/* * Sigma Control API DUT (station/AP) * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Atheros Communications, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the Clear BSD license. See README for more details. */ #include "sigma_dut.h" #include #include "wpa_ctrl.h" #include "wpa_helpers.h" extern char *sigma_main_ifname; extern char *sigma_station_ifname; extern char *sigma_p2p_ifname; extern char *sigma_wpas_ctrl; char * get_main_ifname(void) { enum driver_type drv = get_driver_type(); enum openwrt_driver_type openwrt_drv = get_openwrt_driver_type(); if (sigma_main_ifname) return sigma_main_ifname; if (drv == DRIVER_ATHEROS || openwrt_drv == OPENWRT_DRIVER_ATHEROS) { if (if_nametoindex("ath2") > 0) return "ath2"; else if (if_nametoindex("ath1") > 0) return "ath1"; else return "ath0"; } if (if_nametoindex("p2p0") > 0) return "p2p0"; if (if_nametoindex("wlan1") > 0) { struct stat s; if (stat("/sys/module/mac80211", &s) == 0 && if_nametoindex("wlan0")) { /* * Likely a dual-radio AP device; use wlan0 for STA/P2P * operations. */ return "wlan0"; } return "wlan1"; } if (if_nametoindex("wlan0") > 0) return "wlan0"; return "unknown"; } char * get_station_ifname(void) { if (sigma_station_ifname) return sigma_station_ifname; /* * If we have both wlan0 and wlan1, assume the first one is the station * interface. */ if (if_nametoindex("wlan1") > 0 && if_nametoindex("wlan0") > 0) return "wlan0"; if (if_nametoindex("ath0") > 0) return "ath0"; /* If nothing else matches, hope for best and guess.. */ return "wlan0"; } const char * get_p2p_ifname(const char *primary_ifname) { if (strcmp(get_station_ifname(), primary_ifname) != 0) return primary_ifname; if (sigma_p2p_ifname) return sigma_p2p_ifname; return get_station_ifname(); } void dut_ifc_reset(struct sigma_dut *dut) { char buf[256]; char *ifc = get_station_ifname(); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ifconfig %s down", ifc); run_system(dut, buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ifconfig %s up", ifc); run_system(dut, buf); } int wpa_command(const char *ifname, const char *cmd) { struct wpa_ctrl *ctrl; char buf[128]; size_t len; printf("wpa_command(ifname='%s', cmd='%s')\n", ifname, cmd); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", sigma_wpas_ctrl, ifname); ctrl = wpa_ctrl_open(buf); if (ctrl == NULL) { printf("wpa_command: wpa_ctrl_open(%s) failed\n", buf); return -1; } len = sizeof(buf); if (wpa_ctrl_request(ctrl, cmd, strlen(cmd), buf, &len, NULL) < 0) { printf("wpa_command: wpa_ctrl_request failed\n"); wpa_ctrl_close(ctrl); return -1; } wpa_ctrl_close(ctrl); buf[len] = '\0'; if (strncmp(buf, "FAIL", 4) == 0) { printf("wpa_command: Command failed (FAIL received)\n"); return -1; } return 0; } int wpa_command_resp(const char *ifname, const char *cmd, char *resp, size_t resp_size) { struct wpa_ctrl *ctrl; char buf[128]; size_t len; printf("wpa_command(ifname='%s', cmd='%s')\n", ifname, cmd); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", sigma_wpas_ctrl, ifname); ctrl = wpa_ctrl_open(buf); if (ctrl == NULL) { printf("wpa_command: wpa_ctrl_open(%s) failed\n", buf); return -1; } len = resp_size; if (wpa_ctrl_request(ctrl, cmd, strlen(cmd), resp, &len, NULL) < 0) { printf("wpa_command: wpa_ctrl_request failed\n"); wpa_ctrl_close(ctrl); return -1; } wpa_ctrl_close(ctrl); resp[len] = '\0'; return 0; } struct wpa_ctrl * open_wpa_mon(const char *ifname) { struct wpa_ctrl *ctrl; char path[256]; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", sigma_wpas_ctrl, ifname); ctrl = wpa_ctrl_open(path); if (ctrl == NULL) return NULL; if (wpa_ctrl_attach(ctrl) < 0) { wpa_ctrl_close(ctrl); return NULL; } return ctrl; } int get_wpa_cli_events(struct sigma_dut *dut, struct wpa_ctrl *mon, const char **events, char *buf, size_t buf_size) { int fd, ret; fd_set rfd; char *pos; struct timeval tv; time_t start, now; int i; for (i = 0; events[i]; i++) { sigma_dut_print(dut, DUT_MSG_DEBUG, "Waiting for wpa_cli event: %s", events[i]); } fd = wpa_ctrl_get_fd(mon); if (fd < 0) return -1; time(&start); while (1) { size_t len; FD_ZERO(&rfd); FD_SET(fd, &rfd); time(&now); if ((unsigned int) (now - start) >= dut->default_timeout) tv.tv_sec = 1; else tv.tv_sec = dut->default_timeout - (unsigned int) (now - start) + 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; ret = select(fd + 1, &rfd, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (ret == 0) { sigma_dut_print(dut, DUT_MSG_INFO, "Timeout on " "waiting for events"); return -1; } if (ret < 0) { sigma_dut_print(dut, DUT_MSG_INFO, "select: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } len = buf_size; if (wpa_ctrl_recv(mon, buf, &len) < 0) { sigma_dut_print(dut, DUT_MSG_ERROR, "Failure while " "waiting for events"); return -1; } if (len == buf_size) len--; buf[len] = '\0'; pos = strchr(buf, '>'); if (pos) { for (i = 0; events[i]; i++) { if (strncmp(pos + 1, events[i], strlen(events[i])) == 0) return 0; /* Event found */ } } time(&now); if ((unsigned int) (now - start) > dut->default_timeout) { sigma_dut_print(dut, DUT_MSG_INFO, "Timeout on " "waiting for event"); return -1; } } } int get_wpa_cli_event2(struct sigma_dut *dut, struct wpa_ctrl *mon, const char *event, const char *event2, char *buf, size_t buf_size) { const char *events[3] = { event, event2, NULL }; return get_wpa_cli_events(dut, mon, events, buf, buf_size); } int get_wpa_cli_event(struct sigma_dut *dut, struct wpa_ctrl *mon, const char *event, char *buf, size_t buf_size) { return get_wpa_cli_event2(dut, mon, event, NULL, buf, buf_size); } int get_wpa_status(const char *ifname, const char *field, char *obuf, size_t obuf_size) { struct wpa_ctrl *ctrl; char buf[4096]; char *pos, *end; size_t len, flen; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", sigma_wpas_ctrl, ifname); ctrl = wpa_ctrl_open(buf); if (ctrl == NULL) return -1; len = sizeof(buf); if (wpa_ctrl_request(ctrl, "STATUS", 6, buf, &len, NULL) < 0) { wpa_ctrl_close(ctrl); return -1; } wpa_ctrl_close(ctrl); buf[len] = '\0'; flen = strlen(field); pos = buf; while (pos + flen < buf + len) { if (pos > buf) { if (*pos != '\n') { pos++; continue; } pos++; } if (strncmp(pos, field, flen) != 0 || pos[flen] != '=') { pos++; continue; } pos += flen + 1; end = strchr(pos, '\n'); if (end == NULL) return -1; *end++ = '\0'; if (end - pos > (int) obuf_size) return -1; memcpy(obuf, pos, end - pos); return 0; } return -1; } int wait_ip_addr(struct sigma_dut *dut, const char *ifname, int timeout) { char ip[30]; int count = timeout; while (count > 0) { sigma_dut_print(dut, DUT_MSG_DEBUG, "%s: ifname='%s' - %d " "seconds remaining", __func__, ifname, count); count--; if (get_wpa_status(ifname, "ip_address", ip, sizeof(ip)) == 0 && strlen(ip) > 0) { sigma_dut_print(dut, DUT_MSG_INFO, "IP address " "found: '%s'", ip); return 0; } sleep(1); } sigma_dut_print(dut, DUT_MSG_INFO, "%s: Could not get IP address for " "ifname='%s'", __func__, ifname); return -1; } void remove_wpa_networks(const char *ifname) { char buf[4096]; char cmd[256]; char *pos; if (wpa_command_resp(ifname, "LIST_NETWORKS", buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) return; /* Skip the first line (header) */ pos = strchr(buf, '\n'); if (pos == NULL) return; pos++; while (pos && pos[0]) { int id = atoi(pos); snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "REMOVE_NETWORK %d", id); wpa_command(ifname, cmd); pos = strchr(pos, '\n'); if (pos) pos++; } } int add_network(const char *ifname) { char res[30]; if (wpa_command_resp(ifname, "ADD_NETWORK", res, sizeof(res)) < 0) return -1; return atoi(res); } int set_network(const char *ifname, int id, const char *field, const char *value) { char buf[200]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "SET_NETWORK %d %s %s", id, field, value); return wpa_command(ifname, buf); } int set_network_quoted(const char *ifname, int id, const char *field, const char *value) { char buf[200]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "SET_NETWORK %d %s \"%s\"", id, field, value); return wpa_command(ifname, buf); } int add_cred(const char *ifname) { char res[30]; if (wpa_command_resp(ifname, "ADD_CRED", res, sizeof(res)) < 0) return -1; return atoi(res); } int set_cred(const char *ifname, int id, const char *field, const char *value) { char buf[200]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "SET_CRED %d %s %s", id, field, value); return wpa_command(ifname, buf); } int set_cred_quoted(const char *ifname, int id, const char *field, const char *value) { char buf[200]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "SET_CRED %d %s \"%s\"", id, field, value); return wpa_command(ifname, buf); } int start_sta_mode(struct sigma_dut *dut) { FILE *f; char buf[100]; char *ifname; char *tmp, *pos; if (dut->mode == SIGMA_MODE_STATION) return 0; if (dut->mode == SIGMA_MODE_AP) { if (system("killall hostapd") == 0) { int i; /* Wait some time to allow hostapd to complete cleanup * before starting a new process */ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { usleep(500000); if (system("pidof hostapd") != 0) break; } } } if (dut->mode == SIGMA_MODE_SNIFFER && dut->sniffer_ifname) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ifconfig %s down", dut->sniffer_ifname); if (system(buf) != 0) { sigma_dut_print(dut, DUT_MSG_INFO, "Failed to run '%s'", buf); } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "iw dev %s set type station", dut->sniffer_ifname); if (system(buf) != 0) { sigma_dut_print(dut, DUT_MSG_INFO, "Failed to run '%s'", buf); } } dut->mode = SIGMA_MODE_STATION; ifname = get_main_ifname(); if (wpa_command(ifname, "PING") == 0) return 0; /* wpa_supplicant is already running */ /* Start wpa_supplicant */ f = fopen(SIGMA_TMPDIR "/sigma_dut-sta.conf", "w"); if (f == NULL) return -1; tmp = strdup(sigma_wpas_ctrl); if (tmp == NULL) { fclose(f); return -1; } pos = tmp; while (pos[0] != '\0' && pos[1] != '\0') pos++; if (*pos == '/') *pos = '\0'; fprintf(f, "ctrl_interface=%s\n", tmp); free(tmp); fprintf(f, "device_name=Test client\n"); fprintf(f, "device_type=1-0050F204-1\n"); fclose(f); #ifdef __QNXNTO__ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "wpa_supplicant -Dqca -i%s -B " "-c" SIGMA_TMPDIR "/sigma_dut-sta.conf", ifname); #else /*__QNXNTO__*/ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -i%s -B " "-c" SIGMA_TMPDIR "/sigma_dut-sta.conf", ifname); #endif /*__QNXNTO__*/ if (system(buf) != 0) { sigma_dut_print(dut, DUT_MSG_INFO, "Failed to run '%s'", buf); return -1; } sleep(1); if (wpa_command(ifname, "PING")) { sigma_dut_print(dut, DUT_MSG_INFO, "Failed to communicate " "with wpa_supplicant"); return -1; } return 0; } void stop_sta_mode(struct sigma_dut *dut) { wpa_command("wlan0", "TERMINATE"); wpa_command("wlan1", "TERMINATE"); wpa_command("ath0", "TERMINATE"); wpa_command("ath1", "TERMINATE"); }