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2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
# Compress man pages in ${mandir} and info pages in ${infodir}
# 1. The doc will be compressed to gz format by default.
# 2. It will automatically correct the compressed doc which is not
# in ${DOC_COMPRESS} but in ${DOC_COMPRESS_LIST} to the format
# of ${DOC_COMPRESS} policy
# 3. It is easy to add a new type compression by editing
# local.conf, such as:
# DOC_COMPRESS_LIST_append = ' abc'
# DOC_COMPRESS = 'abc'
# DOC_COMPRESS_CMD[abc] = 'abc compress cmd ***'
# DOC_DECOMPRESS_CMD[abc] = 'abc decompress cmd ***'
# All supported compression policy
DOC_COMPRESS_LIST ?= "gz xz bz2"
# Compression policy, must be one of ${DOC_COMPRESS_LIST}
# Compression shell command
DOC_COMPRESS_CMD[gz] ?= 'gzip -v -9 -n'
DOC_COMPRESS_CMD[bz2] ?= "bzip2 -v -9"
DOC_COMPRESS_CMD[xz] ?= "xz -v"
# Decompression shell command
DOC_DECOMPRESS_CMD[gz] ?= 'gunzip -v'
DOC_DECOMPRESS_CMD[bz2] ?= "bunzip2 -v"
DOC_DECOMPRESS_CMD[xz] ?= "unxz -v"
PACKAGE_PREPROCESS_FUNCS += "package_do_compress_doc compress_doc_updatealternatives"
python package_do_compress_doc() {
compress_mode = d.getVar('DOC_COMPRESS', True)
compress_list = (d.getVar('DOC_COMPRESS_LIST', True) or '').split()
if compress_mode not in compress_list:
bb.fatal('Compression policy %s not supported (not listed in %s)\n' % (compress_mode, compress_list))
dvar = d.getVar('PKGD', True)
compress_cmds = {}
decompress_cmds = {}
for mode in compress_list:
compress_cmds[mode] = d.getVarFlag('DOC_COMPRESS_CMD', mode)
decompress_cmds[mode] = d.getVarFlag('DOC_DECOMPRESS_CMD', mode)
mandir = os.path.abspath(dvar + os.sep + d.getVar("mandir", True))
if os.path.exists(mandir):
# Decompress doc files which format is not compress_mode
decompress_doc(mandir, compress_mode, decompress_cmds)
compress_doc(mandir, compress_mode, compress_cmds)
infodir = os.path.abspath(dvar + os.sep + d.getVar("infodir", True))
if os.path.exists(infodir):
# Decompress doc files which format is not compress_mode
decompress_doc(infodir, compress_mode, decompress_cmds)
compress_doc(infodir, compress_mode, compress_cmds)
def _get_compress_format(file, compress_format_list):
for compress_format in compress_format_list:
compress_suffix = '.' + compress_format
if file.endswith(compress_suffix):
return compress_format
return ''
# Collect hardlinks to dict, each element in dict lists hardlinks
# which points to the same doc file.
# {hardlink10: [hardlink11, hardlink12],,,}
# The hardlink10, hardlink11 and hardlink12 are the same file.
def _collect_hardlink(hardlink_dict, file):
for hardlink in hardlink_dict:
# Add to the existed hardlink
if os.path.samefile(hardlink, file):
return hardlink_dict
hardlink_dict[file] = []
return hardlink_dict
def _process_hardlink(hardlink_dict, compress_mode, shell_cmds, decompress=False):
for target in hardlink_dict:
if decompress:
compress_format = _get_compress_format(target, shell_cmds.keys())
cmd = "%s -f %s" % (shell_cmds[compress_format], target)
bb.note('decompress hardlink %s' % target)
cmd = "%s -f %s" % (shell_cmds[compress_mode], target)
bb.note('compress hardlink %s' % target)
(retval, output) = oe.utils.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if retval:
bb.warn("de/compress file failed %s (cmd was %s)%s" % (retval, cmd, ":\n%s" % output if output else ""))
for hardlink_dup in hardlink_dict[target]:
if decompress:
# Remove compress suffix
compress_suffix = '.' + compress_format
new_hardlink = hardlink_dup[:-len(compress_suffix)]
new_target = target[:-len(compress_suffix)]
# Append compress suffix
compress_suffix = '.' + compress_mode
new_hardlink = hardlink_dup + compress_suffix
new_target = target + compress_suffix
bb.note('hardlink %s-->%s' % (new_hardlink, new_target))
if not os.path.exists(new_hardlink):
os.link(new_target, new_hardlink)
if os.path.exists(hardlink_dup):
def _process_symlink(file, compress_format, decompress=False):
compress_suffix = '.' + compress_format
if decompress:
# Remove compress suffix
new_linkname = file[:-len(compress_suffix)]
new_source = os.readlink(file)[:-len(compress_suffix)]
# Append compress suffix
new_linkname = file + compress_suffix
new_source = os.readlink(file) + compress_suffix
bb.note('symlink %s-->%s' % (new_linkname, new_source))
if not os.path.exists(new_linkname):
os.symlink(new_source, new_linkname)
def _is_info(file):
flags = '.info .info-'.split()
for flag in flags:
if flag in os.path.basename(file):
return True
return False
def _is_man(file):
import re
# It refers MANSECT-var in man(1.6g)'s man.config
# ".1:.1p:.8:.2:.3:.3p:.4:.5:.6:.7:.9:.0p:.tcl:.n:.l:.p:.o"
# Not start with '.', and contain the above colon-seperate element
p = re.compile(r'[^\.]+\.([1-9lnop]|0p|tcl)')
if p.search(file):
return True
return False
def _is_compress_doc(file, compress_format_list):
compress_format = _get_compress_format(file, compress_format_list)
compress_suffix = '.' + compress_format
if file.endswith(compress_suffix):
# Remove the compress suffix
uncompress_file = file[:-len(compress_suffix)]
if _is_info(uncompress_file) or _is_man(uncompress_file):
return True, compress_format
return False, ''
def compress_doc(topdir, compress_mode, compress_cmds):
hardlink_dict = {}
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(topdir):
for f in files:
file = os.path.join(root, f)
if os.path.isdir(file):
if _is_info(file) or _is_man(file):
# Symlink
if os.path.islink(file):
_process_symlink(file, compress_mode)
# Hardlink
elif os.lstat(file).st_nlink > 1:
_collect_hardlink(hardlink_dict, file)
# Normal file
elif os.path.isfile(file):
cmd = "%s %s" % (compress_cmds[compress_mode], file)
(retval, output) = oe.utils.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if retval:
bb.warn("compress failed %s (cmd was %s)%s" % (retval, cmd, ":\n%s" % output if output else ""))
bb.note('compress file %s' % file)
_process_hardlink(hardlink_dict, compress_mode, compress_cmds)
# Decompress doc files which format is not compress_mode
def decompress_doc(topdir, compress_mode, decompress_cmds):
hardlink_dict = {}
decompress = True
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(topdir):
for f in files:
file = os.path.join(root, f)
if os.path.isdir(file):
res, compress_format = _is_compress_doc(file, decompress_cmds.keys())
# Decompress files which format is not compress_mode
if res and compress_mode!=compress_format:
# Symlink
if os.path.islink(file):
_process_symlink(file, compress_format, decompress)
# Hardlink
elif os.lstat(file).st_nlink > 1:
_collect_hardlink(hardlink_dict, file)
# Normal file
elif os.path.isfile(file):
cmd = "%s %s" % (decompress_cmds[compress_format], file)
(retval, output) = oe.utils.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if retval:
bb.warn("decompress failed %s (cmd was %s)%s" % (retval, cmd, ":\n%s" % output if output else ""))
bb.note('decompress file %s' % file)
_process_hardlink(hardlink_dict, compress_mode, decompress_cmds, decompress)
python compress_doc_updatealternatives () {
if not bb.data.inherits_class('update-alternatives', d):
mandir = d.getVar("mandir", True)
infodir = d.getVar("infodir", True)
compress_mode = d.getVar('DOC_COMPRESS', True)
for pkg in (d.getVar('PACKAGES', True) or "").split():
old_names = (d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_%s' % pkg, True) or "").split()
new_names = []
for old_name in old_names:
old_link = d.getVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', old_name, True)
old_target = d.getVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET_%s' % pkg, old_name, True) or \
d.getVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET', old_name, True) or \
d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET_%s' % pkg, True) or \
d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET', True) or \
# Sometimes old_target is specified as relative to the link name.
old_target = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(old_link), old_target)
# The updatealternatives used for compress doc
if mandir in old_target or infodir in old_target:
new_name = old_name + '.' + compress_mode
new_link = old_link + '.' + compress_mode
new_target = old_target + '.' + compress_mode
d.delVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', old_name)
d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', new_name, new_link)
if d.getVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET_%s' % pkg, old_name, True):
d.delVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET_%s' % pkg, old_name)
d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET_%s' % pkg, new_name, new_target)
elif d.getVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET', old_name, True):
d.delVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET', old_name)
d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET', new_name, new_target)
elif d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET_%s' % pkg, True):
d.setVar('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET_%s' % pkg, new_target)
elif d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET', old_name, True):
d.setVar('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET', new_target)
if new_names:
d.setVar('ALTERNATIVE_%s' % pkg, ' '.join(new_names))