
build results (as the layer priority order has effectively changed).
if len(args.layer) == 1:
logger.error('If you specify layers to flatten you must specify at least two')
return 1
outputdir = args.outputdir
if os.path.exists(outputdir) and os.listdir(outputdir):
logger.error('Directory %s exists and is non-empty, please clear it out first' % outputdir)
return 1
layers = self.bblayers
if len(args.layer) > 2:
layernames = args.layer
found_layernames = []
found_layerdirs = []
for layerdir in layers:
layername = self.get_layer_name(layerdir)
if layername in layernames:
for layername in layernames:
if not layername in found_layernames:
logger.error('Unable to find layer %s in current configuration, please run "%s show-layers" to list configured layers' % (layername, os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))
layers = found_layerdirs
layernames = []
# Ensure a specified path matches our list of layers
def layer_path_match(path):
for layerdir in layers:
if path.startswith(os.path.join(layerdir, '')):
return layerdir
return None
appended_recipes = []
for layer in layers:
overlayed = []
for f in self.bbhandler.cooker.collection.overlayed.iterkeys():
for of in self.bbhandler.cooker.collection.overlayed[f]:
if of.startswith(layer):
logger.plain('Copying files from %s...' % layer )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(layer):
for f1 in files:
f1full = os.sep.join([root, f1])
if f1full in overlayed:
logger.plain(' Skipping overlayed file %s' % f1full )
ext = os.path.splitext(f1)[1]
if ext != '.bbappend':
fdest = f1full[len(layer):]
fdest = os.path.normpath(os.sep.join([outputdir,fdest]))
if os.path.exists(fdest):
if f1 == 'layer.conf' and root.endswith('/conf'):
logger.plain(' Skipping layer config file %s' % f1full )
logger.warn('Overwriting file %s', fdest)
bb.utils.copyfile(f1full, fdest)
if ext == '.bb':
if f1 in self.bbhandler.cooker.collection.appendlist:
appends = self.bbhandler.cooker.collection.appendlist[f1]
if appends:
logger.plain(' Applying appends to %s' % fdest )
for appendname in appends:
if layer_path_match(appendname):
self.apply_append(appendname, fdest)
# Take care of when some layers are excluded and yet we have included bbappends for those recipes
for recipename in self.bbhandler.cooker.collection.appendlist.iterkeys():
if recipename not in appended_recipes:
appends = self.bbhandler.cooker.collection.appendlist[recipename]
first_append = None
for appendname in appends:
layer = layer_path_match(appendname)
if layer:
if first_append:
self.apply_append(appendname, first_append)
fdest = appendname[len(layer):]
fdest = os.path.normpath(os.sep.join([outputdir,fdest]))
bb.utils.copyfile(appendname, fdest)
first_append = fdest
# Get the regex for the first layer in our list (which is where the conf/layer.conf file will
# have come from)
first_regex = None
layerdir = layers[0]
for layername, pattern, regex, _ in self.bbhandler.cooker.recipecache.bbfile_config_priorities:
if regex.match(os.path.join(layerdir, 'test')):
first_regex = regex
if first_regex:
# Find the BBFILES entries that match (which will have come from this conf/layer.conf file)
bbfiles = str(self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBFILES', True)).split()
bbfiles_layer = []
for item in bbfiles:
if first_regex.match(item):
newpath = os.path.join(outputdir, item[len(layerdir)+1:])
if bbfiles_layer:
# Check that all important layer files match BBFILES
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(outputdir):
for f1 in files:
ext = os.path.splitext(f1)[1]
if ext in ['.bb', '.bbappend']:
f1full = os.sep.join([root, f1])
entry_found = False
for item in bbfiles_layer:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(f1full, item):
entry_found = True
if not entry_found:
logger.warning("File %s does not match the flattened layer's BBFILES setting, you may need to edit conf/layer.conf or move the file elsewhere" % f1full)
def get_file_layer(self, filename):
for layer, _, regex, _ in self.bbhandler.cooker.recipecache.bbfile_config_priorities:
if regex.match(filename):
for layerdir in self.bblayers:
if regex.match(os.path.join(layerdir, 'test')) and re.match(layerdir, filename):
return self.get_layer_name(layerdir)
return "?"
def get_file_layerdir(self, filename):
for layer, _, regex, _ in self.bbhandler.cooker.recipecache.bbfile_config_priorities:
if regex.match(filename):
for layerdir in self.bblayers:
if regex.match(os.path.join(layerdir, 'test')) and re.match(layerdir, filename):
return layerdir
return "?"
def remove_layer_prefix(self, f):
"""Remove the layer_dir prefix, e.g., f = /path/to/layer_dir/foo/blah, the
return value will be: layer_dir/foo/blah"""
f_layerdir = self.get_file_layerdir(f)
prefix = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f_layerdir), '')
return f[len(prefix):] if f.startswith(prefix) else f
def get_layer_name(self, layerdir):
return os.path.basename(layerdir.rstrip(os.sep))
def apply_append(self, appendname, recipename):
appendfile = open(appendname, 'r')
recipefile = open(recipename, 'a')
recipefile.write('##### bbappended from %s #####\n' % self.get_file_layer(appendname))
def do_show_appends(self, args):
"""list bbappend files and recipe files they apply to
Lists recipes with the bbappends that apply to them as subitems.
if not self.bbhandler.cooker.collection.appendlist:
logger.plain('No append files found')
return 0
logger.plain('=== Appended recipes ===')
pnlist = list(self.bbhandler.cooker_data.pkg_pn.keys())
for pn in pnlist:
def show_appends_for_pn(self, pn):
filenames = self.bbhandler.cooker_data.pkg_pn[pn]
best = bb.providers.findBestProvider(pn,
best_filename = os.path.basename(best[3])
self.show_appends_output(filenames, best_filename)
def show_appends_for_skipped(self):
filenames = [os.path.basename(f)
for f in self.bbhandler.cooker.skiplist.iterkeys()]
self.show_appends_output(filenames, None, " (skipped)")
def show_appends_output(self, filenames, best_filename, name_suffix = ''):
appended, missing = self.get_appends_for_files(filenames)
if appended:
for basename, appends in appended:
logger.plain('%s%s:', basename, name_suffix)
for append in appends:
logger.plain(' %s', append)
if best_filename:
if best_filename in missing:
logger.warn('%s: missing append for preferred version',
def get_appends_for_files(self, filenames):
appended, notappended = [], []
for filename in filenames:
_, cls = bb.cache.Cache.virtualfn2realfn(filename)
if cls:
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
appends = self.bbhandler.cooker.collection.get_file_appends(basename)
if appends:
appended.append((basename, list(appends)))
return appended, notappended
def do_show_cross_depends(self, args):
"""Show dependencies between recipes that cross layer boundaries.
Figure out the dependencies between recipes that cross layer boundaries.
NOTE: .bbappend files can impact the dependencies.
ignore_layers = (args.ignore or '').split(',')
pkg_fn = self.bbhandler.cooker_data.pkg_fn
bbpath = str(self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('BBPATH', True))
self.require_re = re.compile(r"require\s+(.+)")
self.include_re = re.compile(r"include\s+(.+)")
self.inherit_re = re.compile(r"inherit\s+(.+)")
global_inherit = (self.bbhandler.config_data.getVar('INHERIT', True) or "").split()
for f in pkg_fn:
f = bb.cache.Cache.virtualfn2realfn(f)[0]
# Get the layername that the file is in
layername = self.get_file_layer(f)
deps = self.bbhandler.cooker_data.deps[f]
for pn in deps:
if pn in self.bbhandler.cooker_data.pkg_pn:
best = bb.providers.findBestProvider(pn,
self.check_cross_depends("DEPENDS", layername, f, best[3], args.filenames, ignore_layers)
all_rdeps = self.bbhandler.cooker_data.rundeps[f].values()
# Remove the duplicated or null one.
sorted_rdeps = {}
# The all_rdeps is the list in list, so we need two for loops
for k1 in all_rdeps:
for k2 in k1:
sorted_rdeps[k2] = 1
all_rdeps = sorted_rdeps.keys()
for rdep in all_rdeps:
all_p = bb.providers.getRuntimeProviders(self.bbhandler.cooker_data, rdep)
if all_p:
if f in all_p:
# The recipe provides this one itself, ignore
best = bb.providers.filterProvidersRunTime(all_p, rdep,
self.check_cross_depends("RDEPENDS", layername, f, best, args.filenames, ignore_layers)
all_rrecs = self.bbhandler.cooker_data.runrecs[f].values()
# Remove the duplicated or null one.
sorted_rrecs = {}
# The all_rrecs is the list in list, so we need two for loops
for k1 in all_rrecs:
for k2 in k1:
sorted_rrecs[k2] = 1
all_rrecs = sorted_rrecs.keys()
for rrec in all_rrecs:
all_p = bb.providers.getRuntimeProviders(self.bbhandler.cooker_data, rrec)
if all_p:
if f in all_p:
# The recipe provides this one itself, ignore
best = bb.providers.filterProvidersRunTime(all_p, rrec,
self.check_cross_depends("RRECOMMENDS", layername, f, best, args.filenames, ignore_layers)
# The inherit class
cls_re = re.compile('classes/')
if f in self.bbhandler.cooker_data.inherits:
inherits = self.bbhandler.cooker_data.inherits[f]
for cls in inherits:
# The inherits' format is [classes/cls, /path/to/classes/cls]
# ignore the classes/cls.
if not cls_re.match(cls):
classname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cls))[0]
if classname in global_inherit:
inherit_layername = self.get_file_layer(cls)
if inherit_layername != layername and not inherit_layername in ignore_layers:
if not args.filenames:
f_short = self.remove_layer_prefix(f)
cls = self.remove_layer_prefix(cls)
f_short = f
logger.plain("%s inherits %s" % (f_short, cls))
# The 'require/include xxx' in the bb file
pv_re = re.compile(r"\${PV}")
fnfile = open(f, 'r')
line = fnfile.readline()
while line:
m, keyword = self.match_require_include(line)
# Found the 'require/include xxxx'
if m:
needed_file = m.group(1)
# Replace the ${PV} with the real PV
if pv_re.search(needed_file) and f in self.bbhandler.cooker_data.pkg_pepvpr:
pv = self.bbhandler.cooker_data.pkg_pepvpr[f][1]
needed_file = re.sub(r"\${PV}", pv, needed_file)
self.print_cross_files(bbpath, keyword, layername, f, needed_file, args.filenames, ignore_layers)
line = fnfile.readline()
# The "require/include xxx" in conf/machine/*.conf, .inc and .bbclass
conf_re = re.compile(".*/conf/machine/[^\/]*\.conf$")
inc_re = re.compile(".*\.inc$")
# The "inherit xxx" in .bbclass
bbclass_re = re.compile(".*\.bbclass$")
for layerdir in self.bblayers:
layername = self.get_layer_name(layerdir)
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(layerdir):
for name in filenames:
f = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
s = conf_re.match(f) or inc_re.match(f) or bbclass_re.match(f)
if s:
ffile = open(f, 'r')
line = ffile.readline()
while line:
m, keyword = self.match_require_include(line)
# Only bbclass has the "inherit xxx" here.
if not m and f.endswith(".bbclass"):
m, keyword = self.match_inherit(line)
# Find a 'require/include xxxx'
if m:
self.print_cross_files(bbpath, keyword, layername, f, m.group(1) + bbclass, args.filenames, ignore_layers)
line = ffile.readline()
def print_cross_files(self, bbpath, keyword, layername, f, needed_filename, show_filenames, ignore_layers):
"""Print the depends that crosses a layer boundary"""
needed_file = bb.utils.which(bbpath, needed_filename)
if needed_file:
# Which layer is this file from
needed_layername = self.get_file_layer(needed_file)
if needed_layername != layername and not needed_layername in ignore_layers:
if not show_filenames:
f = self.remove_layer_prefix(f)
needed_file = self.remove_layer_prefix(needed_file)
logger.plain("%s %s %s" %(f, keyword, needed_file))
def match_inherit(self, line):
"""Match the inherit xxx line"""
return (self.inherit_re.match(line), "inherits")
def match_require_include(self, line):
"""Match the require/include xxx line"""
m = self.require_re.match(line)
keyword = "requires"
if not m:
m = self.include_re.match(line)
keyword = "includes"
return (m, keyword)
def check_cross_depends(self, keyword, layername, f, needed_file, show_filenames, ignore_layers):
"""Print the DEPENDS/RDEPENDS file that crosses a layer boundary"""
best_realfn = bb.cache.Cache.virtualfn2realfn(needed_file)[0]
needed_layername = self.get_file_layer(best_realfn)
if needed_layername != layername and not needed_layername in ignore_layers:
if not show_filenames:
f = self.remove_layer_prefix(f)
best_realfn = self.remove_layer_prefix(best_realfn)
logger.plain("%s %s %s" % (f, keyword, best_realfn))
def main():
cmds = Commands()
def add_command(cmdname, function, *args, **kwargs):
# Convert docstring for function to help (one-liner shown in main --help) and description (shown in subcommand --help)
docsplit = function.__doc__.splitlines()
help = docsplit[0]
if len(docsplit) > 1:
desc = '\n'.join(docsplit[1:])
desc = help
subparser = subparsers.add_parser(cmdname, *args, help=help, description=desc, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, **kwargs)
return subparser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="BitBake layers utility",
epilog="Use %(prog)s <subcommand> --help to get help on a specific command")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', help='Enable debug output', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', help='Print only errors', action='store_true')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', metavar='<subcommand>')
parser_show_layers = add_command('show-layers', cmds.do_show_layers)
parser_add_layer = add_command('add-layer', cmds.do_add_layer)
parser_add_layer.add_argument('layerdir', help='Layer directory to add')
parser_remove_layer = add_command('remove-layer', cmds.do_remove_layer)
parser_remove_layer.add_argument('layerdir', help='Layer directory to remove (wildcards allowed, enclose in quotes to avoid shell expansion)')
parser_show_overlayed = add_command('show-overlayed', cmds.do_show_overlayed)
parser_show_overlayed.add_argument('-f', '--filenames', help='instead of the default formatting, list filenames of higher priority recipes with the ones they overlay indented underneath', action='store_true')
parser_show_overlayed.add_argument('-s', '--same-version', help='only list overlayed recipes where the version is the same', action='store_true')
parser_show_recipes = add_command('show-recipes', cmds.do_show_recipes)
parser_show_recipes.add_argument('-f', '--filenames', help='instead of the default formatting, list filenames of higher priority recipes with the ones they overlay indented underneath', action='store_true')
parser_show_recipes.add_argument('-m', '--multiple', help='only list where multiple recipes (in the same layer or different layers) exist for the same recipe name', action='store_true')
parser_show_recipes.add_argument('pnspec', nargs='?', help='optional recipe name specification (wildcards allowed, enclose in quotes to avoid shell expansion)')
parser_show_appends = add_command('show-appends', cmds.do_show_appends)
parser_flatten = add_command('flatten', cmds.do_flatten)
parser_flatten.add_argument('layer', nargs='*', help='Optional layer(s) to flatten (otherwise all are flattened)')
parser_flatten.add_argument('outputdir', help='Output directory')
parser_show_cross_depends = add_command('show-cross-depends', cmds.do_show_cross_depends)
parser_show_cross_depends.add_argument('-f', '--filenames', help='show full file path', action='store_true')
parser_show_cross_depends.add_argument('-i', '--ignore', help='ignore dependencies on items in the specified layer(s) (split multiple layer names with commas, no spaces)', metavar='LAYERNAME')
parser_layerindex_fetch = add_command('layerindex-fetch', cmds.do_layerindex_fetch)
parser_layerindex_fetch.add_argument('-n', '--show-only', help='show dependencies and do nothing else', action='store_true')
parser_layerindex_fetch.add_argument('-b', '--branch', help='branch name to fetch (default %(default)s)', default='master')
parser_layerindex_fetch.add_argument('-i', '--ignore', help='assume the specified layers do not need to be fetched/added (separate multiple layers with commas, no spaces)', metavar='LAYER')
parser_layerindex_fetch.add_argument('layername', nargs='+', help='layer to fetch')
parser_layerindex_show_depends = add_command('layerindex-show-depends', cmds.do_layerindex_show_depends)
parser_layerindex_show_depends.add_argument('-b', '--branch', help='branch name to fetch (default %(default)s)', default='master')
parser_layerindex_show_depends.add_argument('layername', nargs='+', help='layer to query')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.debug:
elif args.quiet:
ret = args.func(args)
return ret
if __name__ == "__main__":
ret = main()
except Exception:
ret = 1
import traceback