============================================= V4L2 video overlay test application ============================================= Test: v4l2overlay test Usage steps: adb shell cd /usr/kernel-tests/v4l2overlay/ ./v4l2overlay OPTIONS can be: -n OR --nominal Nominal test -a OR --adversarial Adversarial test -r OR --repeatability Repeatability test -s OR --stress Stress test -v OR --verbose Run with debug messages enabled -u OR --usage Show usage -t OR --test Test option Description: Nominal Test: 1. Run SIMPLE_OVERLAY test. Adversarial Tests: To be defined. Repeatability Tests: 1. Run SIMPLE_OVERLAY, ROT_0, ROT_90, ROT_180, ROT_270, HFLIP, VFLIP and SCALE tests. Stress tests: To be defined. Test options: -t SIMPLE_OVERLAY -- Display image ROT_0 -- Rotate image by 0 degree ROT_90 -- Rotate image by 90 degree ROT_180 -- Rotate image by 270 degree ROT_270 -- Rotate image by 270 degree HFLIP -- Horizontally flip image VFLIP -- Vertically flip image SCALE -- Scale image V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR_TEST -- Display image using user pointer memory ALL -- Run all the above test Targets supported:7x27A, 8x55