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# builtin.py - builtins and utilities definitions for pysh.
# Copyright 2007 Patrick Mezard
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
"""Builtin and internal utilities implementations.
- Beware not to use python interpreter environment as if it were the shell
environment. For instance, commands working directory must be explicitely handled
through env['PWD'] instead of relying on python working directory.
import errno
import optparse
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import time
def has_subprocess_bug():
return getattr(subprocess, 'list2cmdline') and \
( subprocess.list2cmdline(['']) == '' or \
subprocess.list2cmdline(['foo|bar']) == 'foo|bar')
# Detect python bug 1634343: "subprocess swallows empty arguments under win32"
# <http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1634343&group_id=5470&atid=105470>
# Also detect: "[ 1710802 ] subprocess must escape redirection characters under win32"
# <http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1710802&group_id=5470&atid=105470>
if has_subprocess_bug():
import subprocess_fix
subprocess.list2cmdline = subprocess_fix.list2cmdline
from sherrors import *
class NonExitingParser(optparse.OptionParser):
"""OptionParser default behaviour upon error is to print the error message and
exit. Raise a utility error instead.
def error(self, msg):
raise UtilityError(msg)
# set special builtin
OPT_SET = NonExitingParser(usage="set - set or unset options and positional parameters")
OPT_SET.add_option( '-f', action='store_true', dest='has_f', default=False,
help='The shell shall disable pathname expansion.')
OPT_SET.add_option('-e', action='store_true', dest='has_e', default=False,
help="""When this option is on, if a simple command fails for any of the \
reasons listed in Consequences of Shell Errors or returns an exit status \
value >0, and is not part of the compound list following a while, until, \
or if keyword, and is not a part of an AND or OR list, and is not a \
pipeline preceded by the ! reserved word, then the shell shall immediately \
OPT_SET.add_option('-x', action='store_true', dest='has_x', default=False,
help="""The shell shall write to standard error a trace for each command \
after it expands the command and before it executes it. It is unspecified \
whether the command that turns tracing off is traced.""")
def builtin_set(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
option, args = OPT_SET.parse_args(args)
env = interp.get_env()
if option.has_f:
if option.has_e:
if option.has_x:
return 0
# shift special builtin
def builtin_shift(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
params = interp.get_env().get_positional_args()
if args:
n = int(args[0])
if n > len(params):
raise ValueError()
except ValueError:
return 1
n = 1
params[:n] = []
return 0
# export special builtin
OPT_EXPORT = NonExitingParser(usage="set - set or unset options and positional parameters")
OPT_EXPORT.add_option('-p', action='store_true', dest='has_p', default=False)
def builtin_export(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
option, args = OPT_EXPORT.parse_args(args)
if option.has_p:
raise NotImplementedError()
for arg in args:
name, value = arg.split('=', 1)
except ValueError:
name, value = arg, None
env = interp.get_env().export(name, value)
return 0
# return special builtin
def builtin_return(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
res = 0
if args:
res = int(args[0])
except ValueError:
res = 0
if not 0<=res<=255:
res = 0
# BUG: should be last executed command exit code
raise ReturnSignal(res)
# trap special builtin
def builtin_trap(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
if len(args) < 2:
stderr.write('trap: usage: trap [[arg] signal_spec ...]\n')
return 2
action = args[0]
for sig in args[1:]:
env.traps[sig] = action
except Exception as e:
stderr.write('trap: %s\n' % str(e))
return 0
# unset special builtin
OPT_UNSET = NonExitingParser("unset - unset values and attributes of variables and functions")
OPT_UNSET.add_option( '-f', action='store_true', dest='has_f', default=False)
OPT_UNSET.add_option( '-v', action='store_true', dest='has_v', default=False)
def builtin_unset(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
option, args = OPT_UNSET.parse_args(args)
status = 0
env = interp.get_env()
for arg in args:
if option.has_f:
del env[arg]
except KeyError:
except VarAssignmentError:
status = 1
return status
# wait special builtin
def builtin_wait(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
return interp.wait([int(arg) for arg in args])
# cat utility
def utility_cat(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
if not args:
args = ['-']
status = 0
for arg in args:
if arg == '-':
data = stdin.read()
path = os.path.join(env['PWD'], arg)
f = file(path, 'rb')
data = f.read()
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
status = 1
return status
# cd utility
OPT_CD = NonExitingParser("cd - change the working directory")
def utility_cd(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
option, args = OPT_CD.parse_args(args)
env = interp.get_env()
directory = None
printdir = False
if not args:
home = env.get('HOME')
if home:
# Unspecified, do nothing
return 0
directory = home
elif len(args)==1:
directory = args[0]
if directory=='-':
if 'OLDPWD' not in env:
raise UtilityError("OLDPWD not set")
printdir = True
directory = env['OLDPWD']
raise UtilityError("too many arguments")
curpath = None
# Absolute directories will be handled correctly by the os.path.join call.
if not directory.startswith('.') and not directory.startswith('..'):
cdpaths = env.get('CDPATH', '.').split(';')
for cdpath in cdpaths:
p = os.path.join(cdpath, directory)
if os.path.isdir(p):
curpath = p
if curpath is None:
curpath = directory
curpath = os.path.join(env['PWD'], directory)
env['OLDPWD'] = env['PWD']
env['PWD'] = curpath
if printdir:
stdout.write('%s\n' % curpath)
return 0
# colon utility
def utility_colon(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
return 0
# echo utility
def utility_echo(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
# Echo only takes arguments, no options. Use printf if you need fancy stuff.
output = ' '.join(args) + '\n'
return 0
# egrep utility
# egrep is usually a shell script.
# Unfortunately, pysh does not support shell scripts *with arguments* right now,
# so the redirection is implemented here, assuming grep is available.
def utility_egrep(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
return run_command('grep', ['-E'] + args, interp, env, stdin, stdout,
stderr, debugflags)
# env utility
def utility_env(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
if args and args[0]=='-i':
raise NotImplementedError('env: -i option is not implemented')
i = 0
for arg in args:
if '=' not in arg:
# Update the current environment
name, value = arg.split('=', 1)
env[name] = value
i += 1
if args[i:]:
# Find then execute the specified interpreter
utility = env.find_in_path(args[i])
if not utility:
return 127
args[i:i+1] = utility
name = args[i]
args = args[i+1:]
return run_command(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr,
except UtilityError:
stderr.write('env: failed to execute %s' % ' '.join([name]+args))
return 126
for pair in env.get_variables().iteritems():
stdout.write('%s=%s\n' % pair)
return 0
# exit utility
def utility_exit(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
res = None
if args:
res = int(args[0])
except ValueError:
res = None
if not 0<=res<=255:
res = None
if res is None:
# BUG: should be last executed command exit code
res = 0
raise ExitSignal(res)
# fgrep utility
# see egrep
def utility_fgrep(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
return run_command('grep', ['-F'] + args, interp, env, stdin, stdout,
stderr, debugflags)
# gunzip utility
# see egrep
def utility_gunzip(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
return run_command('gzip', ['-d'] + args, interp, env, stdin, stdout,
stderr, debugflags)
# kill utility
def utility_kill(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
for arg in args:
pid = int(arg)
status = subprocess.call(['pskill', '/T', str(pid)],
# pskill is asynchronous, hence the stupid polling loop
while 1:
p = subprocess.Popen(['pslist', str(pid)],
output = p.communicate()[0]
if ('process %d was not' % pid) in output:
return status
# mkdir utility
OPT_MKDIR = NonExitingParser("mkdir - make directories.")
OPT_MKDIR.add_option('-p', action='store_true', dest='has_p', default=False)
def utility_mkdir(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
# TODO: implement umask
# TODO: implement proper utility error report
option, args = OPT_MKDIR.parse_args(args)
for arg in args:
path = os.path.join(env['PWD'], arg)
if option.has_p:
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
return 0
# netstat utility
def utility_netstat(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
# Do you really expect me to implement netstat ?
# This empty form is enough for Mercurial tests since it's
# supposed to generate nothing upon success. Faking this test
# is not a big deal either.
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
return 0
# pwd utility
OPT_PWD = NonExitingParser("pwd - return working directory name")
OPT_PWD.add_option('-L', action='store_true', dest='has_L', default=True,
help="""If the PWD environment variable contains an absolute pathname of \
the current directory that does not contain the filenames dot or dot-dot, \
pwd shall write this pathname to standard output. Otherwise, the -L option \
shall behave as the -P option.""")
OPT_PWD.add_option('-P', action='store_true', dest='has_L', default=False,
help="""The absolute pathname written shall not contain filenames that, in \
the context of the pathname, refer to files of type symbolic link.""")
def utility_pwd(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
option, args = OPT_PWD.parse_args(args)
stdout.write('%s\n' % env['PWD'])
return 0
# printf utility
RE_UNESCAPE = re.compile(r'(\\x[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\.)')
def utility_printf(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
def replace(m):
assert m.group()
g = m.group()[1:]
if g.startswith('x'):
return chr(int(g[1:], 16))
if len(g) <= 3 and len([c for c in g if c in '01234567']) == len(g):
# Yay, an octal number
return chr(int(g, 8))
return {
'a': '\a',
'b': '\b',
'f': '\f',
'n': '\n',
'r': '\r',
't': '\t',
'v': '\v',
'\\': '\\',
# Convert escape sequences
format = re.sub(RE_UNESCAPE, replace, args[0])
stdout.write(format % tuple(args[1:]))
return 0
# true utility
def utility_true(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
return 0
# sed utility
RE_SED = re.compile(r'^s(.).*\1[a-zA-Z]*$')
# cygwin sed fails with some expressions when they do not end with a single space.
# see unit tests for details. Interestingly, the same expressions works perfectly
# in cygwin shell.
def utility_sed(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
# Scan pattern arguments and append a space if necessary
for i in xrange(len(args)):
if not RE_SED.search(args[i]):
args[i] = args[i] + ' '
return run_command(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout,
stderr, debugflags)
# sleep utility
def utility_sleep(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
return 0
# sort utility
OPT_SORT = NonExitingParser("sort - sort, merge, or sequence check text files")
def utility_sort(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout, stderr, debugflags):
def sort(path):
if path == '-':
lines = stdin.readlines()
f = file(path)
lines = f.readlines()
except IOError as e:
stderr.write(str(e) + '\n')
return 1
if lines and lines[-1][-1]!='\n':
lines[-1] = lines[-1] + '\n'
return lines
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
option, args = OPT_SORT.parse_args(args)
alllines = []
if len(args)<=0:
args += ['-']
# Load all files lines
curdir = os.getcwd()
for path in args:
alllines += sort(path)
for line in alllines:
return 0
# hg utility
hgcommands = [
'commit', 'ci',
'falabala', # Dummy command used in a mercurial test
'remove', 'rm',
'rename', 'mv',
'status', 'st',
def rewriteslashes(name, args):
# Several hg commands output file paths, rewrite the separators
if len(args) > 1 and name.lower().endswith('python') \
and args[0].endswith('hg'):
for cmd in hgcommands:
if cmd in args[1:]:
return True
# svn output contains many paths with OS specific separators.
# Normalize these to unix paths.
base = os.path.basename(name)
if base.startswith('svn'):
return True
return False
def rewritehg(output):
if not output:
return output
# Rewrite os specific messages
output = output.replace(': The system cannot find the file specified',
': No such file or directory')
output = re.sub(': Access is denied.*$', ': Permission denied', output)
output = output.replace(': No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it',
': Connection refused')
return output
def run_command(name, args, interp, env, stdin, stdout,
stderr, debugflags):
# Execute the command
if 'debug-utility' in debugflags:
print interp.log(' '.join([name, str(args), interp['PWD']]) + '\n')
hgbin = interp.options().hgbinary
ishg = hgbin and ('hg' in name or args and 'hg' in args[0])
unixoutput = 'cygwin' in name or ishg
exec_env = env.get_variables()
# BUG: comparing file descriptor is clearly not a reliable way to tell
# whether they point on the same underlying object. But in pysh limited
# scope this is usually right, we do not expect complicated redirections
# besides usual 2>&1.
# Still there is one case we have but cannot deal with is when stdout
# and stderr are redirected *by pysh caller*. This the reason for the
# --redirect pysh() option.
# Now, we want to know they are the same because we sometimes need to
# transform the command output, mostly remove CR-LF to ensure that
# command output is unix-like. Cygwin utilies are a special case because
# they explicitely set their output streams to binary mode, so we have
# nothing to do. For all others commands, we have to guess whether they
# are sending text data, in which case the transformation must be done.
# Again, the NUL character test is unreliable but should be enough for
# hg tests.
redirected = stdout.fileno()==stderr.fileno()
if not redirected:
p = subprocess.Popen([name] + args, cwd=env['PWD'], env=exec_env,
stdin=stdin, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
p = subprocess.Popen([name] + args, cwd=env['PWD'], env=exec_env,
stdin=stdin, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
out, err = p.communicate()
except WindowsError as e:
raise UtilityError(str(e))
if not unixoutput:
def encode(s):
if '\0' in s:
return s
return s.replace('\r\n', '\n')
encode = lambda s: s
if rewriteslashes(name, args):
encode1_ = encode
def encode(s):
s = encode1_(s)
s = s.replace('\\\\', '\\')
s = s.replace('\\', '/')
return s
if ishg:
encode2_ = encode
def encode(s):
return rewritehg(encode2_(s))
if not redirected:
return p.returncode