2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00

382 lines
14 KiB

# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
BitBake 'Fetch' implementations
Classes for obtaining upstream sources for the
BitBake build tools.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Based on functions from the base bb module, Copyright 2003 Holger Schurig
import re
import tempfile
import subprocess
import os
import logging
import bb
import urllib
from bb import data
from bb.fetch2 import FetchMethod
from bb.fetch2 import FetchError
from bb.fetch2 import logger
from bb.fetch2 import runfetchcmd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class Wget(FetchMethod):
"""Class to fetch urls via 'wget'"""
def supports(self, ud, d):
Check to see if a given url can be fetched with wget.
return ud.type in ['http', 'https', 'ftp']
def recommends_checksum(self, urldata):
return True
def urldata_init(self, ud, d):
if 'protocol' in ud.parm:
if ud.parm['protocol'] == 'git':
raise bb.fetch2.ParameterError("Invalid protocol - if you wish to fetch from a git repository using http, you need to instead use the git:// prefix with protocol=http", ud.url)
if 'downloadfilename' in ud.parm:
ud.basename = ud.parm['downloadfilename']
ud.basename = os.path.basename(ud.path)
ud.localfile = data.expand(urllib.unquote(ud.basename), d)
self.basecmd = d.getVar("FETCHCMD_wget", True) or "/usr/bin/env wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate"
def _runwget(self, ud, d, command, quiet):
logger.debug(2, "Fetching %s using command '%s'" % (ud.url, command))
bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, command)
runfetchcmd(command, d, quiet)
def download(self, ud, d):
"""Fetch urls"""
fetchcmd = self.basecmd
if 'downloadfilename' in ud.parm:
dldir = d.getVar("DL_DIR", True)
bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(dldir + os.sep + ud.localfile))
fetchcmd += " -O " + dldir + os.sep + ud.localfile
uri = ud.url.split(";")[0]
if os.path.exists(ud.localpath):
# file exists, but we didnt complete it.. trying again..
fetchcmd += d.expand(" -c -P ${DL_DIR} '%s'" % uri)
fetchcmd += d.expand(" -P ${DL_DIR} '%s'" % uri)
self._runwget(ud, d, fetchcmd, False)
# Sanity check since wget can pretend it succeed when it didn't
# Also, this used to happen if sourceforge sent us to the mirror page
if not os.path.exists(ud.localpath):
raise FetchError("The fetch command returned success for url %s but %s doesn't exist?!" % (uri, ud.localpath), uri)
if os.path.getsize(ud.localpath) == 0:
raise FetchError("The fetch of %s resulted in a zero size file?! Deleting and failing since this isn't right." % (uri), uri)
return True
def checkstatus(self, ud, d):
uri = ud.url.split(";")[0]
fetchcmd = self.basecmd + " --spider '%s'" % uri
self._runwget(ud, d, fetchcmd, True)
return True
def _parse_path(self, regex, s):
Find and group name, version and archive type in the given string s
m = regex.search(s)
if m:
pname = ''
pver = ''
ptype = ''
mdict = m.groupdict()
if 'name' in mdict.keys():
pname = mdict['name']
if 'pver' in mdict.keys():
pver = mdict['pver']
if 'type' in mdict.keys():
ptype = mdict['type']
bb.debug(3, "_parse_path: %s, %s, %s" % (pname, pver, ptype))
return (pname, pver, ptype)
return None
def _modelate_version(self, version):
if version[0] in ['.', '-']:
if version[1].isdigit():
version = version[1] + version[0] + version[2:len(version)]
version = version[1:len(version)]
version = re.sub('-', '.', version)
version = re.sub('_', '.', version)
version = re.sub('(rc)+', '.1000.', version)
version = re.sub('(beta)+', '.100.', version)
version = re.sub('(alpha)+', '.10.', version)
if version[0] == 'v':
version = version[1:len(version)]
return version
def _vercmp(self, old, new):
Check whether 'new' is newer than 'old' version. We use existing vercmp() for the
purpose. PE is cleared in comparison as it's not for build, and PR is cleared too
for simplicity as it's somehow difficult to get from various upstream format
(oldpn, oldpv, oldsuffix) = old
(newpn, newpv, newsuffix) = new
Check for a new suffix type that we have never heard of before
if (newsuffix):
m = self.suffix_regex_comp.search(newsuffix)
if not m:
bb.warn("%s has a possible unknown suffix: %s" % (newpn, newsuffix))
return False
Not our package so ignore it
if oldpn != newpn:
return False
oldpv = self._modelate_version(oldpv)
newpv = self._modelate_version(newpv)
return bb.utils.vercmp(("0", oldpv, ""), ("0", newpv, ""))
def _fetch_index(self, uri, ud, d):
Run fetch checkstatus to get directory information
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101027 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.6.12"
fetchcmd = self.basecmd
fetchcmd += " -O " + f.name + " --user-agent='" + agent + "' '" + uri + "'"
self._runwget(ud, d, fetchcmd, True)
fetchresult = f.read()
except bb.fetch2.BBFetchException:
fetchresult = ""
return fetchresult
def _check_latest_version(self, url, package, package_regex, current_version, ud, d):
Return the latest version of a package inside a given directory path
If error or no version, return ""
valid = 0
version = ['', '', '']
bb.debug(3, "VersionURL: %s" % (url))
soup = BeautifulSoup(self._fetch_index(url, ud, d))
if not soup:
bb.debug(3, "*** %s NO SOUP" % (url))
return ""
for line in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
bb.debug(3, "line['href'] = '%s'" % (line['href']))
bb.debug(3, "line = '%s'" % (str(line)))
newver = self._parse_path(package_regex, line['href'])
if not newver:
newver = self._parse_path(package_regex, str(line))
if newver:
bb.debug(3, "Upstream version found: %s" % newver[1])
if valid == 0:
version = newver
valid = 1
elif self._vercmp(version, newver) < 0:
version = newver
pupver = re.sub('_', '.', version[1])
bb.debug(3, "*** %s -> UpstreamVersion = %s (CurrentVersion = %s)" %
(package, pupver or "N/A", current_version[1]))
if valid:
return pupver
return ""
def _check_latest_version_by_dir(self, dirver, package, package_regex,
current_version, ud, d):
Scan every directory in order to get upstream version.
version_dir = ['', '', '']
version = ['', '', '']
dirver_regex = re.compile("(\D*)((\d+[\.-_])+(\d+))")
s = dirver_regex.search(dirver)
if s:
version_dir[1] = s.group(2)
version_dir[1] = dirver
dirs_uri = bb.fetch.encodeurl([ud.type, ud.host,
ud.path.split(dirver)[0], ud.user, ud.pswd, {}])
bb.debug(3, "DirURL: %s, %s" % (dirs_uri, package))
soup = BeautifulSoup(self._fetch_index(dirs_uri, ud, d))
if not soup:
return version[1]
for line in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
s = dirver_regex.search(line['href'].strip("/"))
if s:
version_dir_new = ['', s.group(2), '']
if self._vercmp(version_dir, version_dir_new) <= 0:
dirver_new = s.group(1) + s.group(2)
path = ud.path.replace(dirver, dirver_new, True) \
uri = bb.fetch.encodeurl([ud.type, ud.host, path,
ud.user, ud.pswd, {}])
pupver = self._check_latest_version(uri,
package, package_regex, current_version, ud, d)
if pupver:
version[1] = pupver
version_dir = version_dir_new
return version[1]
def _init_regexes(self, package, ud, d):
Match as many patterns as possible such as:
gnome-common-2.20.0.tar.gz (most common format)
# match most patterns which uses "-" as separator to version digits
pn_prefix1 = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*([-_][a-zA-Z]\w+)*\+?[-_]"
# a loose pattern such as for unzip552.tar.gz
pn_prefix2 = "[a-zA-Z]+"
# a loose pattern such as for 80325-quicky-0.4.tar.gz
pn_prefix3 = "[0-9]+[-]?[a-zA-Z]+"
# Save the Package Name (pn) Regex for use later
pn_regex = "(%s|%s|%s)" % (pn_prefix1, pn_prefix2, pn_prefix3)
# match version
pver_regex = "(([A-Z]*\d+[a-zA-Z]*[\.-_]*)+)"
# match arch
parch_regex = "-source|_all_"
# src.rpm extension was added only for rpm package. Can be removed if the rpm
# packaged will always be considered as having to be manually upgraded
psuffix_regex = "(tar\.gz|tgz|tar\.bz2|zip|xz|rpm|bz2|orig\.tar\.gz|tar\.xz|src\.tar\.gz|src\.tgz|svnr\d+\.tar\.bz2|stable\.tar\.gz|src\.rpm)"
# match name, version and archive type of a package
package_regex_comp = re.compile("(?P<name>%s?\.?v?)(?P<pver>%s)(?P<arch>%s)?[\.-](?P<type>%s$)"
% (pn_regex, pver_regex, parch_regex, psuffix_regex))
self.suffix_regex_comp = re.compile(psuffix_regex)
# compile regex, can be specific by package or generic regex
pn_regex = d.getVar('REGEX', True)
if pn_regex:
package_custom_regex_comp = re.compile(pn_regex)
version = self._parse_path(package_regex_comp, package)
if version:
package_custom_regex_comp = re.compile(
"(?P<name>%s)(?P<pver>%s)(?P<arch>%s)?[\.-](?P<type>%s)" %
(re.escape(version[0]), pver_regex, parch_regex, psuffix_regex))
package_custom_regex_comp = None
return package_custom_regex_comp
def latest_versionstring(self, ud, d):
Manipulate the URL and try to obtain the latest package version
sanity check to ensure same name and type.
package = ud.path.split("/")[-1]
current_version = ['', d.getVar('PV', True), '']
"""possible to have no version in pkg name, such as spectrum-fw"""
if not re.search("\d+", package):
current_version[1] = re.sub('_', '.', current_version[1])
current_version[1] = re.sub('-', '.', current_version[1])
return current_version[1]
package_regex = self._init_regexes(package, ud, d)
if package_regex is None:
bb.warn("latest_versionstring: package %s don't match pattern" % (package))
return ""
bb.debug(3, "latest_versionstring, regex: %s" % (package_regex.pattern))
uri = ""
regex_uri = d.getVar("REGEX_URI", True)
if not regex_uri:
path = ud.path.split(package)[0]
# search for version matches on folders inside the path, like:
# "5.7" in http://download.gnome.org/sources/${PN}/5.7/${PN}-${PV}.tar.gz
dirver_regex = re.compile("(?P<dirver>[^/]*(\d+\.)*\d+([-_]r\d+)*)/")
m = dirver_regex.search(path)
if m:
pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
dirver = m.group('dirver')
dirver_pn_regex = re.compile("%s\d?" % (re.escape(pn)))
if not dirver_pn_regex.search(dirver):
return self._check_latest_version_by_dir(dirver,
package, package_regex, current_version, ud, d)
uri = bb.fetch.encodeurl([ud.type, ud.host, path, ud.user, ud.pswd, {}])
uri = regex_uri
return self._check_latest_version(uri, package, package_regex,
current_version, ud, d)