Android HAL protocol for Bluetooth ================================== The Android HAL daemon for Bluetooth functionality implements the Unix socket server protocol around /run/bluetooth/daemon (tentative location) or Linux abstract sockets (tentative name). The daemon is single threaded and uses a mainloop for scheduling and general operation. The protocol is SOCK_SEQPACKET based and follows a strict PDU specification with a generic header and initial registration exchange. The communication is driven from the HAL with command/response exchanges. The daemon will use notification to signal events. The protocol is single PDU exchanged based, meaning every command requires a response. Notification does not require any confirmation. Not handling this PDU exchange leads to a disconnection of the socket. Command/response and notification use separate sockets. First connected socket is used for command/response, second for notification. All services are multi-plexed over same pair of sockets. Separation is done to ease implementation of simple HAL library with dedicated thread for handling notification. This strict protocol requirement is done to match C based callbacks and callout functions that are running in a thread inside the HAL and might block. .--Android--. .--Android--. | daemon | | HAL | | | Command | | | | <-------------------------- | | | | | | | | --------------------------> | | | | Response | | | | | | | | | | | | Notification | | | | --------------------------> | | | | | | '-----------' '-----------' Every packet will follow the basic header to support simple multi-plexing over the same socket. It will also support a basic control channel with service id 0. 0 8 16 24 31 +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | Service ID | Opcode | Data Length | +--------------+--------------+-----------------------------+ | | The unique service ID is assigned by this specification for each HAL. As general rule of thumb, the opcode for command matches the opcode for a response. Or the opcode 0x00 for an error is returned. Notification opcodes start from 0x80. All command/response opcodes have the least significant bit not set. And all notifications have the least significant bit set. The HAL modules only have the job to map the callback and event functions to the protocol. They do not need to do anything else. Below is an example of a sample transaction for the Bluetooth Core HAL and enabling of an adapter. HAL Daemon ---------------------------------------------------- call enable() --> command 0x01 return enable() <-- response 0x01 call adapter_state_changed() <-- notification 0x81 return adapter_state_changed() When the Android hardware framework calls into the Bluetooth Core HAL and executes the enable() callback, the HAL module sends the enable command with opcode 0x01 to the daemon. As soon as the daemon responds, the callback will return with the appropriate result. After the daemon switched on the adapter, it will send a notification with opcode 0x81 to the HAL module. The Bluetooth Core HAL and Bluetooth Socket HAL are guaranteed to be available from the daemon. All other HAL modules are optional. When the Bluetooth Core HAL init() function is called, it should open the socket and register both "bluetooth" and "socket" service modules. It is required to register "socket" service at the same time since the HAL module does not have its own init() function. When new profiles are initiated, the get_profile_interface() callback will load the profile and during init() of the profile, it should register the specific service. Bluetooth main thread Daemon ------------------------------------------------------- init() --> open command socket --> open notification socket --> register module "bluetooth" --> register module "socket" get_profile_interface() --> return profile struct --> continue on Handsfree thread Handsfree thread Daemon -------------------------------------------------------- init() --> register module handsfree Core Service (ID 0) =================== Opcode 0x00 - Error response Response parameters: Status (1 octet) Valid status values: 0x01 Failed Opcode 0x01 - Register module command/response Command parameters: Service id (1 octet) Mode (1 octet) Response parameters: In case a command is sent for an undeclared service ID, it will be rejected. Also there will be no notifications for undeclared service ID. Valid Mode values: 0x00 = Default Mode 0xXX = as defined by service In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x02 - Unregister module command/response Command parameters: Service id (1 octet) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Bluetooth Core HAL (ID 1) ========================= Android HAL name: "bluetooth" (BT_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID) Service modes: 0x00 = Enable BR/EDR/LE if supported (default) 0x01 = Enable BR/EDR only 0x02 = Enable LE only Commands and responses: Opcode 0x00 - Error response Response parameters: Status (1 octet) Opcode 0x01 - Enable command/response Command parameters: Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x02 - Disable command/response Command parameters: Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x03 - Get Adapter Properties command/response Command parameters: Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x04 - Get Adapter Property command/response Command parameters: Property type (1 octet) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x05 - Set Adapter Property command/response Command parameters: Property type (1 octet) Property length (2 octets) Property value (variable) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x06 - Get Remote Device Properties command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x07 - Get Remote Device Property command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Property type (1 octet) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x08 - Set Remote Device Property command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Property type (1 octet) Property length (2 octets) Property value (variable) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x09 - Get Remote Service Record command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) UUID (16 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0a - Get Remote Services command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0b - Start Discovery command/response Command parameters: Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0c - Cancel Discovery command/response Command parameters: Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0d - Create Bond command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0e - Remove Bond command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0f - Cancel Bond command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x10 - PIN Reply command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Accept (1 octet) PIN length (1 octet) PIN code (16 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x11 - SSP Reply command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) SSP variant (1 octet) Accept (1 octet) Passkey (4 octets) Response parameters: Valid SSP variant values: 0x00 = Passkey Confirmation 0x01 = Passkey Entry 0x02 = Consent (for Just Works) 0x03 = Passkey Notification In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x12 - DUT Mode Configure command/response Command parameters: Enable (1 octet) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x13 - DUT Mode Send command/response Command parameters: Opcode (2 octets) Length (1 octet) Data (variable) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x14 - LE Test Mode command/response Command parameters: Opcode (2 octets) Length (1 octet) Data (variable) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Notifications: Opcode 0x81 - Adapter State Changed notification Notifications parameters: State (1 octet) Valid state values: 0x00 = Off 0x01 = On Opcode 0x82 - Adapter Properties Changed notification Notification parameters: Status (1 octet) Num properties (1 octet) Type # (1 octet) Length # (2 octets) Value # (variable) ... Opcode 0x83 - Remote Device Properties notification Notification parameters: Status (1 octet) Remote address (6 octets) Num properties (1 octet) Type # (1 octet) Length # (2 octets) Value # (variable) ... Opcode 0x84 - Device Found notification Notification parameters: Num properties (1 octet) Type # (1 octet) Length # (2 octets) Value # (variable) ... Opcode 0x85 - Discovery State Changed notification Notifications parameters: State (1 octet) Opcode 0x86 - PIN Request notification Notification parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Remote name (249 octets) Class of device (4 octets) Opcode 0x87 - SSP Request notification Notification parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Remote name (249 octets) Class of device (4 octets) Pairing variant (1 octet) Passkey (4 octets) Opcode 0x88 - Bond State Changed notification Notification parameters: Status (1 octet) Remote address (6 octets) Bond state (1 octet) Valid bond state values: 0x00 = None 0x01 = Bonding 0x02 = Bonded Opcode 0x89 - ACL State Changed notification Notification parameters: Status (1 octet) Remote address (6 octets) ACL state (1 octet) Opcode 0x8a - DUT Mode Receive notification Notification parameters: Opcode (2 octets) Length (1 octet) Data (variable) Opcode 0x8b - LE Test Mode notification Notification parameters: Status (1 octet) Num packets (2 octets) Bluetooth Socket HAL (ID 2) =========================== Android HAL name:: "socket" (BT_PROFILE_SOCKETS_ID) Commands and responses: Opcode 0x00 - Error response Response parameters: Status (1 octet) Valid status values: 0x01 = Fail 0x02 = Not ready 0x03 = No memory 0x04 = Busy 0x05 = Done (already completed) 0x06 = Unsupported 0x07 = Parameter invalid 0x08 = Unhandled 0x09 = Authentication failure 0x0a = Remote device down Opcode 0x01 - Listen command/response Command parameters: Socket type (1 octet) Service name (256 octets) Service UUID (16 octets) Channel (2 octets) Socket flags (1 octet) Response parameters: File descriptor (inline) Valid socket types: 0x01 = RFCOMM 0x02 = SCO 0x03 = L2CAP Valid socket flags: 0x01 = Encrypt 0x02 = Auth In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x02 - Connect command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Socket type (1 octet) Service UUID (16 octets) Channel (2 octets) Socket flags (1 octet) Response parameters: File descriptor (inline) Valid socket types: 0x01 = RFCOMM 0x02 = SCO 0x03 = L2CAP Valid socket flags: 0x01 = Encrypt 0x02 = Auth In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Bluetooth HID Host HAL (ID 3) ============================ Android HAL name: "hidhost" (BT_PROFILE_HIDHOST_ID) Commands and responses: Opcode 0x00 - Error response Response parameters: Status (1 octet) Valid status values: 0x01 = Fail 0x02 = Not ready 0x03 = No memory 0x04 = Busy 0x05 = Done (already completed) 0x06 = Unsupported 0x07 = Parameter invalid 0x08 = Unhandled 0x09 = Authentication failure 0x0a = Remote device down Opcode 0x01 - Connect command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x02 - Disconnect command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x03 - Virtual Unplug command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x04 - Set Info command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Attribute mask (2 octets) Subclass (1 octet) Application ID (1 octet) Vendor ID (2 octets) Product ID (2 octets) Version (2 octets) Country code (1 octet) Descriptor length (2 octet) Descriptor value (884 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x05 - Get Protocol command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Protocol mode (1 octet) Response parameters: Valid protocol modes: 0x00 = Report 0x01 = Boot 0xff = Unsupported In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x06 - Set Protocol command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Protocol mode (1 octet) Response parameters: Valid protocol modes: 0x00 = Report 0x01 = Boot 0xff = Unsupported In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x07 - Get Report command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Report type (1 octet) Report ID (1 octet) Buffer size (2 octet) Response parameters: Valid report types: 0x01 = Input 0x02 = Output 0x03 = Feature In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x08 - Set Report command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Report type (1 octet) Report length (2 octets) Report data (Report length) Response parameters: Valid report types: 0x01 = Input 0x02 = Output 0x03 = Feature In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x09 - Send Data command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Data length (2 octets) Data (Data length) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Notifications: Opcode 0x81 - Connection State notification Notification parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Connection State (1 octets) Valid connection states: 0x00 = Connected 0x01 = Connecting 0x02 = Disconnected 0x03 = Disconnecting 0x04 = Failed - Mouse from host 0x05 = Failed - Keyboard from host 0x06 = Failed - Too many devices 0x07 = Failed - No HID driver 0x08 = Failed - generic 0x09 = Unknown Opcode 0x82 - HID Info notification Notification parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Attribute mask (2 octets) Subclass (1 octet) Application ID (1 octet) Vendor ID (2 octets) Product ID (2 octets) Version (2 octets) Country code (1 octet) Descriptor length (2 octet) Descriptor value (884 octets) Opcode 0x83 - Protocol Mode notification Notification parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Status (1 octet) Protocol mode (1 octet) Valid protocol modes: 0x00 = Report 0x01 = Boot 0xff = Unsupported Opcode 0x84 - Idle Time notification Notification parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Status (1 octet) Idle time (2 octets) Opcode 0x85 - Get Report notification Notification parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Status (1 octet) Report length (2 octets) Report data (variable) Opcode 0x86 - Virtual Unplug notification Notification parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Status (1 octet) Valid status values: 0x00 = Ok 0x01 = Handshake - Device not ready 0x02 = Handshake - Invalid report ID 0x03 = Handshake - Transaction not SPT 0x04 = Handshake - Invalid parameter 0x05 = Handshake - Generic error 0x06 = General error 0x07 = SDP error 0x08 = Set protocol error 0x09 = Device database full 0x0a = Device type not supported 0x0b = No resources 0x0c = Authentication failed 0x0d = HDL Bluetooth PAN HAL (ID 4) ======================== Android HAL name: "pan" (BT_PROFILE_PAN_ID) Commands and responses: Opcode 0x00 - Error response Response parameters: Status (1 octet) Valid status values: 0x01 = Fail 0x02 = Not ready 0x03 = No memory 0x04 = Busy 0x05 = Done (already completed) 0x06 = Unsupported 0x07 = Parameter invalid 0x08 = Unhandled 0x09 = Authentication failure 0x0a = Remote device down Opcode 0x01 - Enable command/response Command parameters: Local role (1 octet) Response parameters: Valid role values: 0x00 = None 0x01 = NAP 0x02 = PANU In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x02 - Get Local Role command/response Command parameters: Response parameters: Local role (1 octet) Valid role values: 0x00 = None 0x01 = NAP 0x02 = PANU In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x03 - Connect command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Local role (1 octet) Remote role (1 octet) Response parameters: Valid role values: 0x01 = NAP 0x02 = PANU In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x04 - Disconnect command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Notifications: Opcode 0x81 - Control State notification Notification parameters: Control state (1 octet) Status (1 octet) Local role (1 octet) Interface name (17 octet) Valid control states: 0x00 = Enabled 0x01 = Disabled Valid role values: 0x00 = None 0x01 = NAP 0x02 = PANU Opcode 0x82 - Connection State notification Notification parameters: Connection state (1 octet) Status (1 octet) Remote address (6 octets) Local role (1 octet) Remote role (1 octet) Valid connection states: 0x00 = Connected 0x01 = Connecting 0x02 = Disconnected 0x03 = Disconnecting Valid role values: 0x01 = NAP 0x02 = PANU Bluetooth Handsfree HAL (ID 5) ============================== Android HAL name: "handsfree" (BT_PROFILE_HANDSFREE_ID) Service modes: 0x00 = Headset Profile only mode (default) 0x01 = Handsfree Profile (narrowband speech) 0x02 = Handsfree Profile (narrowband and wideband speech) Commands and responses: Opcode 0x00 - Error response Response parameters: Status (1 octet) Valid status values: 0x01 = Fail 0x02 = Not ready 0x03 = No memory 0x04 = Busy 0x05 = Done (already completed) 0x06 = Unsupported 0x07 = Parameter invalid 0x08 = Unhandled 0x09 = Authentication failure 0x0a = Remote device down Opcode 0x01 - Connect command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x02 - Disconnect command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x03 - Connect Audio command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x04 - Disconnect Audio command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x05 - Start Voice Recognition command/response Command parameters: Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x06 - Stop Voice Recognition command/response Command parameters: Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x07 - Volume Control command/response Command parameters: Volume type (1 octet) Volume (1 octet) Response parameters: Valid volume types: 0x00 = Speaker 0x01 = Microphone In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x08 - Device Status Notification command/response Command parameters: Network state (1 octet) Service type (1 octet) Signal strength (1 octet) Battery level (1 octet) Response parameters: Valid network states: 0x00 = Not available 0x01 = Available Valid service types: 0x00 = Home network 0x01 = Roaming network In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x09 - COPS Response command/response Command parameters: COPS command response (string) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0a - CIND Response command/response Command parameters: Service (1 octet) Number of active calls (1 octet) Number of held calls (1 octet) Call setup state (1 octet) Signal strength (1 octet) Roaming indicator (1 octet) Battery level (1 octet) Response parameters: Valid call setup states: 0x00 = Active 0x01 = Held 0x02 = Dialing 0x03 = Alerting 0x04 = Incoming 0x05 = Waiting 0x06 = Idle In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0b - Formatted AT Response command/response Command parameters: Pre-formatted AT response (string) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0c - AT Response command/response Command parameters: Response code (1 octet) Error code (1 octet) Response parameters: Valid response codes: 0x00 = ERROR 0x01 = OK In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0d - CLCC Response command/response Command parameters: Call index (1 octet) Call direction (1 octet) Call state (1 octet) Call mode (1 octet) Call multiparty type (1 octet) Call number type (1 octet) Call number (string) Response parameters: Valid call directions: 0x00 = Outgoing 0x01 = Incoming Valid call states: 0x00 = Active 0x01 = Held 0x02 = Dialing 0x03 = Alerting 0x04 = Incoming 0x05 = Waiting 0x06 = Idle Valid call modes: 0x00 = Voice 0x01 = Data 0x02 = Fax Valid multiparty types: 0x00 = Single call 0x01 = Multiparty call Valid number types: 0x81 = Unknown 0x91 = International In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0e - Phone Status Change command/response Command parameters: Number of active calls (1 octet) Number of held calls (1 octet) Call setup state (1 octet) Call number type (1 octet) Call number (string) Response parameters: Valid call setup states: 0x00 = Active 0x01 = Held 0x02 = Dialing 0x03 = Alerting 0x04 = Incoming 0x05 = Waiting 0x06 = Idle Valid number types: 0x81 = Unknown 0x91 = International In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Notifications: Opcode 0x81 - Connection State notification Notification parameters: Connection state (1 octet) Remote address (6 octets) Valid connection states: 0x00 = Disconnected 0x01 = Connecting 0x02 = Connected 0x03 = SLC connected 0x04 = Disconnecting Opcode 0x82 - Audio State notification Notification parameters: Audio state (1 octet) Remote address (6 octets) Valid audio states: 0x00 = Disconnected 0x01 = Connecting 0x02 = Connected 0x03 = Disconnecting Opcode 0x83 - Voice Recognition Command notification Notification parameters: Voice recognition state (1 octet) Valid voice recognition states: 0x00 = Stopped 0x01 = Started Opcode 0x84 - Answer Call Command notification Notification parameters: Opcode 0x85 - Hangup Call Command notification Notification parameters: Opcode 0x86 - Volume Command notification Notification parameters: Volume type (1 octet) Volume (1 octet) Valid volume types: 0x00 = Speaker 0x01 = Microphone Opcode 0x87 - Dial Call Command notification Notification parameters: Number (string) Opcode 0x88 - DTMF Command notification Notification parameters: Tone (1 octet) Opcode 0x89 - NREC Command notification Notification parameters: NREC types (1 octet) Valid NREC types: 0x00 = Stop 0x01 = Start Opcode 0x8a - CHLD Command notification Notification parameters: NREC types (1 octet) Valid CHLD types: 0x00 = Release and hold 0x01 = Release active and accept held 0x02 = Hold active and accept held 0x03 = Add held call to conference Opcode 0x8b - CNUM Command notification Notification parameters: Opcode 0x8c - CIND Command notification Notification parameters: Opcode 0x8d - COPS Command notification Notification parameters: Opcode 0x8e - CLCC Command notification Notification parameters: Opcode 0x8f - Unknown AT Command notification Notification parameters: AT command (string) Opcode 0x90 - Key Pressed Command notification Notification parameters: Bluetooth Advanced Audio HAL (ID 6) =================================== Android HAL name: "a2dp" (BT_PROFILE_ADVANCED_AUDIO_ID) Commands and responses: Opcode 0x00 - Error response Response parameters: Status (1 octet) Valid status values: 0x01 = Fail 0x02 = Not ready 0x03 = No memory 0x04 = Busy 0x05 = Done (already completed) 0x06 = Unsupported 0x07 = Parameter invalid 0x08 = Unhandled 0x09 = Authentication failure 0x0a = Remote device down Opcode 0x01 - Connect command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x02 - Disconnect command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Notifications: Opcode 0x81 - Connection State notification Notification parameters: Connection state (1 octet) Remote address (6 octets) Valid connection states: 0x00 = Disconnected 0x01 = Connecting 0x02 = Connected 0x03 = Disconnecting Opcode 0x82 - Audio State notification Notification parameters: Audio state (1 octet) Remote address (6 octets) Valid connection states: 0x00 = Remote suspend 0x01 = Stopped 0x02 = Started Bluetooth Health HAL (ID 7) =========================== Android HAL name: "health" (BT_PROFILE_HEALTH_ID) Commands and responses: Opcode 0x00 - Error response Response parameters: Status (1 octet) Valid status values: 0x01 = Fail 0x02 = Not ready 0x03 = No memory 0x04 = Busy 0x05 = Done (already completed) 0x06 = Unsupported 0x07 = Parameter invalid 0x08 = Unhandled 0x09 = Authentication failure 0x0a = Remote device down Opcode 0x01 - Register Application command/response Command parameters: Number of MDEP (1 octet) Application name offset (2 octets) Provider name offset (2 octets) Service name offset (2 octets) Service description offset (2 octets) Data length (2 octets) Data (data length) Response parameters: Application ID (2 octets) Strings are null terminated. In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x02 - Register Application MDEP data command/response Command parameters: MDEP Role (1 octet) Data type (1 octet) Channel type (1 octet) MDEP description length (2 octets) MDEP description (MDEP desciption length) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x03 - Unregister Application command/response Command parameters: Application ID (2 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x04 - Connect Channel command/response Command parameters: Application ID (2 octets) Remote address (6 octets) MDEP index (1 octet) Response parameters: Channel ID (2 octets) In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x05 - Destroy Channel command/response Command parameters: Channel ID (2 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Notifications: Opcode 0x81 - Application Registration State notification Notification parameters: Application ID (2 octets) Application state (1 octet) Valid application states: 0x00 = Registration success 0x01 = Registration failed 0x02 = Deregistration success 0x03 = Deregistration failed Opcode 0x82 - Channel State notification Notification parameters: Application ID (2 octets) Remote address (6 octets) MDEP index (1 octet) Channel ID (2 octets) Channel state (1 octet) File descriptor (inline) Valid channel states: 0x00 = Connecting 0x01 = Connected 0x02 = Disconnecting 0x03 = Disconnected 0x04 = Destroyed Bluetooth Remote Control HAL (ID 8) =================================== Android HAL name: "avrcp" (BT_PROFILE_AV_RC_ID) Commands and responses: Opcode 0x00 - Error response Response parameters: Status (1 octet) Valid status values: 0x01 = Fail 0x02 = Not ready 0x03 = No memory 0x04 = Busy 0x05 = Done (already completed) 0x06 = Unsupported 0x07 = Parameter invalid 0x08 = Unhandled 0x09 = Authentication failure 0x0a = Remote device down Opcode 0x01 - Get Play Status Response command/response Command parameters: Status (1 octet) Duration (4 octets) Position (4 octets) In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Valid status values: 0x00 = Stopped 0x01 = Playing 0x02 = Paused 0x03 = Fwd seek 0x04 = Rev seek 0xff = Error Opcode 0x02 - List Player Attributes Response command/response Command parameters: Number of attributes (1 octet) Attribute # (1 octet) ... In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Valid attributes: 0x01 = Equalizer 0x02 = Repead 0x03 = Shuffle 0x04 = Scan Opcode 0x03 - List Player Values Response command/response Command parameters: Number of values (1 octet) Value # (1 octet) ... In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x04 - Get Player Values Response command/response Command parameters: Number of attributes (1 octet) Attribute # (1 octet) Value # (1 octet) ... In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Valid attributes: Same as in List Player Attributes Opcode 0x05 - Get Player Attributes Text Response command/response Command parameters: Number of attributes (1 octet) Attribute # (1 octet) Attribute # text length (1 octet) Attribute # text (variable) ... In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Valid attributes: Same as in List Player Attributes Opcode 0x06 - Get Player Values Text Response command/response Command parameters: Number of values (1 octet) Value # (1 octet) Value # text length (1 octet) Value # text (variable) ... In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x07 - Get Element Attributes Text Response command/response Command parameters: Number of elements (1 octet) Element # (1 octet) Element # text length (1 octet) Element # text (variable) ... In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Valid elements: 0x01 = Title 0x02 = Artist 0x03 = Album 0x04 = Track Number 0x05 = Number of Tracks 0x06 = Genre 0x06 = Duration Opcode 0x08 - Set Player Attributes Value Response command/response Command parameters: Status (1 octet) In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Valid status values: Same as in Get Play Status Response Opcode 0x09 - Register Notification Response command/response Command parameters: Event (1 octet) Type (1 octet) Data length (1 octet) Data (variable) In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Valid event values: 0x01 = Status Changed 0x02 = Track Changed 0x03 = Track Reached End 0x04 = Track Reached Start 0x05 = Position Changed 0x08 = Setting Changed Valid type values : 0x00 = Interim 0x01 = Changed Opcode 0x0a - Set Volume command/response Command parameters: Value (1 octet) In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Notifications: Opcode 0x81 - Remote Features notification Notification parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Features (1 octet) Valid features values : 0x00 = None 0x01 = Metadata 0x02 = Absolute Volume 0x03 = Browse Opcode 0x82 - Get Play Status notification Notification parameters: Opcode 0x83 - List Player Attributes notification Notification parameters: Opcode 0x84 - List Player Values notification Notification parameters: Attribute (1 octet) Valid attribute values: Same as in List Player Attributes Opcode 0x85 - Get Player Values notification Notification parameters: Number of attributes (1 octet) Attribute # (1 octet) ... Valid attribute values: Same as in List Player Attributes Opcode 0x86 - Get Player Attributes Text notification Notification parameters: Number of attributes (1 octet) Attribute # (1 octet) ... Valid attribute values: Same as in List Player Attributes Opcode 0x87 - Get Player Values Text notification Notification parameters: Attribute (1 octet) Number of values (1 octet) Value # (1 octet) ... Valid attribute values: Same as in List Player Attributes Opcode 0x88 - Set Player Values notification Notification parameters: Number of attributes (1 octet) Attribute # (1 octet) Value # (1 octet) ... Valid attribute values: Same as in List Player Attributes Opcode 0x89 - Get Element Attributes notification Notification parameters: Number of attributes (1 octet) Attribute # (1 octet) ... Valid attribute values: Same as in Get Element Attribute Opcode 0x8a - Register Notification notification Notification parameters: Event (1 octet) Parameter (4 octets) Valid event values: Same as in Register Notification Opcode 0x8b - Volume Changed notification Notification parameters: Volume (1 octet) Type (1 octet) Valid type values: Same as in Register Notification Opcode 0x8c - Passthrough Command notification Notification parameters: ID (1 octet) State (1 octet) Bluetooth GATT HAL (ID 9) ========================= Android HAL name: "gatt" (BT_PROFILE_GATT_ID) Structures: GATT Service ID: UUID (16 octets) Instance ID (1 octet) Is Primary (1 octet) GATT Included Service ID: UUID (16 octets) Instance ID (1 octet) Is Primary (1 octet) GATT Characteristic ID: UUID (16 octets) Instance ID (1 octet) GATT Descriptor ID: UUID (16 octets) Instance ID (1 octet) Commands and responses: Opcode 0x00 - Error response Response parameters: Status (1 octet) Valid status values: 0x01 = Fail 0x02 = Not ready 0x03 = No memory 0x04 = Busy 0x05 = Done (already completed) 0x06 = Unsupported 0x07 = Parameter invalid 0x08 = Unhandled 0x09 = Authentication failure 0x0a = Remote device down Opcode 0x01 - Register Client command/response Command parameters: Service UUID (16 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x02 - Unregister Client command/response Command parameters: Client Interface (4 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x03 - Scan command/response Command parameters: Client Interface (4 octets) Start (1 octet) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x04 - Connect Device command/response Command parameters: Client Interface (4 octets) Remote address (6 octets) Is Direct (1 octet) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x05 - Disconnect Device command/response Command parameters: Client Interface (4 octets) Remote address (6 octets) Connection ID (4 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x06 - Listen command/response Command parameters: Client Interface (4 octets) Start (1 octet) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x07 - Refresh command/response Command parameters: Client Interface (4 octets) Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x08 - Search Service command/response Command parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Filtered (1 octet) Filter UUID (16 octets) Response parameters: Filter UUID shall only be present when Filtered is non-zero. In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x09 - Get Included Service command/response Command parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) Continuation (1 octet) GATT Included Service ID (18 octets) ... Response parameters: GATT Included Service ID shall only be present when Continuation is non-zero. In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0a - Get Characteristic command/response Command parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) Continuation (1 octet) GATT Characteristic ID (17 octets) ... Response parameters: GATT Characteristic ID shall only be present when Continuation is non-zero. In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0b - Get Descriptor command/response Command parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) GATT Characteristic ID (17 octets) Continuation (1 octet) GATT Descriptor ID (17 octets) ... Response parameters: GATT Descriptor ID shall only be present when Continuation is non-zero. In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0c - Read Characteristic command/response Command parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) GATT Characteristic ID (17 octets) Authorization (4 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0d - Write Characteristic command/response Command parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) GATT Characteristic ID (17 octets) Write Type (4 octets) Length (4 octets) Authorization Req. (4 octets) Value (variable) Response parameters: Valid Write Type: 0x01 = No response 0x02 = Default 0x03 = Prepare 0x04 = Signed In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0e - Read Descriptor command/response Command parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) GATT Characteristic ID (17 octets) GATT Descriptor ID (17 octets) Authorization Req. (4 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x0f - Write Descriptor command/response Command parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) GATT Characteristic ID (17 octets) GATT Descriptor ID (17 octets) Write Type (4 octets) Length (4 octets) Authorization Req. (4 octets) Value (variable) Response parameters: Valid Write Type: 0x01 = No response 0x02 = Default 0x03 = Prepare 0x04 = Signed In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x10 - Execute Write command/response Command parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Execute (4 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x11 - Register For Notification command/response Command parameters: Client Interface (4 octets) Remote address (6 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) GATT Characteristic ID (17 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x12 - Deregister For Notification command/response Command parameters: Client Interface (4 octets) Remote address (6 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) GATT Characteristic ID (17 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x13 - Read Remote RSSI command/response Command parameters: Client Interface (4 octets) Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x14 - Get Device Type command/response Command parameters: Remote address (6 octets) Response parameters: Device Type Valid Device Type: 0x01 = BREDR 0x02 = BLE 0x03 = DUAL In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x15 - Set Advertising data command/response Command parameters: Server Interface (4 octets) Set Scan Resp. (1 octet) Include Name (1 octet) Include TX Power (1 octet) Min. Interval (4 octets) Max. Interval (4 octets) Appearance (4 octets) Manufacturer Len. (2 octets) Manufacturer Data (variable) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x16 - Test Command command/response Command parameters: Command (4 octets) Address (6 octets) UUID (16 octets) U1 (2 octets) U2 (2 octets) U3 (2 octets) U4 (2 octets) U5 (2 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x17 - Register Server command/response Command parameters: UUID (16 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x18 - Unregister Server command/response Command parameters: Server (4 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x19 - Connect Peripheral command/response Command parameters: Server (4 octets) Remote address (6 octes) Is Direct (1 octet) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x1a - Disconnect Peripheral command/response Command parameters: Server (4 octets) Remote address (6 octes) Connection ID (1 octet) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x1b - Add Service command/response Command parameters: Server (4 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) Number of Handles (4 octet) Response parameters: Valid GATT Service ID: UUID (16 octets) Instance ID (1 octet) Is Primary (1 octet) In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x1c - Add Included Service command/response Command parameters: Server (4 octets) Service handle (4 octets) Included handle (4 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x1d - Add Characteristic command/response Command parameters: Server (4 octets) Service handle (4 octets) UUID (16 octets) Properties (4 octets) Permissions (4 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x1e - Add Descriptor command/response Command parameters: Server (4 octets) Service handle (4 octets) UUID (16 octets) Permissions (4 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x1f - Start Service command/response Command parameters: Server (4 octets) Service handle (4 octets) Transport (4 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x20 - Stop Service command/response Command parameters: Server (4 octets) Service handle (4 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x21 - Delete Service command/response Command parameters: Server (4 octets) Service handle (4 octets) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x22 - Send Indication command/response Command parameters: Server (4 octets) Attribute handle (4 octets) Connection ID (4 octets) Length (4 octets) Confirmation (4 octets) Value (variable) Response parameters: In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Opcode 0x23 - Send Response command/response Command parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Transaction ID (4 octets) Handle (2 octets) Offset (2 octets) Auth Request (1 octect) Status (4 octets) GATT Response (4 octets) Response parameters: Valid GATT Response: GATT Value (607 octets) Handle (2 octets) Valid GATT Value: Value (600 octets) Handle (2 octets) Offset (2 octets) Length (2 octets) Authentication Request (1 octet) In case of an error, the error response will be returned. Notifications: Opcode 0x81 - Register Client notification Notification parameters: Status (4 octets) Client Interface (4 octets) UUID (16 octets) Opcode 0x82 - Scan Result notification Notification parameters: Address (6 octets) RSSI (4 octets) Length (2 octets) Data (variable) Opcode 0x83 - Connect Device notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Status (4 octets) Client Interface (4 octets) Address (6 octets) Opcode 0x84 - Disconnect Device notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Status (4 octets) Client Interface (4 octets) Address (6 octets) Opcode 0x85 - Search Complete notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Status (4 octets) Opcode 0x86 - Search Result notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) Opcode 0x87 - Get Characteristic notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Status (4 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) GATT Characteristic ID (17 octets) Char Prop. (4 octets) Opcode 0x88 - Get Descriptor notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Status (4 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) GATT Characteristic ID (17 octets) GATT Descriptor ID (17 octets) Opcode 0x89 - Get Included Service notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Status (4 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) GATT Included Service ID (18 octets) Opcode 0x8a - Register For Notification notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Registered (4 octets) Status (4 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) GATT Characteristic ID (17 octets) Opcode 0x8b - Notify notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Address (6 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) GATT Characteristic ID (17 octets) Is Notify (1 octet) Length (2 octets) Value (variable) Opcode 0x8c - Read Characteristic notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Status (4 octets) GATT Read Parameters (variable) Valid GATT Read Parameters: GATT Service ID (18 octets) GATT Characteristic ID (17 octets) GATT Descriptor ID (17 octets) Value Type (4 octets) Status (1 octet) Length (2 octets) Value (variable) Opcode 0x8d - Write Characteristic notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Status (4 octets) GATT Write Parameters (53 octets) Valid GATT Write Parameters: GATT Service ID (18 octets) GATT Characteristic ID (17 octets) GATT Description ID (17 octets) Status (1 octet) Opcode 0x8e - Read Descriptor notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Status (4 octets) GATT Read Parameters (variable) Valid GATT Read Parameters: As described in Read Characteristic Opcode 0x8f - Write Descriptor notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Status (4 octets) GATT Write Parameters (53 octets) Valid GATT Write Parameters: As described in Write Characteristic Opcode 0x90 - Execute Write notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Status (4 octets) Opcode 0x91 - Read Remote RSSI notification Notification parameters: Client (4 octets) Address (6 octets) RSSI (4 octets) Status (4 octets) Opcode 0x92 - Listen notification Notification parameters: Status (4 octets) Server Interface (4 octets) Opcode 0x93 - Register Server notification Notification parameters: Status (4 octets) Server (4 octets) UUID (16 octets) Opcode 0x94 - Connection notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Server (4 octets) Connected (4 octets) Address (6 octets) Opcode 0x95 - Service Added notification Notification parameters: Status (4 octets) Server (4 octets) GATT Service ID (18 octets) Service Handle (4 octets) Opcode 0x96 - Included Service Added notification Notification patemeters: Status (4 octets) Server (4 octets) Service Handle (4 octets) Included Service Handle (4 octets) Opcode 0x97 - Characteristic Added notification Notification parameters: Status (4 octets) Server (4 octets) UUID (16 octets) Service Handle (4 octets) Characteristic Handle (4 octets) Opcode 0x98 - Descriptor Added notification Notification parameters: Status (4 octets) Server (4 octets) UUID (6 octets) Service Handle (4 octets) Descriptor Handle (4 octets) Opcode 0x99 - Service Started notification Notification parameters: Status (4 octets) Server (4 octets) Service Handle (4 octets) Opcode 0x9a - Service Stopped notification Notification parameters: Status (4 octets) Server (4 octets) Service Handle (4 octets) Opcode 0x9b - Service Deleted notification Notification parameters: Status (4 octets) Server (4 octets) Service Handle (4 octets) Opcode 0x9c - Request Read notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Trans ID (4 octets) Address (6 octets) Attribute Handle (4 octets) Offset (4 octets) Is Long (1 octet) Opcode 0x9d - Request Write notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Trans ID (4 octets) Address (6 octets) Attribute Handle (4 octets) Offset (4 octets) Length (4 octets) Need Response (4 octets) Is Prepare (1 octet) Value (variable) Opcode 0x9e - Request Execute Write notification Notification parameters: Connection ID (4 octets) Trans ID (4 octets) Address (6 octets) Execute Write (4 octets) Opcode 0x9f - Response Confirmation notification Notification parameters: Status (4 octets) Handle (4 octets)