DESCRIPTION = "Package maintenance system for Debian." LICENSE = "GPLv2.0+" SECTION = "base" INC_PR = "r16" SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.bz2 \ file://ignore_extra_fields.patch" DEPENDS = "zlib bzip2 perl" DEPENDS_virtclass-native = "bzip2-native zlib-native virtual/update-alternatives-native gettext-native perl-native-runtime" RDEPENDS_${PN} = "${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_update-alternatives}" RDEPENDS_${PN}_virtclass-native = "" S = "${WORKDIR}/${BPN}-${PV}" PARALLEL_MAKE = "" inherit autotools gettext perlnative export PERL_LIBDIR = "${libdir}/perl" PERL_LIBDIR_virtclass-native = "${libdir}/perl-native/perl" EXTRA_OECONF = "--without-static-progs \ --without-dselect \ --with-start-stop-daemon \ --with-zlib \ --with-bz2lib \ --without-selinux \ --without-sgml-doc" do_configure () { echo >> m4/compiler.m4 sed -i -e 's#PERL_LIBDIR=.*$#PERL_LIBDIR="${libdir}/perl"#' ${S}/configure autotools_do_configure } DPKG_INIT_POSITION ?= "98" do_install_prepend () { install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}/rcS.d # this happens at S98 where our good 'ole packages script used to run printf "#!/bin/sh dpkg --configure -a rm -f ${sysconfdir}/rcS.d/S${DPKG_INIT_POSITION}configure " > ${D}/${sysconfdir}/rcS.d/S${DPKG_INIT_POSITION}configure chmod 0755 ${D}/${sysconfdir}/rcS.d/S${DPKG_INIT_POSITION}configure } do_install_append () { if [ "${PN}" = "dpkg-native" ]; then # update-alternatives doesn't have an offline mode rm ${D}${bindir}/update-alternatives else mv ${D}${bindir}/update-alternatives ${D}${sbindir} fi } PROV = "virtual/update-alternatives" PROV_virtclass-native = "" PROVIDES += "${PROV}" PACKAGES =+ "update-alternatives-dpkg" FILES_update-alternatives-dpkg = "${sbindir}/update-alternatives ${localstatedir}/lib/dpkg/alternatives ${sysconfdir}/alternatives" RPROVIDES_update-alternatives-dpkg += "update-alternatives" PACKAGES += "${PN}-perl" FILES_${PN}-perl = "${libdir}/perl" BBCLASSEXTEND = "native"