511 lines
18 KiB
511 lines
18 KiB
![]() |
BB_DEFAULT_TASK ?= "build"
inherit patch
inherit staging
inherit mirrors
inherit utils
inherit utility-tasks
inherit metadata_scm
inherit logging
OE_IMPORTS += "os sys time oe.path oe.utils oe.data oe.packagegroup oe.sstatesig"
OE_IMPORTS[type] = "list"
def oe_import(d):
import os, sys
bbpath = d.getVar("BBPATH", True).split(":")
sys.path[0:0] = [os.path.join(dir, "lib") for dir in bbpath]
def inject(name, value):
"""Make a python object accessible from the metadata"""
if hasattr(bb.utils, "_context"):
bb.utils._context[name] = value
__builtins__[name] = value
import oe.data
for toimport in oe.data.typed_value("OE_IMPORTS", d):
imported = __import__(toimport)
inject(toimport.split(".", 1)[0], imported)
python oe_import_eh () {
if isinstance(e, bb.event.ConfigParsed):
addhandler oe_import_eh
die() {
bbfatal "$*"
oe_runmake() {
if [ x"$MAKE" = x ]; then MAKE=make; fi
bbnote ${MAKE} ${EXTRA_OEMAKE} "$@"
${MAKE} ${EXTRA_OEMAKE} "$@" || die "oe_runmake failed"
def base_dep_prepend(d):
# Ideally this will check a flag so we will operate properly in
# the case where host == build == target, for now we don't work in
# that case though.
deps = ""
# INHIBIT_DEFAULT_DEPS doesn't apply to the patch command. Whether or not
# we need that built is the responsibility of the patch function / class, not
# the application.
if not d.getVar('INHIBIT_DEFAULT_DEPS'):
if (d.getVar('HOST_SYS', 1) !=
d.getVar('BUILD_SYS', 1)):
deps += " virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}compilerlibs virtual/libc "
return deps
BASEDEPENDS = "${@base_dep_prepend(d)}"
FILESPATH = "${@base_set_filespath([ "${FILE_DIRNAME}/${PF}", "${FILE_DIRNAME}/${P}", "${FILE_DIRNAME}/${PN}", "${FILE_DIRNAME}/${BP}", "${FILE_DIRNAME}/${BPN}", "${FILE_DIRNAME}/files", "${FILE_DIRNAME}" ], d)}"
# THISDIR only works properly with imediate expansion as it has to run
# in the context of the location its used (:=)
THISDIR = "${@os.path.dirname(d.getVar('FILE', True))}"
addtask fetch
do_fetch[dirs] = "${DL_DIR}"
python base_do_fetch() {
src_uri = (d.getVar('SRC_URI', True) or "").split()
if len(src_uri) == 0:
localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d)
fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch(src_uri, localdata)
except bb.fetch2.BBFetchException, e:
raise bb.build.FuncFailed(e)
addtask unpack after do_fetch
do_unpack[dirs] = "${WORKDIR}"
python base_do_unpack() {
src_uri = (d.getVar('SRC_URI', True) or "").split()
if len(src_uri) == 0:
localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d)
rootdir = localdata.getVar('WORKDIR', True)
fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch(src_uri, localdata)
except bb.fetch2.BBFetchException, e:
raise bb.build.FuncFailed(e)
GIT_CONFIG = "${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/usr/etc/gitconfig"
def generate_git_config(e):
from bb import data
if data.getVar('GIT_CORE_CONFIG', e.data, True):
gitconfig_path = e.data.getVar('GIT_CONFIG', True)
proxy_command = " gitproxy = %s\n" % data.getVar('GIT_PROXY_COMMAND', e.data, True)
bb.mkdirhier(bb.data.expand("${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/usr/etc/", e.data))
if (os.path.exists(gitconfig_path)):
f = open(gitconfig_path, 'w')
ignore_hosts = data.getVar('GIT_PROXY_IGNORE', e.data, True).split()
for ignore_host in ignore_hosts:
f.write(" gitproxy = none for %s\n" % ignore_host)
def pkgarch_mapping(d):
# Compatibility mappings of TUNE_PKGARCH (opt in)
if d.getVar("PKGARCHCOMPAT_ARMV7A", True):
if d.getVar("TUNE_PKGARCH", True) == "armv7a-vfp-neon":
d.setVar("TUNE_PKGARCH", "armv7a")
def preferred_ml_updates(d):
# we need to mirror these variables in the multilib case
multilibs = d.getVar('MULTILIBS', True) or ""
if not multilibs:
prefixes = []
for ext in multilibs.split():
eext = ext.split(':')
if len(eext) > 1 and eext[0] == 'multilib':
versions = []
providers = []
for v in d.keys():
if v.startswith("PREFERRED_VERSION_"):
if v.startswith("PREFERRED_PROVIDER_"):
for v in versions:
val = d.getVar(v, False)
pkg = v.replace("PREFERRED_VERSION_", "")
if pkg.endswith("-native") or pkg.endswith("-nativesdk"):
for p in prefixes:
newname = "PREFERRED_VERSION_" + p + "-" + pkg
if not d.getVar(newname, False):
d.setVar(newname, val)
for prov in providers:
val = d.getVar(prov, False)
pkg = prov.replace("PREFERRED_PROVIDER_", "")
if pkg.endswith("-native") or pkg.endswith("-nativesdk"):
virt = ""
if pkg.startswith("virtual/"):
pkg = pkg.replace("virtual/", "")
virt = "virtual/"
for p in prefixes:
newname = "PREFERRED_PROVIDER_" + virt + p + "-" + pkg
if pkg != "kernel":
val = p + "-" + val
if not d.getVar(newname, False):
d.setVar(newname, val)
mp = (d.getVar("MULTI_PROVIDER_WHITELIST", True) or "").split()
extramp = []
for p in mp:
if p.endswith("-native") or p.endswith("-nativesdk"):
virt = ""
if p.startswith("virtual/"):
p = p.replace("virtual/", "")
virt = "virtual/"
for pref in prefixes:
extramp.append(virt + pref + "-" + p)
d.setVar("MULTI_PROVIDER_WHITELIST", " ".join(mp + extramp))
def get_layers_branch_rev(d):
layers = (d.getVar("BBLAYERS", 1) or "").split()
layers_branch_rev = ["%-17s = \"%s:%s\"" % (os.path.basename(i), \
base_get_metadata_git_branch(i, None).strip(), \
base_get_metadata_git_revision(i, None)) \
for i in layers]
i = len(layers_branch_rev)-1
p1 = layers_branch_rev[i].find("=")
s1 = layers_branch_rev[i][p1:]
while i > 0:
p2 = layers_branch_rev[i-1].find("=")
s2= layers_branch_rev[i-1][p2:]
if s1 == s2:
layers_branch_rev[i-1] = layers_branch_rev[i-1][0:p2]
i -= 1
i -= 1
p1 = layers_branch_rev[i].find("=")
s1= layers_branch_rev[i][p1:]
return layers_branch_rev
addhandler base_eventhandler
python base_eventhandler() {
from bb.event import getName
name = getName(e)
if name.startswith("BuildStarted"):
e.data.setVar( 'BB_VERSION', bb.__version__)
statuslines = ["%-17s = \"%s\"" % (i, e.data.getVar(i, 1) or '') for i in statusvars]
statuslines += get_layers_branch_rev(e.data)
statusmsg = "\nOE Build Configuration:\n%s\n" % '\n'.join(statuslines)
needed_vars = [ "TARGET_ARCH", "TARGET_OS" ]
pesteruser = []
for v in needed_vars:
val = e.data.getVar(v, 1)
if not val or val == 'INVALID':
if pesteruser:
bb.fatal('The following variable(s) were not set: %s\nPlease set them directly, or choose a MACHINE or DISTRO that sets them.' % ', '.join(pesteruser))
if name == "ConfigParsed":
addtask configure after do_patch
do_configure[dirs] = "${CCACHE_DIR} ${S} ${B}"
do_configure[deptask] = "do_populate_sysroot"
base_do_configure() {
addtask compile after do_configure
do_compile[dirs] = "${S} ${B}"
base_do_compile() {
if [ -e Makefile -o -e makefile ]; then
oe_runmake || die "make failed"
bbnote "nothing to compile"
addtask install after do_compile
do_install[dirs] = "${D} ${S} ${B}"
# Remove and re-create ${D} so that is it guaranteed to be empty
do_install[cleandirs] = "${D}"
base_do_install() {
base_do_package() {
addtask build after do_populate_sysroot
do_build = ""
do_build[func] = "1"
do_build[noexec] = "1"
do_build[recrdeptask] += "do_deploy"
do_build () {
python () {
import exceptions, string, re
# These take the form:
# PACKAGECONFIG ?? = "<default options>"
# PACKAGECONFIG[foo] = "--enable-foo,--disable-foo,foo_depends,foo_runtime_depends"
pkgconfig = (d.getVar('PACKAGECONFIG', True) or "").split()
if pkgconfig:
def appendVar(varname, appends):
if not appends:
varname = bb.data.expand(varname, d)
content = d.getVar(varname, False) or ""
content = content + " " + " ".join(appends)
d.setVar(varname, content)
extradeps = []
extrardeps = []
extraconf = []
for flag, flagval in (d.getVarFlags("PACKAGECONFIG") or {}).items():
if flag == "defaultval":
items = flagval.split(",")
if len(items) == 3:
enable, disable, depend = items
rdepend = ""
elif len(items) == 4:
enable, disable, depend, rdepend = items
if flag in pkgconfig:
appendVar('DEPENDS', extradeps)
appendVar('RDEPENDS_${PN}', extrardeps)
appendVar('EXTRA_OECONF', extraconf)
# If PRINC is set, try and increase the PR value by the amount specified
princ = d.getVar('PRINC', True)
if princ and princ != "0":
pr = d.getVar('PR', True)
pr_prefix = re.search("\D+",pr)
prval = re.search("\d+",pr)
if pr_prefix is None or prval is None:
bb.error("Unable to analyse format of PR variable: %s" % pr)
nval = int(prval.group(0)) + int(princ)
pr = pr_prefix.group(0) + str(nval) + pr[prval.end():]
d.setVar('PR', pr)
pn = d.getVar('PN', 1)
license = d.getVar('LICENSE', True)
if license == "INVALID":
bb.fatal('This recipe does not have the LICENSE field set (%s)' % pn)
unmatched_license_flag = check_license_flags(d)
if unmatched_license_flag:
bb.debug(1, "Skipping %s because it has a restricted license not"
" whitelisted in LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST" % pn)
raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("because it has a restricted license not"
" whitelisted in LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST")
# If we're building a target package we need to use fakeroot (pseudo)
# in order to capture permissions, owners, groups and special files
if not bb.data.inherits_class('native', d) and not bb.data.inherits_class('cross', d):
d.setVarFlag('do_configure', 'umask', 022)
d.setVarFlag('do_compile', 'umask', 022)
deps = (d.getVarFlag('do_install', 'depends') or "").split()
d.setVarFlag('do_install', 'depends', " ".join(deps))
d.setVarFlag('do_install', 'fakeroot', 1)
d.setVarFlag('do_install', 'umask', 022)
deps = (d.getVarFlag('do_package', 'depends') or "").split()
d.setVarFlag('do_package', 'depends', " ".join(deps))
d.setVarFlag('do_package', 'fakeroot', 1)
d.setVarFlag('do_package', 'umask', 022)
d.setVarFlag('do_package_setscene', 'fakeroot', 1)
source_mirror_fetch = d.getVar('SOURCE_MIRROR_FETCH', 0)
if not source_mirror_fetch:
need_host = d.getVar('COMPATIBLE_HOST', 1)
if need_host:
import re
this_host = d.getVar('HOST_SYS', 1)
if not re.match(need_host, this_host):
raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("incompatible with host %s (not in COMPATIBLE_HOST)" % this_host)
need_machine = d.getVar('COMPATIBLE_MACHINE', 1)
if need_machine:
import re
this_machine = d.getVar('MACHINE', 1)
if this_machine and not re.match(need_machine, this_machine):
this_soc_family = d.getVar('SOC_FAMILY', 1)
if (this_soc_family and not re.match(need_machine, this_soc_family)) or not this_soc_family:
raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("incompatible with machine %s (not in COMPATIBLE_MACHINE)" % this_machine)
dont_want_license = d.getVar('INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE', 1)
if dont_want_license and not pn.endswith("-native") and not pn.endswith("-cross") and not pn.endswith("-cross-initial") and not pn.endswith("-cross-intermediate") and not pn.endswith("-crosssdk-intermediate") and not pn.endswith("-crosssdk") and not pn.endswith("-crosssdk-initial"):
hosttools_whitelist = (d.getVar('HOSTTOOLS_WHITELIST_%s' % dont_want_license, 1) or "").split()
lgplv2_whitelist = (d.getVar('LGPLv2_WHITELIST_%s' % dont_want_license, 1) or "").split()
dont_want_whitelist = (d.getVar('WHITELIST_%s' % dont_want_license, 1) or "").split()
if pn not in hosttools_whitelist and pn not in lgplv2_whitelist and pn not in dont_want_whitelist:
this_license = d.getVar('LICENSE', 1)
if incompatible_license(d,dont_want_license):
bb.note("SKIPPING %s because it's %s" % (pn, this_license))
raise bb.parse.SkipPackage("incompatible with license %s" % this_license)
srcuri = d.getVar('SRC_URI', 1)
# Svn packages should DEPEND on subversion-native
if "svn://" in srcuri:
depends = d.getVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends') or ""
depends = depends + " subversion-native:do_populate_sysroot"
d.setVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends', depends)
# Git packages should DEPEND on git-native
if "git://" in srcuri:
depends = d.getVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends') or ""
depends = depends + " git-native:do_populate_sysroot"
d.setVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends', depends)
# Mercurial packages should DEPEND on mercurial-native
elif "hg://" in srcuri:
depends = d.getVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends') or ""
depends = depends + " mercurial-native:do_populate_sysroot"
d.setVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends', depends)
# OSC packages should DEPEND on osc-native
elif "osc://" in srcuri:
depends = d.getVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends') or ""
depends = depends + " osc-native:do_populate_sysroot"
d.setVarFlag('do_fetch', 'depends', depends)
# *.xz should depends on xz-native for unpacking
# Not endswith because of "*.patch.xz;patch=1". Need bb.decodeurl in future
if '.xz' in srcuri:
depends = d.getVarFlag('do_unpack', 'depends') or ""
depends = depends + " xz-native:do_populate_sysroot"
d.setVarFlag('do_unpack', 'depends', depends)
# unzip-native should already be staged before unpacking ZIP recipes
if ".zip" in srcuri:
depends = d.getVarFlag('do_unpack', 'depends') or ""
depends = depends + " unzip-native:do_populate_sysroot"
d.setVarFlag('do_unpack', 'depends', depends)
# 'multimachine' handling
mach_arch = d.getVar('MACHINE_ARCH', 1)
pkg_arch = d.getVar('PACKAGE_ARCH', 1)
if (pkg_arch == mach_arch):
# Already machine specific - nothing further to do
# We always try to scan SRC_URI for urls with machine overrides
# unless the package sets SRC_URI_OVERRIDES_PACKAGE_ARCH=0
override = d.getVar('SRC_URI_OVERRIDES_PACKAGE_ARCH', 1)
if override != '0':
paths = []
for p in [ "${PF}", "${P}", "${PN}", "files", "" ]:
path = bb.data.expand(os.path.join("${FILE_DIRNAME}", p, "${MACHINE}"), d)
if os.path.isdir(path):
if len(paths) != 0:
for s in srcuri.split():
if not s.startswith("file://"):
fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch([s], d)
local = fetcher.localpath(s)
for mp in paths:
if local.startswith(mp):
#bb.note("overriding PACKAGE_ARCH from %s to %s" % (pkg_arch, mach_arch))
packages = d.getVar('PACKAGES', 1).split()
for pkg in packages:
pkgarch = d.getVar("PACKAGE_ARCH_%s" % pkg, 1)
# We could look for != PACKAGE_ARCH here but how to choose
# if multiple differences are present?
# Look through PACKAGE_ARCHS for the priority order?
if pkgarch and pkgarch == mach_arch:
bb.warn("Recipe %s is marked as only being architecture specific but seems to have machine specific packages?! The recipe may as well mark itself as machine specific directly." % d.getVar("PN", True))
addtask cleansstate after do_clean
python do_cleansstate() {
addtask cleanall after do_cleansstate
python do_cleanall() {
src_uri = (d.getVar('SRC_URI', True) or "").split()
if len(src_uri) == 0:
localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d)
fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch(src_uri, localdata)
except bb.fetch2.BBFetchException, e:
raise bb.build.FuncFailed(e)
do_cleanall[nostamp] = "1"
EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_fetch do_unpack do_configure do_compile do_install do_package