page.title=Application Model @jd:body

Android Application Model: Applications, Tasks, Processes, and Threads

In most operating systems, there is a strong 1-to-1 correlation between the executable image (such as the .exe on Windows) that an application lives in, the process it runs in, and the icon and application the user interacts with. In Android these associations are much more fluid, and it is important to understand how the various pieces can be put together.

Because of the flexible nature of Android applications, there is some basic terminology that needs to be understood when implementing the various pieces of an application:


A key point here is: when the user sees as an "application," what they are actually dealing with is a task. If you just create a .apk with a number of activities, one of which is a top-level entry point (via an {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestIntentFilter intent-filter} for the action android.intent.action.MAIN and category android.intent.category.LAUNCHER), then there will indeed be one task created for your .apk, and any activities you start from there will also run as part of that task.

A task, then, from the user's perspective your application; and from the application developer's perspective it is one or more activities the user has traversed through in that task and not yet closed, or an activity stack. A new task is created by starting an activity Intent with the {@link android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK} flag; this Intent will be used as the root Intent of the task, defining what task it is. Any activity started without this flag will run in the same task as the activity that is starting it (unless that activity has requested a special launch mode, as discussed later). Tasks can be re-ordered: if you use FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK but there is already a task running for that Intent, the current task's activity stack will be brought to the foreground instead of starting a new task.

FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK must only be used with care: using it says that, from the user's perspective, a new application starts at this point. If this is not the behavior you desire, you should not be creating a new task. In addition, you should only use the new task flag if it is possible for the user to navigate from home back to where they are and launch the same Intent as a new task. Otherwise, if the user presses HOME instead of BACK from the task you have launched, your task and its activities will be ordered behind the home screen without a way to return to them.

Task Affinities

In some cases Android needs to know which task an activity belongs to even when it is not being launched in to a specific task. This is accomplished through task affinities, which provide a unique static name for the task that one or more activities are intended to run in. The default task affinity for an activity is the name of the .apk package name the activity is implemented in. This provides the normally expected behavior, where all of the activities in a particular .apk are part of a single application to the user.

When starting a new activity without the {@link android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK} flag, task affinities have no impact on the task the new activity will run in: it will always run in the task of the activity that is starting it. However, if the NEW_TASK flag is being used, then the affinity will be used to determine if a task already exists with the same affinity. If so, that task will be brought to the front and the new activity launched at the top of that task.

This behavior is most useful for situations where you must use the NEW_TASK flag, in particular launching activities from status bar notifications or home screen shortcuts. The result is that, when the user launches your application this way, its current task state will be brought to the foreground, and the activity they now want to look at placed on top of it.

You can assign your own task affinities in your manifest's {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestApplication application} tag for all activities in the .apk, or the {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestActivity activity} tag of individual activities. Some examples of how this can be used are:

  • If you are replacing a notification, shortcut, or other such "inner" activity of an application that can be launched from outside of it, you may need to explicitly set the taskAffinity of your replacement activity to be the same as the application you are replacing. For example, if you are replacing the contacts details view (which the user can make and invoke shortcuts to), you would want to set the taskAffinity to "".
  • Launch Modes and Launch Flags

    The main way you control how activities interact with tasks is through the activity's {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestActivity_launchMode launchMode} attribute and the {@link android.content.Intent#setFlags flags} associated with an Intent. These two parameters can work together in various ways to control the outcome of the activity launch, as described in their associated documentation. Here we will look at some common use cases and combinations of these parameters.

    The most common launch mode you will use (besides the default standard mode) is singleTop. This does not have an impact on tasks; it just avoids starting the same activity multiple times on the top of a stack.

    The singleTask launch mode has a major impact on tasks: it causes the activity to always be started in a new task (or its existing task to be brought to the foreground). Using this mode requires a lot of care in how you interact with the rest of the system, as it impacts every path in to the activity. It should only be used with activities that are front doors to the application (that is, which support the MAIN action and LAUNCHER category).

    The singleInstance launch mode is even more specialized, and should only be used in applications that are implemented entirely as one activity.

    A situation you will often run in to is when another entity (such as the {@link} or {@link}) starts one of your activities. In this case, the {@link android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK} flag must be used, because the activity is being started outside of a task (and the application/task may not even exist). As described previously, the standard behavior in this situation is to bring to the foreground the current task matching the new activity's affinity and start the new activity at the top of it. There are, however, other types of behavior that you can implement.

    One common approach is to also use the {@link android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP} flag in conjunction with NEW_TASK. By doing so, if your task is already running, then it will be brought to the foreground, all of the activities on its stack cleared except the root activity, and the root activity's {@link} called with the Intent being started. Note that the activity often also use the singleTop or singleTask launch mode when using this approach, so that the current instance is given the new intent instead of requiring that it be destroyed and a new instance started.

    Another approach you can take is to set the notification activity's android:taskAffinity to the empty string "" (indicating no affinity) and setting the {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestActivity_noHistory android:noHistory} and {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestActivity_excludeFromRecents android:excludeFromRecents} attributes. This approach is useful if you would like the notification to take the user to a separate activity describing it, rather than return to the application's task. By specifying these attributes, the activity will be finished whether the user leaves it with BACK or HOME and it will not show up in the recent tasks list; if the noHistory attribute isn't specified, pressing HOME will result in the activity and its task remaining in the system, possibly with no way to return to it.

    Be sure to read the documentation on the {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestActivity_launchMode launchMode attribute} and the {@link android.content.Intent#setFlags Intent flags} for the details on these options.


    In Android, processes are entirely an implementation detail of applications and not something the user is normally aware of. Their main uses are simply:

    As described previously, the {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestApplication_process process} attribute is used to control the process that particular application components run in. Note that this attribute can not be used to violate security of the system: if two .apks that are not sharing the same user ID try to run in the same process, this will not be allowed and different distinct processes will be created for each of them.

    See the security document for more information on these security restrictions.


    Every process has one or more threads running in it. In most situations, Android avoids creating additional threads in a process, keeping an application single-threaded unless it creates its own threads. An important repercussion of this is that all calls to {@link}, {@link android.content.BroadcastReceiver}, and {@link} instances are made only from the main thread of the process they are running in.

    Note that a new thread is not created for each Activity, BroadcastReceiver, Service, or ContentProvider instance: these application components are instantiated in the desired process (all in the same process unless otherwise specified), in the main thread of that process. This means that none of these components (including services) should perform long or blocking operations (such as networking calls or computation loops) when called by the system, since this will block all other components in the process. You can use the standard library {@link java.lang.Thread} class or Android's {@link android.os.HandlerThread} convenience class to perform long operations on another thread.

    There are a few important exceptions to this threading rule: