#define USB_FADDR 0xffc03800 /* Function address register */
#define USB_POWER 0xffc03804 /* Power management register */
#define USB_INTRTX 0xffc03808 /* Interrupt register for endpoint 0 and Tx endpoint 1 to 7 */
#define USB_INTRRX 0xffc0380c /* Interrupt register for Rx endpoints 1 to 7 */
#define USB_INTRTXE 0xffc03810 /* Interrupt enable register for IntrTx */
#define USB_INTRRXE 0xffc03814 /* Interrupt enable register for IntrRx */
#define USB_INTRUSB 0xffc03818 /* Interrupt register for common USB interrupts */
#define USB_INTRUSBE 0xffc0381c /* Interrupt enable register for IntrUSB */
#define USB_FRAME 0xffc03820 /* USB frame number */
#define USB_INDEX 0xffc03824 /* Index register for selecting the indexed endpoint registers */
#define USB_TESTMODE 0xffc03828 /* Enabled USB 20 test modes */
#define USB_GLOBINTR 0xffc0382c /* Global Interrupt Mask register and Wakeup Exception Interrupt */
#define USB_GLOBAL_CTL 0xffc03830 /* Global Clock Control for the core */
/* USB Packet Control Registers */
#define USB_TX_MAX_PACKET 0xffc03840 /* Maximum packet size for Host Tx endpoint */
#define USB_CSR0 0xffc03844 /* Control Status register for endpoint 0 and Control Status register for Host Tx endpoint */
#define USB_TXCSR 0xffc03844 /* Control Status register for endpoint 0 and Control Status register for Host Tx endpoint */
#define USB_RX_MAX_PACKET 0xffc03848 /* Maximum packet size for Host Rx endpoint */
#define USB_RXCSR 0xffc0384c /* Control Status register for Host Rx endpoint */
#define USB_COUNT0 0xffc03850 /* Number of bytes received in endpoint 0 FIFO and Number of bytes received in Host Tx endpoint */
#define USB_RXCOUNT 0xffc03850 /* Number of bytes received in endpoint 0 FIFO and Number of bytes received in Host Tx endpoint */
#define USB_TXTYPE 0xffc03854 /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Tx endpoint */
#define USB_NAKLIMIT0 0xffc03858 /* Sets the NAK response timeout on Endpoint 0 and on Bulk transfers for Host Tx endpoint */
#define USB_TXINTERVAL 0xffc03858 /* Sets the NAK response timeout on Endpoint 0 and on Bulk transfers for Host Tx endpoint */
#define USB_RXTYPE 0xffc0385c /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Rx endpoint */
#define USB_RXINTERVAL 0xffc03860 /* Sets the polling interval for Interrupt and Isochronous transfers or the NAK response timeout on Bulk transfers */
#define USB_TXCOUNT 0xffc03868 /* Number of bytes to be written to the selected endpoint Tx FIFO */
#define USB_OTG_DEV_CTL 0xffc03900 /* OTG Device Control Register */
#define USB_OTG_VBUS_IRQ 0xffc03904 /* OTG VBUS Control Interrupts */
#define USB_OTG_VBUS_MASK 0xffc03908 /* VBUS Control Interrupt Enable */
/* USB Phy Control Registers */
#define USB_LINKINFO 0xffc03948 /* Enables programming of some PHY-side delays */
#define USB_VPLEN 0xffc0394c /* Determines duration of VBUS pulse for VBUS charging */
#define USB_HS_EOF1 0xffc03950 /* Time buffer for High-Speed transactions */
#define USB_FS_EOF1 0xffc03954 /* Time buffer for Full-Speed transactions */
#define USB_LS_EOF1 0xffc03958 /* Time buffer for Low-Speed transactions */
/* (APHY_CNTRL is for ADI usage only) */
#define USB_APHY_CNTRL 0xffc039e0 /* Register that increases visibility of Analog PHY */
/* (APHY_CALIB is for ADI usage only) */
#define USB_APHY_CALIB 0xffc039e4 /* Register used to set some calibration values */
#define USB_APHY_CNTRL2 0xffc039e8 /* Register used to prevent re-enumeration once Moab goes into hibernate mode */
/* (PHY_TEST is for ADI usage only) */
#define USB_PHY_TEST 0xffc039ec /* Used for reducing simulation time and simplifies FIFO testability */
#define USB_PLLOSC_CTRL 0xffc039f0 /* Used to program different parameters for USB PLL and Oscillator */
#define USB_SRP_CLKDIV 0xffc039f4 /* Used to program clock divide value for the clock fed to the SRP detection logic */
/* USB Endpoint 0 Control Registers */
#define USB_EP_NI0_TXMAXP 0xffc03a00 /* Maximum packet size for Host Tx endpoint0 */
#define USB_EP_NI0_TXCSR 0xffc03a04 /* Control Status register for endpoint 0 */
#define USB_EP_NI0_RXMAXP 0xffc03a08 /* Maximum packet size for Host Rx endpoint0 */
#define USB_EP_NI0_RXCSR 0xffc03a0c /* Control Status register for Host Rx endpoint0 */
#define USB_EP_NI0_RXCOUNT 0xffc03a10 /* Number of bytes received in endpoint 0 FIFO */
#define USB_EP_NI0_TXTYPE 0xffc03a14 /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Tx endpoint0 */
#define USB_EP_NI0_TXINTERVAL 0xffc03a18 /* Sets the NAK response timeout on Endpoint 0 */
#define USB_EP_NI0_RXTYPE 0xffc03a1c /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Rx endpoint0 */
#define USB_EP_NI0_RXINTERVAL 0xffc03a20 /* Sets the polling interval for Interrupt/Isochronous transfers or the NAK response timeout on Bulk transfers for Host Rx endpoint0 */
#define USB_EP_NI0_TXCOUNT 0xffc03a28 /* Number of bytes to be written to the endpoint0 Tx FIFO */
/* USB Endpoint 1 Control Registers */
#define USB_EP_NI1_TXMAXP 0xffc03a40 /* Maximum packet size for Host Tx endpoint1 */
#define USB_EP_NI1_TXCSR 0xffc03a44 /* Control Status register for endpoint1 */
#define USB_EP_NI1_RXMAXP 0xffc03a48 /* Maximum packet size for Host Rx endpoint1 */
#define USB_EP_NI1_RXCSR 0xffc03a4c /* Control Status register for Host Rx endpoint1 */
#define USB_EP_NI1_RXCOUNT 0xffc03a50 /* Number of bytes received in endpoint1 FIFO */
#define USB_EP_NI1_TXTYPE 0xffc03a54 /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Tx endpoint1 */
#define USB_EP_NI1_TXINTERVAL 0xffc03a58 /* Sets the NAK response timeout on Endpoint1 */
#define USB_EP_NI1_RXTYPE 0xffc03a5c /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Rx endpoint1 */
#define USB_EP_NI1_RXINTERVAL 0xffc03a60 /* Sets the polling interval for Interrupt/Isochronous transfers or the NAK response timeout on Bulk transfers for Host Rx endpoint1 */
#define USB_EP_NI1_TXCOUNT 0xffc03a68 /* Number of bytes to be written to the+H102 endpoint1 Tx FIFO */
/* USB Endpoint 2 Control Registers */
#define USB_EP_NI2_TXMAXP 0xffc03a80 /* Maximum packet size for Host Tx endpoint2 */
#define USB_EP_NI2_TXCSR 0xffc03a84 /* Control Status register for endpoint2 */
#define USB_EP_NI2_RXMAXP 0xffc03a88 /* Maximum packet size for Host Rx endpoint2 */
#define USB_EP_NI2_RXCSR 0xffc03a8c /* Control Status register for Host Rx endpoint2 */
#define USB_EP_NI2_RXCOUNT 0xffc03a90 /* Number of bytes received in endpoint2 FIFO */
#define USB_EP_NI2_TXTYPE 0xffc03a94 /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Tx endpoint2 */
#define USB_EP_NI2_TXINTERVAL 0xffc03a98 /* Sets the NAK response timeout on Endpoint2 */
#define USB_EP_NI2_RXTYPE 0xffc03a9c /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Rx endpoint2 */
#define USB_EP_NI2_RXINTERVAL 0xffc03aa0 /* Sets the polling interval for Interrupt/Isochronous transfers or the NAK response timeout on Bulk transfers for Host Rx endpoint2 */
#define USB_EP_NI2_TXCOUNT 0xffc03aa8 /* Number of bytes to be written to the endpoint2 Tx FIFO */
/* USB Endpoint 3 Control Registers */
#define USB_EP_NI3_TXMAXP 0xffc03ac0 /* Maximum packet size for Host Tx endpoint3 */
#define USB_EP_NI3_TXCSR 0xffc03ac4 /* Control Status register for endpoint3 */
#define USB_EP_NI3_RXMAXP 0xffc03ac8 /* Maximum packet size for Host Rx endpoint3 */
#define USB_EP_NI3_RXCSR 0xffc03acc /* Control Status register for Host Rx endpoint3 */
#define USB_EP_NI3_RXCOUNT 0xffc03ad0 /* Number of bytes received in endpoint3 FIFO */
#define USB_EP_NI3_TXTYPE 0xffc03ad4 /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Tx endpoint3 */
#define USB_EP_NI3_TXINTERVAL 0xffc03ad8 /* Sets the NAK response timeout on Endpoint3 */
#define USB_EP_NI3_RXTYPE 0xffc03adc /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Rx endpoint3 */
#define USB_EP_NI3_RXINTERVAL 0xffc03ae0 /* Sets the polling interval for Interrupt/Isochronous transfers or the NAK response timeout on Bulk transfers for Host Rx endpoint3 */
#define USB_EP_NI3_TXCOUNT 0xffc03ae8 /* Number of bytes to be written to the H124endpoint3 Tx FIFO */
/* USB Endpoint 4 Control Registers */
#define USB_EP_NI4_TXMAXP 0xffc03b00 /* Maximum packet size for Host Tx endpoint4 */
#define USB_EP_NI4_TXCSR 0xffc03b04 /* Control Status register for endpoint4 */
#define USB_EP_NI4_RXMAXP 0xffc03b08 /* Maximum packet size for Host Rx endpoint4 */
#define USB_EP_NI4_RXCSR 0xffc03b0c /* Control Status register for Host Rx endpoint4 */
#define USB_EP_NI4_RXCOUNT 0xffc03b10 /* Number of bytes received in endpoint4 FIFO */
#define USB_EP_NI4_TXTYPE 0xffc03b14 /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Tx endpoint4 */
#define USB_EP_NI4_TXINTERVAL 0xffc03b18 /* Sets the NAK response timeout on Endpoint4 */
#define USB_EP_NI4_RXTYPE 0xffc03b1c /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Rx endpoint4 */
#define USB_EP_NI4_RXINTERVAL 0xffc03b20 /* Sets the polling interval for Interrupt/Isochronous transfers or the NAK response timeout on Bulk transfers for Host Rx endpoint4 */
#define USB_EP_NI4_TXCOUNT 0xffc03b28 /* Number of bytes to be written to the endpoint4 Tx FIFO */
/* USB Endpoint 5 Control Registers */
#define USB_EP_NI5_TXMAXP 0xffc03b40 /* Maximum packet size for Host Tx endpoint5 */
#define USB_EP_NI5_TXCSR 0xffc03b44 /* Control Status register for endpoint5 */
#define USB_EP_NI5_RXMAXP 0xffc03b48 /* Maximum packet size for Host Rx endpoint5 */
#define USB_EP_NI5_RXCSR 0xffc03b4c /* Control Status register for Host Rx endpoint5 */
#define USB_EP_NI5_RXCOUNT 0xffc03b50 /* Number of bytes received in endpoint5 FIFO */
#define USB_EP_NI5_TXTYPE 0xffc03b54 /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Tx endpoint5 */
#define USB_EP_NI5_TXINTERVAL 0xffc03b58 /* Sets the NAK response timeout on Endpoint5 */
#define USB_EP_NI5_RXTYPE 0xffc03b5c /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Rx endpoint5 */
#define USB_EP_NI5_RXINTERVAL 0xffc03b60 /* Sets the polling interval for Interrupt/Isochronous transfers or the NAK response timeout on Bulk transfers for Host Rx endpoint5 */
#define USB_EP_NI5_TXCOUNT 0xffc03b68 /* Number of bytes to be written to the endpoint5 Tx FIFO */
/* USB Endpoint 6 Control Registers */
#define USB_EP_NI6_TXMAXP 0xffc03b80 /* Maximum packet size for Host Tx endpoint6 */
#define USB_EP_NI6_TXCSR 0xffc03b84 /* Control Status register for endpoint6 */
#define USB_EP_NI6_RXMAXP 0xffc03b88 /* Maximum packet size for Host Rx endpoint6 */
#define USB_EP_NI6_RXCSR 0xffc03b8c /* Control Status register for Host Rx endpoint6 */
#define USB_EP_NI6_RXCOUNT 0xffc03b90 /* Number of bytes received in endpoint6 FIFO */
#define USB_EP_NI6_TXTYPE 0xffc03b94 /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Tx endpoint6 */
#define USB_EP_NI6_TXINTERVAL 0xffc03b98 /* Sets the NAK response timeout on Endpoint6 */
#define USB_EP_NI6_RXTYPE 0xffc03b9c /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Rx endpoint6 */
#define USB_EP_NI6_RXINTERVAL 0xffc03ba0 /* Sets the polling interval for Interrupt/Isochronous transfers or the NAK response timeout on Bulk transfers for Host Rx endpoint6 */
#define USB_EP_NI6_TXCOUNT 0xffc03ba8 /* Number of bytes to be written to the endpoint6 Tx FIFO */
/* USB Endpoint 7 Control Registers */
#define USB_EP_NI7_TXMAXP 0xffc03bc0 /* Maximum packet size for Host Tx endpoint7 */
#define USB_EP_NI7_TXCSR 0xffc03bc4 /* Control Status register for endpoint7 */
#define USB_EP_NI7_RXMAXP 0xffc03bc8 /* Maximum packet size for Host Rx endpoint7 */
#define USB_EP_NI7_RXCSR 0xffc03bcc /* Control Status register for Host Rx endpoint7 */
#define USB_EP_NI7_RXCOUNT 0xffc03bd0 /* Number of bytes received in endpoint7 FIFO */
#define USB_EP_NI7_TXTYPE 0xffc03bd4 /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Tx endpoint7 */
#define USB_EP_NI7_TXINTERVAL 0xffc03bd8 /* Sets the NAK response timeout on Endpoint7 */
#define USB_EP_NI7_RXTYPE 0xffc03bdc /* Sets the transaction protocol and peripheral endpoint number for the Host Rx endpoint7 */
#define USB_EP_NI7_RXINTERVAL 0xffc03be0 /* Sets the polling interval for Interrupt/Isochronous transfers or the NAK response timeout on Bulk transfers for Host Rx endpoint7 */
#define USB_EP_NI7_TXCOUNT 0xffc03be8 /* Number of bytes to be written to the endpoint7 Tx FIFO */
#define USB_DMA_INTERRUPT 0xffc03c00 /* Indicates pending interrupts for the DMA channels */