Fork for micropoc

Cette révision appartient à :
Bandie 2018-05-12 03:40:54 +02:00
Parent f4cb402604
révision 38f657f753
Signé par: Bandie
ID de la clé GPG: C1E133BC65A822DD
2 fichiers modifiés avec 7 ajouts et 12 suppressions

Voir le fichier

@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
# epvpn\_xml2vcard
For [EPVPN]( Takes the XML file you've downloaded before and generates a vCard (makes sense for Android and stuff).
For [micropoc]( Takes the XML file you've downloaded before and generates a vCard (makes sense for Android and stuff).
## Usage
1. Get your brandnew™ EPVPN-XML file from the [EPVPN Phonebook]( Maybe save it as `phonebook.xml`.
2. If not already done, set executable rights for the program through `chmod +x epvpn_xml2vcard`.
3. Run `./epvpn_xml2vcard -i phonebook.xml -o epvpn.vcf`.
4. Now you have a file named `epvpn.vcf` ready to import to Android™®©đ€¶@ŋŧ¶ or somewhere else.
1. Get your brandnew™ XML file from the [micropoc Phonebook]( Maybe save it as `phonebook.xml`.
2. If not already done, set executable rights for the program through `chmod +x micropoc_xml2vcard`.
3. Run `./micropoc_xml2vcard -i phonebook.xml -o micropoc.vcf`.
4. Now you have a file named `micropoc.vcf` ready to import to Android™®©đ€¶@ŋŧ¶ or somewhere else.
## FAQ
- Q: Why?
- A: I am too impatient to wait for Eventphone changing things. They're busy enough.

Voir le fichier

@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ def doEet(infile, outfile):
tel = c.find('extension').text
name = c.find('name').text
loc = c.find('location').text
# loc = c.find('location').text
entry = "BEGIN:vCard\nVERSION:3.0\nN:{}\nTEL;type=voice:{}\nCATEGORIES:EPVPN\nNOTE:Location: {}\nEND:vCard\n\n".format(name, tel, loc)
entry = "BEGIN:vCard\nVERSION:3.0\nN:{}\nTEL;type=voice:{}\nCATEGORIES:micropoc\nEND:vCard\n\n".format(name, tel)