2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
inherit qmake_base
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
DEPENDS += " qt4-tools-native freetype jpeg libpng zlib dbus openssl glib-2.0 gstreamer gst-plugins-base sqlite3 tiff icu "
DEPENDS += " $ { @bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pulseaudio', 'pulseaudio', '', d)} "
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
require qt4_arch . inc
QT_DISTRO_FLAGS ? = " -no-accessibility -no-sm "
QT_DISTRO_FLAGS_linuxstdbase = " -sm "
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
QT_SQL_DRIVER_FLAGS ? = " -no-sql-ibase -no-sql-mysql -no-sql-psql -no-sql-odbc -no-sql-sqlite2 -plugin-sql-sqlite -system-sqlite "
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
QT_GLFLAGS ? = " "
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
QT_QT3SUPPORT ? = " -qt3support "
QT_XML ? = " -xmlpatterns "
QT_WEBKIT ? = " -webkit "
QT_PHONON ? = " -phonon "
QT_DBUS ? = " -qdbus "
QT_MULTIMEDIA ? = " $ { @bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pulseaudio', '-pulseaudio', '-no-pulseaudio', d)} "
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
QT_CONFIG_FLAGS += " -release -no-cups -reduce-relocations \
- shared - no - nas - sound - no - nis \
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
- system - libjpeg - system - libpng - system - libtiff - system - zlib \
- no - pch - stl - glib - icu \
- no - rpath - silent \
$ { QT_DBUS } \
$ { QT_WEBKIT } \
$ { QT_PHONON } \
$ { QT_XML } \
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
$ { QT_GLFLAGS } "
EXTRA_ENV = ' QMAKE = " ${ STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE } /qmake2 -after \
INCPATH += $ { STAGING_INCDIR } / freetype2 LIBS +=- L $ { STAGING_LIBDIR } " \
QMAKESPEC = " ${ QMAKESPEC } " LINK = " ${ CXX } -Wl,-rpath-link, ${ STAGING_LIBDIR } " \
AR = " ${ TARGET_PREFIX } ar cqs " \
MOC = " ${ STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE } /moc4 " UIC = " ${ STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE } /uic4 " MAKE = " make -e " '
export QT_CONF_PATH = " ${ WORKDIR } /qt.conf "
# Library packages
QT_LIB_NAMES = " Qt3Support QtAssistantClient QtCLucene QtCore QtDBus QtDesigner QtDesignerComponents QtGui QtHelp QtNetwork QtOpenGL QtScript QtScriptTools QtSql QtSvg QtTest QtUiTools QtWebKit QtXml QtXmlPatterns phonon QtMultimedia QtOpenVG QtMediaServices QtDeclarative "
python __anonymous () {
lib_packages = []
dev_packages = []
dbg_packages = []
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
staticdev_packages = []
for name in d . getVar ( " QT_LIB_NAMES " , True ) . split () :
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
pkg = d . getVar ( " QT_BASE_LIB " , True ) + name . lower () . replace ( " qt " , " " ) . replace ( " _ " , " - " ) + " 4 "
# NOTE: the headers for QtAssistantClient are different
incname = name . replace ( " QtAssistantClient " , " QtAssistant " )
d . setVar ( " FILES_%s " % pkg , " ${ libdir}/lib%(name)s${QT_LIBINFIX } .so.* " % locals ())
d . setVar ( " FILES_%s-dev " % pkg , " " " ${ libdir}/lib%(name)s${QT_LIBINFIX } .prl
$ { libdir } / lib % ( name ) s $ { QT_LIBINFIX } . la
$ { libdir } / lib % ( name ) s $ { QT_LIBINFIX } . so
$ { includedir } / $ { QT_DIR_NAME } /% ( incname ) s
$ { libdir } / pkgconfig /% ( name ) s $ { QT_LIBINFIX } . pc " " " % locals())
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
d . setVar ( " FILES_%s-staticdev " % pkg , " ${ libdir}/lib%(name)s${QT_LIBINFIX } .a " % locals ())
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
d . setVar ( " FILES_%s-dbg " % pkg , " ${ libdir}/.debug/lib%(name)s${QT_LIBINFIX } .so* " % locals ())
d . setVar ( " RRECOMMENDS_%s-dbg " % pkg , " ${ PN } -dbg " )
lib_packages . append ( pkg )
dev_packages . append ( " %s-dev " % pkg )
dbg_packages . append ( " %s-dbg " % pkg )
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
staticdev_packages . append ( " %s-staticdev " % pkg )
for name in d . getVar ( " OTHER_PACKAGES " , True ) . split () :
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
dbg_packages . append ( " %s-dbg " % name )
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
staticdev_packages . append ( " %s-staticdev " % name )
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
for name in d . getVar ( " QT_EXTRA_LIBS " , True ) . split () :
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
pkg = d . getVar ( " QT_BASE_LIB " , True ) + name . lower () . replace ( " qt " , " " ) . replace ( " _ " , " - " ) + " 4 "
d . setVar ( " FILES_%s " % pkg , " ${ libdir } /lib%(name)s.so.* " % locals ())
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
d . setVar ( " FILES_%s-staticdev " % pkg , " ${ libdir } /lib%(name)s.a " % locals ())
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
d . setVar ( " FILES_%s-dev " % pkg , " " " ${ libdir } /lib%(name)s.prl
$ { libdir } / lib % ( name ) s . la
$ { libdir } / lib % ( name ) s . so
$ { includedir } / $ { QT_DIR_NAME } /% ( incname ) s
$ { libdir } / pkgconfig /% ( name ) s . pc " " " % locals())
d . setVar ( " FILES_%s-dbg " % pkg , " ${ libdir } /.debug/lib%(name)s.so* " % locals ())
d . setVar ( " RRECOMMENDS_%s-dbg " % pkg , " ${ PN } -dbg " )
lib_packages . append ( pkg )
dev_packages . append ( " %s-dev " % pkg )
dbg_packages . append ( " %s-dbg " % pkg )
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
staticdev_packages . append ( " %s-staticdev " % pkg )
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
d . setVar ( " LIB_PACKAGES " , " " . join ( lib_packages ))
d . setVar ( " DEV_PACKAGES " , " " . join ( dev_packages ))
d . setVar ( " DBG_PACKAGES " , " " . join ( dbg_packages ))
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
d . setVar ( " STATICDEV_PACKAGES " , " " . join ( staticdev_packages ))
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - tools \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - assistant \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - common \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - dbus \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - demos \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - designer \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - examples \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - linguist \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - makeqpf \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - mkspecs \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - pixeltool \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - qmlviewer \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - xmlpatterns \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - qt3to4 \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - qml - plugins "
#We prepend so ${QT_BASE_NAME}-demos-doc comes before ${PN}-doc,so the packaging of FILES_ get done before.
PACKAGES =+ " ${ QT_BASE_NAME } -demos-doc "
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
PACKAGES_DYNAMIC += " ^ ${ QT_BASE_NAME } -plugin-.* ^ ${ QT_BASE_NAME } -translation-.* ^ ${ QT_BASE_NAME } -phrasebook-.* "
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
ALLOW_EMPTY_ $ { PN } = " 1 "
FILES_ $ { PN } = " "
FILES_ $ { PN } - dev = " ${ includedir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /Qt/* "
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
FILES_ $ { PN } - dbg = " /usr/src/debug/ "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - demos - doc = " ${ docdir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /qch/qt.qch "
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
RRECOMMENDS_ $ { PN } - dev = " ${ DEV_PACKAGES } "
RRECOMMENDS_ $ { PN } - dbg = " ${ DBG_PACKAGES } "
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
RRECOMMENDS_ $ { QT_BASE_LIB } core4_append_libc - glibc = " glibc-gconv-utf-16 "
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
RRECOMMENDS_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - demos += " \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - examples \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - plugin - sqldriver - sqlite \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - plugin - imageformat - jpeg \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - qml - plugins \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - assistant \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - demos - doc "
RRECOMMENDS_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - examples += " \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - plugin - sqldriver - sqlite \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - plugin - imageformat - jpeg \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - qml - plugins "
RRECOMMENDS_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - qmlviewer += " \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - qml - plugins "
RRECOMMENDS_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - doc += " \
$ { QT_BASE_NAME } - demos - doc "
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
RPROVIDES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - tools += " qmake2 "
RREPLACES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - tools += " qmake2 "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - tools = " ${ bindir } /qttracereplay ${ bindir } /qdoc* ${ bindir } /qmake ${ bindir } /moc ${ bindir } /uic* ${ bindir } /rcc "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - tools - dbg = " ${ bindir } /.debug/qttracereplay ${ bindir } /.debug/qdoc* ${ bindir } /.debug/qmake ${ bindir } /.debug/uic* ${ bindir } /.debug/moc ${ bindir } /.debug/rcc "
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - assistant = " ${ bindir } /*assistant* ${ bindir } /qcollectiongenerator ${ bindir } /qhelpconverter ${ bindir } /qhelpgenerator "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - assistant - dbg = " ${ bindir } /.debug/*assistant* ${ bindir } /.debug/qcollectiongenerator ${ bindir } /.debug/qhelpconverter ${ bindir } /.debug/qhelpgenerator "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - common = " ${ bindir } /qtconfig "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - common - dbg = " ${ bindir } /.debug/qtconfig "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - dbus = " ${ bindir } /qdbus ${ bindir } /qdbusxml2cpp ${ bindir } /qdbuscpp2xml ${ bindir } /qdbusviewer "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - dbus - dbg = " ${ bindir } /.debug/qdbus ${ bindir } /.debug/qdbusxml2cpp ${ bindir } /.debug/qdbuscpp2xml ${ bindir } /.debug/qdbusviewer "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - demos = " ${ bindir } /qtdemo* ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /demos/* "
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - demos - staticdev = " ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /demos/shared/libdemo_shared.a "
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - demos - dbg = " ${ bindir } /.debug/qtdemo* ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /demos/.debug/* ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /demos/*/.debug ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /demos/*/*/.debug ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /demos/*/*/*/.debug "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - designer = " ${ bindir } /*designer* "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - designer - dbg = " ${ bindir } /.debug/*designer* "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - examples = " ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /examples/* "
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - examples - staticdev = " ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /examples/tools/plugandpaint/plugins/libpnp_basictools.a "
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - examples - dbg = " ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /examples/.debug ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /examples/*/.debug ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /examples/*/*/.debug ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /examples/*/*/*/.debug ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /examples/*/*/*/*/.debug ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /examples/declarative/*/*/*/*/*/.debug/* ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /examples/declarative/*/*/*/*/.debug/* "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - linguist = " ${ bindir } /*linguist* ${ bindir } /lrelease ${ bindir } /lupdate ${ bindir } /lconvert ${ bindir } /qm2ts "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - linguist - dbg = " ${ bindir } /.debug/*linguist* ${ bindir } /.debug/lrelease ${ bindir } /.debug/lupdate ${ bindir } /.debug/lconvert ${ bindir } /.debug/qm2ts "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - pixeltool = " ${ bindir } /pixeltool "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - pixeltool - dbg = " ${ bindir } /.debug/pixeltool "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - qt3to4 = " ${ bindir } /qt3to4 ${ datadir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /q3porting.xml "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - qt3to4 - dbg = " ${ bindir } /.debug/qt3to4 "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - qmlviewer = " ${ bindir } /qmlviewer "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - qmlviewer - dbg = " ${ bindir } /.debug/qmlviewer "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - makeqpf = " ${ bindir } /makeqpf "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - makeqpf - dbg = " ${ bindir } /.debug/makeqpf "
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - mkspecs = " ${ datadir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /mkspecs/* ${ datadir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /environment-setup "
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - xmlpatterns = " ${ bindir } /xmlpatterns* "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - xmlpatterns - dbg = " ${ bindir } /.debug/xmlpatterns* "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - qml - plugins = " ${ libdir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /imports/* ${ libdir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /plugins/qmltooling/* "
FILES_ $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - qml - plugins - dbg = " ${ libdir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /imports/*/*/*/.debug/* ${ libdir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /imports/*/.debug ${ libdir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /plugins/qmltooling/.debug "
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
INSANE_SKIP_ $ { MLPREFIX } $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - examples += " libdir "
INSANE_SKIP_ $ { MLPREFIX } $ { QT_BASE_NAME } - examples - dbg += " libdir "
# License options, to be set by the recipe if different values are needed
QT_LICENSE_FLAGS ? = " -opensource "
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
do_configure () {
unset QTDIR
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
if [ ! - e bin / qmake ]; then
ln - sf $ { STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE } / qmake2 bin / qmake
if [ ! - e mkspecs / $ { TARGET_OS } - oe - g ++ ]; then
ln - sf linux - g ++ mkspecs / $ { TARGET_OS } - oe - g ++
if [ - f mkspecs / common / g ++- unix . conf ] ; then
# mkspecs were refactored for 4.8.0
cp - f $ { WORKDIR } / g ++. conf mkspecs / common / g ++- unix . conf
cp - f $ { WORKDIR } / g ++. conf mkspecs / common / g ++. conf
cp - f $ { WORKDIR } / linux . conf mkspecs / common /
echo " [Paths] " > $QT_CONF_PATH
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
echo " Prefix= ${ prefix } " >> $QT_CONF_PATH
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
echo " Documentation= ${ docdir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } " >> $QT_CONF_PATH
echo " Headers= ${ includedir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } " >> $QT_CONF_PATH
echo " Libraries= ${ libdir } " >> $QT_CONF_PATH
echo " Binaries= ${ bindir } " >> $QT_CONF_PATH
echo " Plugins= ${ libdir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /plugins " >> $QT_CONF_PATH
echo " Imports= ${ libdir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /imports " >> $QT_CONF_PATH
echo " Data= ${ datadir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } " >> $QT_CONF_PATH
echo " Translations= ${ datadir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /translations " >> $QT_CONF_PATH
echo " Settings= ${ sysconfdir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } " >> $QT_CONF_PATH
echo " Examples= ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /examples " >> $QT_CONF_PATH
echo " Demos= ${ bindir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /demos " >> $QT_CONF_PATH
$ { EXTRA_QMAKE_MUNGE } || true
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
echo yes | QT_LICENSE_FILE = " ${ QT_LICENSE_FILE } " ./ configure - v \
- prefix $ { prefix } \
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
- bindir $ { bindir } \
- libdir $ { libdir } \
- datadir $ { datadir } / $ { QT_DIR_NAME } \
- sysconfdir $ { sysconfdir } / $ { QT_DIR_NAME } \
- docdir $ { docdir } / $ { QT_DIR_NAME } \
- headerdir $ { includedir } / $ { QT_DIR_NAME } \
- plugindir $ { libdir } / $ { QT_DIR_NAME } / plugins \
- importdir $ { libdir } / $ { QT_DIR_NAME } / imports \
- translationdir $ { datadir } / $ { QT_DIR_NAME } / translations \
- examplesdir $ { bindir } / $ { QT_DIR_NAME } / examples \
- demosdir $ { bindir } / $ { QT_DIR_NAME } / demos \
- platform $ { TARGET_OS } - oe - g ++ \
- xplatform $ { TARGET_OS } - oe - g ++ \
$ { QT_ENDIAN } \
- crossarch $ { QT_ARCH } \
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
$ { QT_CONFIG_FLAGS } - no - fast \
- I $ { STAGING_INCDIR } / freetype2
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
do_compile () {
# Fixup missing wsegl header in some SGX SDKs
if ! [ - e $ { STAGING_INCDIR } / wsegl . h ] ; then
cp src / 3 rdparty / powervr / wsegl . h src / plugins / gfxdrivers / powervr / QWSWSEGL /
oe_runmake $ { EXTRA_ENV }
# Build target qmake
export QMAKESPEC = " ${ S}/mkspecs/${TARGET_OS } -oe-g++ "
cd $ { S } / qmake
oe_runmake CC = " ${ CC } " CXX = " ${ CXX } "
cd $ { S }
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
python populate_packages_prepend () {
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
translation_dir = d . expand ( '${datadir}/${QT_DIR_NAME}/translations/' )
translation_name = d . expand ( '${QT_BASE_NAME}-translation-%s' )
do_split_packages ( d , translation_dir , '^(assistant|designer|linguist|qt|qtconfig|qvfb|qtscript)_(.*)\.qm$' , translation_name , '${PN} translation for %s' , extra_depends = '' )
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
phrasebook_dir = d . expand ( '${datadir}/${QT_DIR_NAME}/phrasebooks/' )
phrasebook_name = d . expand ( '${QT_BASE_NAME}-phrasebook-%s' )
if os . path . exists ( " %s%s " % ( d . expand ( '${D}' ), phrasebook_dir )) :
do_split_packages ( d , phrasebook_dir , '^(.*)\.qph$' , phrasebook_name , '${PN} phrasebook for %s' , extra_depends = '' )
else :
bb . note ( " The path does not exist: " , d . expand ( '${D}' ), phrasebook_dir )
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
# Package all the plugins and their -dbg version and create a meta package
def qtopia_split ( path , name , glob ) :
" " "
Split the package into a normal and - dbg package and then add the
new packages to the meta package .
" " "
plugin_dir = d . expand ( '${libdir}/${QT_DIR_NAME}/plugins/%s/' % path )
if not os . path . exists ( " %s%s " % ( d . expand ( '${D}' ), plugin_dir )) :
bb . note ( " The path does not exist: " , d . expand ( '${D}' ), plugin_dir )
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
plugin_name = d . expand ( '${QT_BASE_NAME}-plugin-%s-%%s' % name )
dev_packages = []
dev_hook = lambda file , pkg , b , c , d : dev_packages . append (( file , pkg ))
do_split_packages ( d , plugin_dir , glob , plugin_name , '${PN} %s for %%s' % name , extra_depends = '' , hook = dev_hook )
# Create a -dbg package as well
plugin_dir_dbg = d . expand ( '${libdir}/${QT_DIR_NAME}/plugins/%s/.debug' % path )
packages = d . getVar ( 'PACKAGES' )
for ( file , package ) in dev_packages :
packages = " %s %s-dbg " % ( packages , package )
file_name = os . path . join ( plugin_dir_dbg , os . path . basename ( file ))
d . setVar ( " FILES_%s-dbg " % package , file_name )
d . setVar ( " DESCRIPTION_%s-dbg " % package , " ${ PN } %s for %s " % ( name , package ))
d . setVar ( 'PACKAGES' , packages )
qtopia_split ( 'accessible' , 'accessible' , '^libq(.*)\.so$' )
qtopia_split ( 'codecs' , 'codec' , '^libq(.*)\.so$' )
qtopia_split ( 'decorations' , 'decoration' , '^libqdecoration(.*)\.so$' )
qtopia_split ( 'designer' , 'designer' , '^lib(.*)\.so$' )
qtopia_split ( 'gfxdrivers' , 'gfxdriver' , '^libq(.*)\.so$' )
qtopia_split ( 'graphicssystems' , 'graphicssystems' , '^libq(.*)\.so$' )
qtopia_split ( 'kbddrivers' , 'kbddriver' , '^libq(.*)kbddriver\.so$' )
qtopia_split ( 'mousedrivers' , 'mousedriver' , '^libq(.*)mousedriver\.so$' )
qtopia_split ( 'iconengines' , 'iconengine' , '^libq(.*)\.so$' )
qtopia_split ( 'imageformats' , 'imageformat' , '^libq(.*)\.so$' )
qtopia_split ( 'inputmethods' , 'inputmethod' , '^libq(.*)\.so$' )
qtopia_split ( 'sqldrivers' , 'sqldriver' , '^libq(.*)\.so$' )
qtopia_split ( 'script' , 'script' , '^libqtscript(.*)\.so$' )
qtopia_split ( 'styles' , 'style' , '^libq(.*)\.so$' )
qtopia_split ( 'phonon_backend' , 'phonon-backend' , '^libphonon_(.*)\.so$' )
qtopia_split ( 'bearer' , 'bearer' , '^libq(.*)bearer\.so$' )
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
do_install () {
oe_runmake install INSTALL_ROOT = $ { D }
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
# Install a proper target version of qmake
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
rm $ { D } / $ { bindir } / qmake
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
install - m 0755 bin / qmake2 $ { D } $ { bindir } / qmake
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
# fix pkgconfig, libtool and prl files
sed - i - e 's#-L${S}/lib/\?##g' \
- e 's#-L${STAGING_LIBDIR}/\?##g' \
- e 's#STAGING_LIBDIR}#libdir}' #g \
- e 's#-L${libdir}/\?##g' \
- e s #'$(OE_QMAKE_LIBS_X11)'#"${OE_QMAKE_LIBS_X11}"#g \
- e 's#" -Wl,-rpath-link,${S}/lib/\?"##g' \
- e 's#" -Wl,-rpath-link,${libdir}/\?"##g' \
- e 's#Iin#I${in#g' \
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
- e 's#-L\.\./\.\./WebCore/release\s\+-L\.\./\.\./JavaScriptCore/release\s\+-lwebcore##g' \
- e 's#-ljscore##g' \
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
$ { D } $ { libdir } /*. la $ { D } $ { libdir } /*. prl $ { D } $ { libdir } / pkgconfig /*. pc
sed - i - e s #" -Wl,-rpath-link,${S}/lib"##g \
$ { D } $ { datadir } / $ { QT_DIR_NAME } / mkspecs / common / linux . conf
# fix pkgconfig files
sed - i - e s #"moc_location=.*$"#"moc_location=${bindir}/moc4"# \
- e s #"uic_location=.*$"#"uic_location=${bindir}/uic4"# \
$ { D } $ { libdir } / pkgconfig /*. pc
for name in $ { QT_LIB_NAMES }; do
sed - i - e / Requires / s #"${name}"#"${name}${QT_LIBINFIX}"#g ${D}${libdir}/pkgconfig/*.pc
# QT abuses $includedir to point to its headers, which breaks pkgconfig sysroot, so manually fix it up here:
for pc in $ { D } $ { libdir } / pkgconfig /*. pc ; do
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
sed - i - e " s:prefix}/include/ ${ QT_DIR_NAME } / $ (basename $pc .pc):prefix}/include: " \
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00
- e 's:IP{:I${:g' $pc
#Append an E to the qtdemo file
if [ - n " ${ QT_LIBINFIX } " ] ; then
[ - f $ { D } $ { bindir } / qtdemo ] && mv $ { D } $ { bindir } / qtdemo $ { D } $ { bindir } / qtdemo $ { QT_LIBINFIX }
2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
script = " ${ D}/${datadir}/${QT_DIR_NAME } /environment-setup "
touch $script
echo 'export QT_DIR_NAME=${QT_DIR_NAME}' >> $script
echo 'export QT_LIBINFIX=${QT_LIBINFIX}' >> $script
echo 'export OE_QMAKE_AR=ar' >> $script
echo 'export OE_QMAKE_CC=gcc' >> $script
echo 'export OE_QMAKE_CXX=g++' >> $script
echo 'export OE_QMAKE_LINK=g++' >> $script
echo 'export OE_QMAKE_LIBDIR_QT=${libdir}' >> $script
echo 'export OE_QMAKE_INCDIR_QT=${includedir}/${QT_DIR_NAME}' >> $script
echo 'export OE_QMAKE_MOC=${bindir}/moc' >> $script
echo 'export OE_QMAKE_UIC=${bindir}/uic' >> $script
echo 'export OE_QMAKE_UIC3=${bindir}/uic3' >> $script
echo 'export OE_QMAKE_RCC=${bindir}/rcc' >> $script
echo 'export OE_QMAKE_QDBUSCPP2XML=${bindir}/qdbuscpp2xml' >> $script
echo 'export OE_QMAKE_QDBUSXML2CPP=${bindir}/qdbusxml2cpp' >> $script
echo 'export OE_QMAKE_QT_CONFIG=${datadir}/${QT_DIR_NAME}/mkspecs/qconfig.pri' >> $script
echo 'export QMAKESPEC=${datadir}/${QT_DIR_NAME}/mkspecs/linux-g++' >> $script
chmod 0755 $script
2024-09-09 08:52:07 +00:00