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# Force a few additional dependencies in the mix so that we get the needed
# recipes to build in the right order so we can make the bootimg file and
# our yaffs2 image...
virtual/kernel \
virtual/bootloader \
pkgconfig-native \
gtk-doc-native \
gettext-native \
yaffs2-utils-native \
mkbootimg-native \
dtbtool-native \
# Image output types
IMAGE_FSTYPES = "tar.gz yaffs2"
# Make the bootimg image file using the information available in the sysroot...
do_rootfs_append() {
# Make bootimage
ver=`sed -r 's/#define UTS_RELEASE "(.*)"/\1/' ${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}/include/generated/utsrelease.h`
# Make device tree blobs for various hardware configurations
dts_files=`find ${WORKSPACE}/kernel/arch/arm/boot/dts -iname *${MACHINE_DTS_NAME}*.dts | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' | awk -F[.][d] '{print $1}'`
for d in ${dts_files}; do
${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}/scripts/dtc/dtc -p 4096 -O dtb -o ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}/boot/${d}.dtb ${WORKSPACE}/kernel/arch/arm/boot/dts/${d}.dts
dtb_files=`find ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}/boot -iname *${MACHINE_DTS_NAME}*.dtb | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' | awk -F[.][d] '{print $1}'`
# Create separate images with dtb appended to zImage for all targets.
for d in ${dtb_files}; do
targets=`echo ${d#${MACHINE_DTS_NAME}-}`
cat ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}/boot/zImage-${ver} ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}/boot/${d}.dtb > ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}/boot/dtb-zImage-${ver}-${targets}
${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/dtbtool ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}/boot/ -o ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}/boot/masterDTB -p ${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}/scripts/dtc/ -v
# Updated base address according to new memory map.
${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/mkbootimg --kernel ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}/boot/zImage-${ver} \
--dt ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}/boot/masterDTB \
--ramdisk /dev/null \
--cmdline "noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock16 rw rootfstype=yaffs2 console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.hardware=qcom ehci-hcd.park=3" \
--base 0x00300000 \
--tags-addr 0x06800000 \
--ramdisk_offset 0 \
--output ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${PN}-boot-${MACHINE}.img