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2024-09-09 08:57:42 +00:00
@file iniparser.c
@author N. Devillard
@date Sep 2007
@version 3.0
@brief Parser for ini files.
$Id: iniparser.c,v 2.18 2008-01-03 18:35:39 ndevilla Exp $
$Revision: 2.18 $
$Date: 2008-01-03 18:35:39 $
/*---------------------------- Includes ------------------------------------*/
#include <ctype.h>
#include <libiniparser.h>
/*---------------------------- Defines -------------------------------------*/
#define ASCIILINESZ (1024)
#define INI_INVALID_KEY ((char*)-1)
Private to this module
* This enum stores the status for each parsed line (internal use only).
typedef enum _line_status_ {
} line_status ;
@brief Convert a string to lowercase.
@param s String to convert.
@return ptr to statically allocated string.
This function returns a pointer to a statically allocated string
containing a lowercased version of the input string. Do not free
or modify the returned string! Since the returned string is statically
allocated, it will be modified at each function call (not re-entrant).
static char * strlwc(const char * s)
static char l[ASCIILINESZ+1];
int i ;
if (s==NULL) return NULL ;
memset(l, 0, ASCIILINESZ+1);
i=0 ;
while (s[i] && i<ASCIILINESZ) {
l[i] = (char)tolower((int)s[i]);
i++ ;
return l ;
@brief Remove blanks at the beginning and the end of a string.
@param s String to parse.
@return ptr to statically allocated string.
This function returns a pointer to a statically allocated string,
which is identical to the input string, except that all blank
characters at the end and the beg. of the string have been removed.
Do not free or modify the returned string! Since the returned string
is statically allocated, it will be modified at each function call
(not re-entrant).
static char * strstrip(char * s)
static char l[ASCIILINESZ+1];
char * last ;
if (s==NULL) return NULL ;
while (isspace((int)*s) && *s) s++;
memset(l, 0, ASCIILINESZ+1);
strcpy(l, s);
last = l + strlen(l);
while (last > l) {
if (!isspace((int)*(last-1)))
break ;
last -- ;
*last = (char)0;
return (char*)l ;
@brief Get number of sections in a dictionary
@param d Dictionary to examine
@return int Number of sections found in dictionary
This function returns the number of sections found in a dictionary.
The test to recognize sections is done on the string stored in the
dictionary: a section name is given as "section" whereas a key is
stored as "section:key", thus the test looks for entries that do not
contain a colon.
This clearly fails in the case a section name contains a colon, but
this should simply be avoided.
This function returns -1 in case of error.
int iniparser_getnsec(dictionary * d)
int i ;
int nsec ;
if (d==NULL) return -1 ;
nsec=0 ;
for (i=0 ; i<d->size ; i++) {
if (d->key[i]==NULL)
continue ;
if (strchr(d->key[i], ':')==NULL) {
nsec ++ ;
return nsec ;
@brief Get name for section n in a dictionary.
@param d Dictionary to examine
@param n Section number (from 0 to nsec-1).
@return Pointer to char string
This function locates the n-th section in a dictionary and returns
its name as a pointer to a string statically allocated inside the
dictionary. Do not free or modify the returned string!
This function returns NULL in case of error.
char * iniparser_getsecname(dictionary * d, int n)
int i ;
int foundsec ;
if (d==NULL || n<0) return NULL ;
foundsec=0 ;
for (i=0 ; i<d->size ; i++) {
if (d->key[i]==NULL)
continue ;
if (strchr(d->key[i], ':')==NULL) {
foundsec++ ;
if (foundsec>n)
break ;
if (foundsec<=n) {
return NULL ;
return d->key[i] ;
@brief Dump a dictionary to an opened file pointer.
@param d Dictionary to dump.
@param f Opened file pointer to dump to.
@return void
This function prints out the contents of a dictionary, one element by
line, onto the provided file pointer. It is OK to specify @c stderr
or @c stdout as output files. This function is meant for debugging
purposes mostly.
void iniparser_dump(dictionary * d, FILE * f)
int i ;
if (d==NULL || f==NULL) return ;
for (i=0 ; i<d->size ; i++) {
if (d->key[i]==NULL)
continue ;
if (d->val[i]!=NULL) {
fprintf(f, "[%s]=[%s]\n", d->key[i], d->val[i]);
} else {
fprintf(f, "[%s]=UNDEF\n", d->key[i]);
return ;
@brief Save a dictionary to a loadable ini file
@param d Dictionary to dump
@param f Opened file pointer to dump to
@return void
This function dumps a given dictionary into a loadable ini file.
It is Ok to specify @c stderr or @c stdout as output files.
void iniparser_dump_ini(dictionary * d, FILE * f)
int i, j ;
char keym[ASCIILINESZ+1];
int nsec ;
char * secname ;
int seclen ;
if (d==NULL || f==NULL) return ;
nsec = iniparser_getnsec(d);
if (nsec<1) {
/* No section in file: dump all keys as they are */
for (i=0 ; i<d->size ; i++) {
if (d->key[i]==NULL)
continue ;
fprintf(f, "%s = %s\n", d->key[i], d->val[i]);
return ;
for (i=0 ; i<nsec ; i++) {
secname = iniparser_getsecname(d, i) ;
seclen = (int)strlen(secname);
fprintf(f, "\n[%s]\n", secname);
sprintf(keym, "%s:", secname);
for (j=0 ; j<d->size ; j++) {
if (d->key[j]==NULL)
continue ;
if (!strncmp(d->key[j], keym, seclen+1)) {
"%-30s = %s\n",
d->val[j] ? d->val[j] : "");
fprintf(f, "\n");
return ;
@brief Get the string associated to a key
@param d Dictionary to search
@param key Key string to look for
@param def Default value to return if key not found.
@return pointer to statically allocated character string
This function queries a dictionary for a key. A key as read from an
ini file is given as "section:key". If the key cannot be found,
the pointer passed as 'def' is returned.
The returned char pointer is pointing to a string allocated in
the dictionary, do not free or modify it.
char * iniparser_getstring(dictionary * d, const char * key, char * def)
char * lc_key ;
char * sval ;
if (d==NULL || key==NULL)
return def ;
lc_key = strlwc(key);
sval = dictionary_get(d, lc_key, def);
return sval ;
@brief Get the string associated to a key, convert to an int
@param d Dictionary to search
@param key Key string to look for
@param notfound Value to return in case of error
@return integer
This function queries a dictionary for a key. A key as read from an
ini file is given as "section:key". If the key cannot be found,
the notfound value is returned.
Supported values for integers include the usual C notation
so decimal, octal (starting with 0) and hexadecimal (starting with 0x)
are supported. Examples:
"42" -> 42
"042" -> 34 (octal -> decimal)
"0x42" -> 66 (hexa -> decimal)
Warning: the conversion may overflow in various ways. Conversion is
totally outsourced to strtol(), see the associated man page for overflow
Credits: Thanks to A. Becker for suggesting strtol()
int iniparser_getint(dictionary * d, const char * key, int notfound)
char * str ;
str = iniparser_getstring(d, key, INI_INVALID_KEY);
if (str==INI_INVALID_KEY) return notfound ;
return (int)strtol(str, NULL, 0);
@brief Get the string associated to a key, convert to a double
@param d Dictionary to search
@param key Key string to look for
@param notfound Value to return in case of error
@return double
This function queries a dictionary for a key. A key as read from an
ini file is given as "section:key". If the key cannot be found,
the notfound value is returned.
double iniparser_getdouble(dictionary * d, char * key, double notfound)
char * str ;
str = iniparser_getstring(d, key, INI_INVALID_KEY);
if (str==INI_INVALID_KEY) return notfound ;
return atof(str);
@brief Get the string associated to a key, convert to a boolean
@param d Dictionary to search
@param key Key string to look for
@param notfound Value to return in case of error
@return integer
This function queries a dictionary for a key. A key as read from an
ini file is given as "section:key". If the key cannot be found,
the notfound value is returned.
A true boolean is found if one of the following is matched:
- A string starting with 'y'
- A string starting with 'Y'
- A string starting with 't'
- A string starting with 'T'
- A string starting with '1'
A false boolean is found if one of the following is matched:
- A string starting with 'n'
- A string starting with 'N'
- A string starting with 'f'
- A string starting with 'F'
- A string starting with '0'
The notfound value returned if no boolean is identified, does not
necessarily have to be 0 or 1.
int iniparser_getboolean(dictionary * d, const char * key, int notfound)
char * c ;
int ret ;
c = iniparser_getstring(d, key, INI_INVALID_KEY);
if (c==INI_INVALID_KEY) return notfound ;
if (c[0]=='y' || c[0]=='Y' || c[0]=='1' || c[0]=='t' || c[0]=='T') {
ret = 1 ;
} else if (c[0]=='n' || c[0]=='N' || c[0]=='0' || c[0]=='f' || c[0]=='F') {
ret = 0 ;
} else {
ret = notfound ;
return ret;
@brief Finds out if a given entry exists in a dictionary
@param ini Dictionary to search
@param entry Name of the entry to look for
@return integer 1 if entry exists, 0 otherwise
Finds out if a given entry exists in the dictionary. Since sections
are stored as keys with NULL associated values, this is the only way
of querying for the presence of sections in a dictionary.
int iniparser_find_entry(
dictionary * ini,
char * entry
int found=0 ;
if (iniparser_getstring(ini, entry, INI_INVALID_KEY)!=INI_INVALID_KEY) {
found = 1 ;
return found ;
@brief Set an entry in a dictionary.
@param ini Dictionary to modify.
@param entry Entry to modify (entry name)
@param val New value to associate to the entry.
@return int 0 if Ok, -1 otherwise.
If the given entry can be found in the dictionary, it is modified to
contain the provided value. If it cannot be found, -1 is returned.
It is Ok to set val to NULL.
int iniparser_set(dictionary * ini, char * entry, char * val)
return dictionary_set(ini, strlwc(entry), val) ;
@brief Delete an entry in a dictionary
@param ini Dictionary to modify
@param entry Entry to delete (entry name)
@return void
If the given entry can be found, it is deleted from the dictionary.
void iniparser_unset(dictionary * ini, char * entry)
dictionary_unset(ini, strlwc(entry));
@brief Load a single line from an INI file
@param input_line Input line, may be concatenated multi-line input
@param section Output space to store section
@param key Output space to store key
@param value Output space to store value
@return line_status value
static line_status iniparser_line(
char * input_line,
char * section,
char * key,
char * value)
line_status sta ;
char line[ASCIILINESZ+1];
int len ;
strcpy(line, strstrip(input_line));
len = (int)strlen(line);
if (len<1) {
/* Empty line */
sta = LINE_EMPTY ;
} else if (line[0]=='#') {
/* Comment line */
} else if (line[0]=='[' && line[len-1]==']') {
/* Section name */
sscanf(line, "[%[^]]", section);
strcpy(section, strstrip(section));
strcpy(section, strlwc(section));
} else if (sscanf (line, "%[^=] = \"%[^\"]\"", key, value) == 2
|| sscanf (line, "%[^=] = '%[^\']'", key, value) == 2
|| sscanf (line, "%[^=] = %[^;#]", key, value) == 2) {
/* Usual key=value, with or without comments */
strcpy(key, strstrip(key));
strcpy(key, strlwc(key));
strcpy(value, strstrip(value));
* sscanf cannot handle '' or "" as empty values
* this is done here
if (!strcmp(value, "\"\"") || (!strcmp(value, "''"))) {
value[0]=0 ;
sta = LINE_VALUE ;
} else if (sscanf(line, "%[^=] = %[;#]", key, value)==2
|| sscanf(line, "%[^=] %[=]", key, value) == 2) {
* Special cases:
* key=
* key=;
* key=#
strcpy(key, strstrip(key));
strcpy(key, strlwc(key));
value[0]=0 ;
sta = LINE_VALUE ;
} else {
/* Generate syntax error */
sta = LINE_ERROR ;
return sta ;
@brief Parse an ini file and return an allocated dictionary object
@param ininame Name of the ini file to read.
@return Pointer to newly allocated dictionary
This is the parser for ini files. This function is called, providing
the name of the file to be read. It returns a dictionary object that
should not be accessed directly, but through accessor functions
The returned dictionary must be freed using iniparser_freedict().
dictionary * iniparser_load(const char * ininame)
FILE * in ;
char line [ASCIILINESZ+1] ;
char section [ASCIILINESZ+1] ;
char key [ASCIILINESZ+1] ;
char tmp [ASCIILINESZ+1] ;
char val [ASCIILINESZ+1] ;
int last=0 ;
int len ;
int lineno=0 ;
int errs=0;
dictionary * dict ;
if ((in=fopen(ininame, "r"))==NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "iniparser: cannot open %s\n", ininame);
return NULL ;
dict = dictionary_new(0) ;
if (!dict) {
return NULL ;
memset(line, 0, ASCIILINESZ);
memset(section, 0, ASCIILINESZ);
memset(key, 0, ASCIILINESZ);
memset(val, 0, ASCIILINESZ);
last=0 ;
while (fgets(line+last, ASCIILINESZ-last, in)!=NULL) {
lineno++ ;
len = (int)strlen(line)-1;
/* Safety check against buffer overflows */
if (line[len]!='\n') {
"iniparser: input line too long in %s (%d)\n",
return NULL ;
/* Get rid of \n and spaces at end of line */
while ((len>=0) &&
((line[len]=='\n') || (isspace(line[len])))) {
line[len]=0 ;
len-- ;
/* Detect multi-line */
if (line[len]=='\\') {
/* Multi-line value */
last=len ;
continue ;
} else {
last=0 ;
switch (iniparser_line(line, section, key, val)) {
break ;
errs = dictionary_set(dict, section, NULL);
break ;
sprintf(tmp, "%s:%s", section, key);
errs = dictionary_set(dict, tmp, val) ;
break ;
fprintf(stderr, "iniparser: syntax error in %s (%d):\n",
fprintf(stderr, "-> %s\n", line);
errs++ ;
break ;
memset(line, 0, ASCIILINESZ);
if (errs<0) {
fprintf(stderr, "iniparser: memory allocation failure\n");
break ;
if (errs) {
dict = NULL ;
return dict ;
@brief Free all memory associated to an ini dictionary
@param d Dictionary to free
@return void
Free all memory associated to an ini dictionary.
It is mandatory to call this function before the dictionary object
gets out of the current context.
void iniparser_freedict(dictionary * d)
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