OpenSSL on the Android platform. --- The code in this directory is based on $OPENSSL_VERSION in the file openssl.version. See patches/README for more information on how the code differs from $OPENSSL_VERSION. Porting New Versions of OpenSSL. -- The following steps are recommended for porting new OpenSSL versions. 1) Retrieve the appropriate version of the OpenSSL source from (in openssl-*.tar.gz file). Check the PGP signature (found in matching openssl-*.tar.gz.asc file) with: gpg openssl-*.tar.gz.asc If the public key is not found, import the the one with the matching RSA key ID from, using: gpg --import # paste PGP public key block on stdin 2) Update the variables in openssl.config and openssl.version as appropriate. At the very least you will need to update the openssl.version. 3) Run: ./ import openssl-*.tar.gz 4) If there are any errors, then modify openssl.config, openssl.version and patches in patches/ as appropriate. You might want to use: ./ regenerate patches/*.patch Repeat step 3. 5) Cleanup before building with: m -j16 clean-libcrypto clean-libssl clean-openssl clean-ssltest 6) Build openssl from the external/openssl directory with: mm -j16 snod && adb sync system If there are build errors, then patches/*.mk, openssl.config, or may need updating. 7) Run tests to make sure things are working: # Run local openssl tests (cd android.testssl/ && ./ # Build and sync libcore tests (croot && cd libcore && mm -j16 snod && adb remount && adb sync) # Run tests from libcore (croot && vogar --classpath out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/core-tests-support_intermediates/classes.jar --classpath out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/core-tests_intermediates/classes.jar # Run tests from Harmony (croot && vogar --classpath harmony_tests.jar # try an https website adb shell am start # confirm result in browser The vogar tool can be found externally at Within Google it can be run with ~dalvik-prebuild/vogar/bin/vogar harmony_tests.jar is built from Subversion Within Google it can be found at ~dalvik-prebuild/bin/harmony_tests.jar # You can also run openssl s_server as a test server on the device: adb push ./android.testssl/CAss.cnf /sdcard/CAss.cnf adb shell openssl req -config /sdcard/CAss.cnf -x509 -nodes -days 365 -subj '/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/CN=localhost' -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout /sdcard/server.pem -out /sdcard/server.pem adb shell openssl s_server -cert /sdcard/server.pem -www -verify 1 adb shell am start https://localhost:4433 # confirm result in browser 8) Do a full build before checking in: m -j16 Optionally, check whether build flags (located in need to be updated. Doing this step will help ensure that the compiled library is appropriately optimized for speed and size. To update build flags: a) source openssl.config b) tar -zxf openssl-*.tar.gz c) cd openssl-*/ d) ./Configure $CONFIGURE_ARGS e) examine Makefile and compare with ../ f) modify ../openssl.config as appropriate and go to step 3) above. Alternatively, ."/ import" now prints the post-Configure Makefile for review before deleting in on import.