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2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
* nanddump.c
* Copyright (C) 2000 David Woodhouse (dwmw2@infradead.org)
* Steven J. Hill (sjhill@realitydiluted.com)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Overview:
* This utility dumps the contents of raw NAND chips or NAND
* chips contained in DoC devices.
#define PROGRAM_NAME "nanddump"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <asm/types.h>
#include <mtd/mtd-user.h>
#include "common.h"
#include <libmtd.h>
static void display_help(int status)
fprintf(status == EXIT_SUCCESS ? stdout : stderr,
"Usage: %s [OPTIONS] MTD-device\n"
"Dumps the contents of a nand mtd partition.\n"
"-h --help Display this help and exit\n"
" --version Output version information and exit\n"
" --bb=METHOD Choose bad block handling method (see below).\n"
"-a --forcebinary Force printing of binary data to tty\n"
"-c --canonicalprint Print canonical Hex+ASCII dump\n"
"-f file --file=file Dump to file\n"
"-l length --length=length Length\n"
"-n --noecc Read without error correction\n"
" --omitoob Omit OOB data (default)\n"
"-o --oob Dump OOB data\n"
"-p --prettyprint Print nice (hexdump)\n"
"-q --quiet Don't display progress and status messages\n"
"-s addr --startaddress=addr Start address\n"
"--bb=METHOD, where METHOD can be `padbad', `dumpbad', or `skipbad':\n"
" padbad: dump flash data, substituting 0xFF for any bad blocks\n"
" dumpbad: dump flash data, including any bad blocks\n"
" skipbad: dump good data, completely skipping any bad blocks (default)\n",
static void display_version(void)
printf("%1$s " VERSION "\n"
"%1$s comes with NO WARRANTY\n"
"to the extent permitted by law.\n"
"You may redistribute copies of %1$s\n"
"under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence.\n"
"See the file `COPYING' for more information.\n",
// Option variables
static bool pretty_print = false; // print nice
static bool noecc = false; // don't error correct
static bool omitoob = true; // omit oob data
static long long start_addr; // start address
static long long length; // dump length
static const char *mtddev; // mtd device name
static const char *dumpfile; // dump file name
static bool quiet = false; // suppress diagnostic output
static bool canonical = false; // print nice + ascii
static bool forcebinary = false; // force printing binary to tty
static enum {
padbad, // dump flash data, substituting 0xFF for any bad blocks
dumpbad, // dump flash data, including any bad blocks
skipbad, // dump good data, completely skipping any bad blocks
} bb_method = skipbad;
static void process_options(int argc, char * const argv[])
int error = 0;
bool oob_default = true;
for (;;) {
int option_index = 0;
static const char short_options[] = "hs:f:l:opqnca";
static const struct option long_options[] = {
{"version", no_argument, 0, 0},
{"bb", required_argument, 0, 0},
{"omitoob", no_argument, 0, 0},
{"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
{"forcebinary", no_argument, 0, 'a'},
{"canonicalprint", no_argument, 0, 'c'},
{"file", required_argument, 0, 'f'},
{"oob", no_argument, 0, 'o'},
{"prettyprint", no_argument, 0, 'p'},
{"startaddress", required_argument, 0, 's'},
{"length", required_argument, 0, 'l'},
{"noecc", no_argument, 0, 'n'},
{"quiet", no_argument, 0, 'q'},
{0, 0, 0, 0},
int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options,
long_options, &option_index);
if (c == EOF) {
switch (c) {
case 0:
switch (option_index) {
case 0:
case 1:
/* Handle --bb=METHOD */
if (!strcmp(optarg, "padbad"))
bb_method = padbad;
else if (!strcmp(optarg, "dumpbad"))
bb_method = dumpbad;
else if (!strcmp(optarg, "skipbad"))
bb_method = skipbad;
case 2: /* --omitoob */
if (oob_default) {
oob_default = false;
omitoob = true;
} else {
errmsg_die("--oob and --oomitoob are mutually exclusive");
case 's':
start_addr = simple_strtoll(optarg, &error);
case 'f':
dumpfile = xstrdup(optarg);
case 'l':
length = simple_strtoll(optarg, &error);
case 'o':
if (oob_default) {
oob_default = false;
omitoob = false;
} else {
errmsg_die("--oob and --oomitoob are mutually exclusive");
case 'a':
forcebinary = true;
case 'c':
canonical = true;
case 'p':
pretty_print = true;
case 'q':
quiet = true;
case 'n':
noecc = true;
case 'h':
case '?':
if (start_addr < 0)
errmsg_die("Can't specify negative offset with option -s: %lld",
if (length < 0)
errmsg_die("Can't specify negative length with option -l: %lld", length);
if (quiet && pretty_print) {
fprintf(stderr, "The quiet and pretty print options are mutually-\n"
"exclusive. Choose one or the other.\n");
if (forcebinary && pretty_print) {
fprintf(stderr, "The forcebinary and pretty print options are\n"
"mutually-exclusive. Choose one or the "
if ((argc - optind) != 1 || error)
mtddev = argv[optind];
#define PRETTY_ROW_SIZE 16
#define PRETTY_BUF_LEN 80
* pretty_dump_to_buffer - formats a blob of data to "hex ASCII" in memory
* @buf: data blob to dump
* @len: number of bytes in the @buf
* @linebuf: where to put the converted data
* @linebuflen: total size of @linebuf, including space for terminating NULL
* @pagedump: true - dumping as page format; false - dumping as OOB format
* @ascii: dump ascii formatted data next to hexdump
* @prefix: address to print before line in a page dump, ignored if !pagedump
* pretty_dump_to_buffer() works on one "line" of output at a time, i.e.,
* PRETTY_ROW_SIZE bytes of input data converted to hex + ASCII output.
* Given a buffer of unsigned char data, pretty_dump_to_buffer() converts the
* input data to a hex/ASCII dump at the supplied memory location. A prefix
* is included based on whether we are dumping page or OOB data. The converted
* output is always NULL-terminated.
* e.g.
* pretty_dump_to_buffer(data, data_len, prettybuf, linelen, true,
* false, 256);
* produces:
* 0x00000100: 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f
* NOTE: This function was adapted from linux kernel, "lib/hexdump.c"
static void pretty_dump_to_buffer(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len,
char *linebuf, size_t linebuflen, bool pagedump, bool ascii,
unsigned long long prefix)
static const char hex_asc[] = "0123456789abcdef";
unsigned char ch;
unsigned int j, lx = 0, ascii_column;
if (pagedump)
lx += sprintf(linebuf, "0x%.8llx: ", prefix);
lx += sprintf(linebuf, " OOB Data: ");
if (!len)
goto nil;
if (len > PRETTY_ROW_SIZE) /* limit to one line at a time */
for (j = 0; (j < len) && (lx + 3) <= linebuflen; j++) {
ch = buf[j];
linebuf[lx++] = hex_asc[(ch & 0xf0) >> 4];
linebuf[lx++] = hex_asc[ch & 0x0f];
linebuf[lx++] = ' ';
if (j)
ascii_column = 3 * PRETTY_ROW_SIZE + 14;
if (!ascii)
goto nil;
/* Spacing between hex and ASCII - ensure at least one space */
lx += sprintf(linebuf + lx, "%*s",
MAX((int)MIN(linebuflen, ascii_column) - 1 - lx, 1),
" ");
linebuf[lx++] = '|';
for (j = 0; (j < len) && (lx + 2) < linebuflen; j++)
linebuf[lx++] = (isascii(buf[j]) && isprint(buf[j])) ? buf[j]
: '.';
linebuf[lx++] = '|';
linebuf[lx++] = '\n';
linebuf[lx++] = '\0';
* Main program
int main(int argc, char * const argv[])
long long ofs, end_addr = 0;
long long blockstart = 1;
int i, fd, ofd = 0, bs, badblock = 0;
struct mtd_dev_info mtd;
char pretty_buf[PRETTY_BUF_LEN];
int firstblock = 1;
struct mtd_ecc_stats stat1, stat2;
bool eccstats = false;
unsigned char *readbuf = NULL, *oobbuf = NULL;
libmtd_t mtd_desc;
process_options(argc, argv);
/* Initialize libmtd */
mtd_desc = libmtd_open();
if (!mtd_desc)
return errmsg("can't initialize libmtd");
/* Open MTD device */
if ((fd = open(mtddev, O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
/* Fill in MTD device capability structure */
if (mtd_get_dev_info(mtd_desc, mtddev, &mtd) < 0)
return errmsg("mtd_get_dev_info failed");
/* Allocate buffers */
oobbuf = xmalloc(sizeof(oobbuf) * mtd.oob_size);
readbuf = xmalloc(sizeof(readbuf) * mtd.min_io_size);
if (noecc) {
if (ioctl(fd, MTDFILEMODE, MTD_FILE_MODE_RAW) != 0) {
goto closeall;
} else {
/* check if we can read ecc stats */
if (!ioctl(fd, ECCGETSTATS, &stat1)) {
eccstats = true;
if (!quiet) {
fprintf(stderr, "ECC failed: %d\n", stat1.failed);
fprintf(stderr, "ECC corrected: %d\n", stat1.corrected);
fprintf(stderr, "Number of bad blocks: %d\n", stat1.badblocks);
fprintf(stderr, "Number of bbt blocks: %d\n", stat1.bbtblocks);
} else
perror("No ECC status information available");
/* Open output file for writing. If file name is "-", write to standard
* output. */
if (!dumpfile) {
} else if ((ofd = open(dumpfile, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0644))== -1) {
goto closeall;
if (!pretty_print && !forcebinary && isatty(ofd)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Not printing binary garbage to tty. Use '-a'\n"
"or '--forcebinary' to override.\n");
goto closeall;
/* Initialize start/end addresses and block size */
if (start_addr & (mtd.min_io_size - 1)) {
fprintf(stderr, "the start address (-s parameter) is not page-aligned!\n"
"The pagesize of this NAND Flash is 0x%x.\n",
goto closeall;
if (length)
end_addr = start_addr + length;
if (!length || end_addr > mtd.size)
end_addr = mtd.size;
bs = mtd.min_io_size;
/* Print informative message */
if (!quiet) {
fprintf(stderr, "Block size %d, page size %d, OOB size %d\n",
mtd.eb_size, mtd.min_io_size, mtd.oob_size);
"Dumping data starting at 0x%08llx and ending at 0x%08llx...\n",
start_addr, end_addr);
/* Dump the flash contents */
for (ofs = start_addr; ofs < end_addr; ofs += bs) {
/* Check for bad block */
if (bb_method == dumpbad) {
badblock = 0;
} else if (blockstart != (ofs & (~mtd.eb_size + 1)) ||
firstblock) {
blockstart = ofs & (~mtd.eb_size + 1);
firstblock = 0;
if ((badblock = mtd_is_bad(&mtd, fd, ofs / mtd.eb_size)) < 0) {
errmsg("libmtd: mtd_is_bad");
goto closeall;
if (badblock) {
/* skip bad block, increase end_addr */
if (bb_method == skipbad) {
end_addr += mtd.eb_size;
ofs += mtd.eb_size - bs;
if (end_addr > mtd.size)
end_addr = mtd.size;
memset(readbuf, 0xff, bs);
} else {
/* Read page data and exit on failure */
if (mtd_read(&mtd, fd, ofs / mtd.eb_size, ofs % mtd.eb_size, readbuf, bs)) {
goto closeall;
/* ECC stats available ? */
if (eccstats) {
if (ioctl(fd, ECCGETSTATS, &stat2)) {
goto closeall;
if (stat1.failed != stat2.failed)
fprintf(stderr, "ECC: %d uncorrectable bitflip(s)"
" at offset 0x%08llx\n",
stat2.failed - stat1.failed, ofs);
if (stat1.corrected != stat2.corrected)
fprintf(stderr, "ECC: %d corrected bitflip(s) at"
" offset 0x%08llx\n",
stat2.corrected - stat1.corrected, ofs);
stat1 = stat2;
/* Write out page data */
if (pretty_print) {
for (i = 0; i < bs; i += PRETTY_ROW_SIZE) {
pretty_dump_to_buffer(readbuf + i, PRETTY_ROW_SIZE,
pretty_buf, PRETTY_BUF_LEN, true, canonical, ofs + i);
write(ofd, pretty_buf, strlen(pretty_buf));
} else
write(ofd, readbuf, bs);
if (omitoob)
if (badblock) {
memset(oobbuf, 0xff, mtd.oob_size);
} else {
/* Read OOB data and exit on failure */
if (mtd_read_oob(mtd_desc, &mtd, fd, ofs, mtd.oob_size, oobbuf)) {
errmsg("libmtd: mtd_read_oob");
goto closeall;
/* Write out OOB data */
if (pretty_print) {
for (i = 0; i < mtd.oob_size; i += PRETTY_ROW_SIZE) {
pretty_dump_to_buffer(oobbuf + i, mtd.oob_size - i,
pretty_buf, PRETTY_BUF_LEN, false, canonical, 0);
write(ofd, pretty_buf, strlen(pretty_buf));
} else
write(ofd, oobbuf, mtd.oob_size);
/* Close the output file and MTD device, free memory */
/* Exit happy */