/***************************************************************************** ** About.cpp - Source file of About DialogBox containing info about program ** Author: Kraku *****************************************************************************/ #include "About.h" #include "about.xpm" #include "const.h" About::About (QWidget * parent): QDialog(parent) { all = new QVBoxLayout (this); this->setWindowTitle (tr ("About")); QPixmap logo (about_xpm); image = new QLabel (this); image->setFixedSize (501, 218); image->setPixmap (logo); all->addWidget (image); box = new QGroupBox (tr ("GB Cart Flasher Project"), this); box->setFixedWidth (501); labels = new QVBoxLayout (box); name = new QLabel (tr ("GB Cart Flasher for Linux by m0rph3us1987 v") + VER, box); labels->addWidget (name); copy = new QLabel ("Based on GB Cart Flasher by Kraku & Chroost", box); labels->addWidget (copy); email = new QLabel (tr ("e-mail: gbflasher@interia.pl"), box); labels->addWidget (email); translator = new QLabel(tr("Translation by: Chroost"),box); labels->addWidget(translator); desc1 = new QLabel (tr ("This program and device, called set, enables to:\n" "- make game backups from owned cartridges and play them on PC,\n" "- transfer game saves between cartridge and PC, save and modify them,\n" "- test written by yourself games directly on console (rewritable cartridge required)."), box); labels->addWidget (desc1); warning = new QLabel (tr ("WARNING!"), box); labels->addWidget (warning); desc2 = new QLabel (tr("Using this set for purposes other than previously listed,\n" "especially for making illegal copies of copyrighted games is strictly prohibited!"), box); labels->addWidget (desc2); all->addWidget (box); ok_btn = new QPushButton (tr ("Close"), this); all->addWidget (ok_btn); connect (ok_btn, SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, SLOT (close ())); }