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* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <media/EffectEnvironmentalReverbApi.h>
#include <media/EffectPresetReverbApi.h>
* defines
CIRCULAR() calculates the array index using modulo arithmetic.
The "trick" is that modulo arithmetic is simplified by masking
the effective address where the mask is (2^n)-1. This only works
if the buffer size is a power of two.
#define CIRCULAR(base,offset,size) (uint32_t)( \
( \
((int32_t)(base)) + ((int32_t)(offset)) \
) \
& size \
#define REVERB_MAX_NUM_REFLECTIONS 5 // max num reflections per channel
// xfade parameters
#define REVERB_XFADE_PERIOD_IN_SECONDS (double) (100.0 / 1000.0) // xfade once every this many seconds
/* the entire synth uses various flags in a bit field */
/* if flag is set, synth reset has been requested */
#define REVERB_FLAG_RESET_IS_REQUESTED 0x01 /* bit 0 */
by default, we always want to update ALL channel parameters
when we reset the synth (e.g., during GM ON)
/* coefficients for generating sin, cos */
#define REVERB_PAN_G2 4294940151 /* -0.82842712474619 = 2 - 4/sqrt(2) */
int32_t nPanG1 = +1.0 for sin
int32_t nPanG1 = -1.0 for cos
#define REVERB_PAN_G0 23170 /* 0.707106781186547 = 1/sqrt(2) */
// define the input injection points
#define GUARD 5 // safety guard of this many samples
#define MAX_AP_TIME (int) ((20*65536)/1000) // delay time in time units (65536th of sec)
#define MAX_DELAY_TIME (int) ((65*65536)/1000) // delay time in time units
#define MAX_EARLY_TIME (int) ((65*65536)/1000) // delay time in time units
#define AP0_IN 0
#define REVERB_DEFAULT_ROOM_NUMBER 1 // default preset number
#define DEFAULT_AP0_GAIN 19400
#define DEFAULT_AP1_GAIN -19400
#define REVERB_DEFAULT_WET 32767
#define REVERB_WET_MAX 32767
#define REVERB_WET_MIN 0
#define REVERB_DRY_MAX 32767
#define REVERB_DRY_MIN 0
// constants for reverb density
// The density expressed in permilles changes the Allpass delay in a linear manner in the range defined by
#define AP0_TIME_BASE (int)((9*65536)/1000)
#define AP0_TIME_RANGE (int)((4*65536)/1000)
#define AP1_TIME_BASE (int)((12*65536)/1000)
#define AP1_TIME_RANGE (int)((8*65536)/1000)
// constants for reverb diffusion
// The diffusion expressed in permilles changes the Allpass gain in a linear manner in the range defined by
#define AP0_GAIN_BASE (int)(9830)
#define AP0_GAIN_RANGE (int)(19660-9830)
#define AP1_GAIN_BASE (int)(6553)
#define AP1_GAIN_RANGE (int)(22936-6553)
enum reverb_state_e {
/* parameters for each allpass */
typedef struct
uint16_t m_zApOut; // delay offset for ap out
int16_t m_nApGain; // gain for ap
uint16_t m_zApIn; // delay offset for ap in
} allpass_object_t;
/* parameters for early reflections */
typedef struct
uint16_t m_zDelay[REVERB_MAX_NUM_REFLECTIONS]; // delay offset for ap out
int16_t m_nGain[REVERB_MAX_NUM_REFLECTIONS]; // gain for ap
} early_reflection_object_t;
typedef struct
int16_t m_nRvbLpfFbk;
int16_t m_nRvbLpfFwd;
int16_t m_nRoomLpfFbk;
int16_t m_nRoomLpfFwd;
int16_t m_nEarlyGain;
int16_t m_nEarlyDelay;
int16_t m_nLateGain;
int16_t m_nLateDelay;
early_reflection_object_t m_sEarlyL;
early_reflection_object_t m_sEarlyR;
uint16_t m_nMaxExcursion; //28
int16_t m_nXfadeInterval;
int16_t m_nAp0_ApGain; //30
int16_t m_nAp0_ApOut;
int16_t m_nAp1_ApGain;
int16_t m_nAp1_ApOut;
int16_t m_nDiffusion;
int16_t m_rfu4;
int16_t m_rfu5;
int16_t m_rfu6;
int16_t m_rfu7;
int16_t m_rfu8;
int16_t m_rfu9;
int16_t m_rfu10; //43
} reverb_preset_t;
typedef struct
reverb_preset_t m_sPreset[REVERB_NUM_PRESETS]; // array of presets(does not include REVERB_PRESET_NONE)
} reverb_preset_bank_t;
/* parameters for each reverb */
typedef struct
/* update counter keeps track of when synth params need updating */
/* only needs to be as large as REVERB_UPDATE_PERIOD_IN_SAMPLES */
int16_t m_nUpdateCounter;
uint16_t m_nBaseIndex; // base index for circular buffer
// reverb delay line offsets, allpass parameters, etc:
short m_nRevFbkR; // combine feedback reverb right out with dry left in
short m_zOutLpfL; // left reverb output
allpass_object_t m_sAp0; // allpass 0 (left channel)
uint16_t m_zD0In; // delay offset for delay line D0 in
short m_nRevFbkL; // combine feedback reverb left out with dry right in
short m_zOutLpfR; // right reverb output
allpass_object_t m_sAp1; // allpass 1 (right channel)
uint16_t m_zD1In; // delay offset for delay line D1 in
// delay output taps, notice criss cross order
uint16_t m_zD0Self; // self feeds forward d0 --> d0
uint16_t m_zD1Cross; // cross feeds across d1 --> d0
uint16_t m_zD1Self; // self feeds forward d1 --> d1
uint16_t m_zD0Cross; // cross feeds across d0 --> d1
int16_t m_nSin; // gain for self taps
int16_t m_nCos; // gain for cross taps
int16_t m_nSinIncrement; // increment for gain
int16_t m_nCosIncrement; // increment for gain
int16_t m_nRvbLpfFwd; // reverb feedback lpf forward gain (includes scaling for mixer)
int16_t m_nRvbLpfFbk; // reverb feedback lpf feedback gain
int16_t m_nRoomLpfFwd; // room lpf forward gain (includes scaling for mixer)
int16_t m_nRoomLpfFbk; // room lpf feedback gain
uint16_t m_nXfadeInterval; // update/xfade after this many samples
uint16_t m_nXfadeCounter; // keep track of when to xfade
int16_t m_nPhase; // -1 <= m_nPhase < 1
// but during sin,cos calculations
// use m_nPhase/2
int16_t m_nPhaseIncrement; // add this to m_nPhase each frame
int16_t m_nNoise; // random noise sample
uint16_t m_nMaxExcursion; // the taps can excurse +/- this amount
uint16_t m_bUseNoise; // if TRUE, use noise as input signal
uint16_t m_bBypass; // if TRUE, then bypass reverb and copy input to output
int16_t m_nCurrentRoom; // preset number for current room
int16_t m_nNextRoom; // preset number for next room
int16_t m_nEarlyGain; // gain for early (widen) signal
int16_t m_nEarlyDelay; // initial dealy for early (widen) signal
int16_t m_nEarly0in;
int16_t m_nEarly1in;
int16_t m_nLateGain; // gain for late reverb
int16_t m_nLateDelay;
int16_t m_nDiffusion;
early_reflection_object_t m_sEarlyL; // left channel early reflections
early_reflection_object_t m_sEarlyR; // right channel early reflections
short m_nDelayLine[REVERB_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_SAMPLES_MAX]; // one large delay line for all reverb elements
reverb_preset_t pPreset;
reverb_preset_bank_t m_sPreset;
//int8_t preset;
uint32_t m_nSamplingRate;
int32_t m_nUpdatePeriodInBits;
int32_t m_nBufferMask;
int32_t m_nUpdatePeriodInSamples;
int32_t m_nDelay0Out;
int32_t m_nDelay1Out;
int16_t m_nCosWT_5KHz;
uint16_t m_Aux; // if TRUE, is connected as auxiliary effect
uint16_t m_Preset; // if TRUE, expose preset revert interface
uint32_t mState;
} reverb_object_t;
typedef struct reverb_module_s {
const struct effect_interface_s *itfe;
effect_config_t config;
reverb_object_t context;
} reverb_module_t;
* Effect API
int EffectQueryNumberEffects(uint32_t *pNumEffects);
int EffectQueryEffect(uint32_t index,
effect_descriptor_t *pDescriptor);
int EffectCreate(effect_uuid_t *effectUID,
int32_t sessionId,
int32_t ioId,
effect_interface_t *pInterface);
int EffectRelease(effect_interface_t interface);
static int Reverb_Process(effect_interface_t self,
audio_buffer_t *inBuffer,
audio_buffer_t *outBuffer);
static int Reverb_Command(effect_interface_t self,
uint32_t cmdCode,
uint32_t cmdSize,
void *pCmdData,
uint32_t *replySize,
void *pReplyData);
* internal functions
int Reverb_Init(reverb_module_t *pRvbModule, int aux, int preset);
int Reverb_Configure(reverb_module_t *pRvbModule, effect_config_t *pConfig, bool init);
void Reverb_Reset(reverb_object_t *pReverb, bool init);
int Reverb_setParameter (reverb_object_t *pReverb, int32_t param, size_t size, void *pValue);
int Reverb_getParameter(reverb_object_t *pReverb, int32_t param, size_t *pSize, void *pValue);
* ReverbUpdateXfade
* Purpose:
* Update the xfade parameters as required
* Inputs:
* nNumSamplesToAdd - number of samples to write to buffer
* Outputs:
* Side Effects:
* - xfade parameters will be changed
static int ReverbUpdateXfade(reverb_object_t* pReverbData, int nNumSamplesToAdd);
* ReverbCalculateNoise
* Purpose:
* Calculate a noise sample and limit its value
* Inputs:
* Pointer to reverb context
* Outputs:
* new limited noise value
* Side Effects:
* - pReverbData->m_nNoise value is updated
static uint16_t ReverbCalculateNoise(reverb_object_t *pReverbData);
* ReverbCalculateSinCos
* Purpose:
* Calculate a new sin and cosine value based on the given phase
* Inputs:
* nPhase - phase angle
* pnSin - input old value, output new value
* pnCos - input old value, output new value
* Outputs:
* Side Effects:
* - *pnSin, *pnCos are updated
static int ReverbCalculateSinCos(int16_t nPhase, int16_t *pnSin, int16_t *pnCos);
* Reverb
* Purpose:
* apply reverb to the given signal
* Inputs:
* nNu
* pnSin - input old value, output new value
* pnCos - input old value, output new value
* Outputs:
* number of samples actually reverberated
* Side Effects:
static int Reverb(reverb_object_t* pReverbData, int nNumSamplesToAdd, short *pOutputBuffer, short *pInputBuffer);
* ReverbReadInPresets()
* Purpose: sets global reverb preset bank to defaults
* Inputs:
* Outputs:
static int ReverbReadInPresets(reverb_object_t* pReverbData);
* ReverbUpdateRoom
* Purpose:
* Update the room's preset parameters as required
* Inputs:
* Outputs:
* Side Effects:
* - reverb paramters (fbk, fwd, etc) will be changed
* - m_nCurrentRoom := m_nNextRoom
static int ReverbUpdateRoom(reverb_object_t* pReverbData, bool fullUpdate);
static int ReverbComputeConstants(reverb_object_t *pReverbData, uint32_t samplingRate);