## Identification - Part 1 ### Control of domains and services - I do have control over the following domains, including its websites and DNS settings: - bandie.org - chaos.nrw - I do have a github account named - [Bandie](https://github.com/Bandie) ## Identification - Part 2 ### Social accounts I, Bandie [E2D7876915312785DC086BFCC1E133BC65A822DD], hereby claim the following statements: (The following list is sorted by preference.) - I do have a matrix account named - @bandie:matrix.chaospott.de, using the following device IDs for it: - SSVHQWDSGT (Laptop) - PRAWEMCQNN (Element Android) - LXDQFNTWMB (Work) - I do have registered nicknames at the following IRC servers: - hackint.org: Bandie - freenode.net: Bandie - euirc.net: Bandie - I do have Mastodon accounts at - chaos.social [@bandie@chaos.social](https://chaos.social/@bandie). [Main account.] - I do have an XMPP account named - bandie@jabber.ccc.de, using the following OMEMO fingerprints - 104219702d9 (Laptop) - E63CEF2D 502AC0F1 B640E386 897F1AB5 28D747CF D910A8A6 886D9D44 798ED456 - I do have the following Threema ID - NW94F7HM ## Identification - Part 3 ### Excluding possible false identities Any accounts that you witness using the name - "Bandie" - "bandie" - or any minor alteration of the names stated above that are not listed here should assumed to be as fraudulent accounts operated by an imposter. --- This document is signed by GPG and will be published at the following internet locations: - [https://git.bandie.org/Bandie/identity-declaration](https://git.bandie.org/Bandie/identity-declaration) - [https://git.chaospott.de/Bandie/identity-declaration](https://git.chaospott.de/Bandie/identity-declaration) - [https://bandie.org/assets/id.md.asc.txt](https://bandie.org/assets/id.md.asc.txt) This document is kept up-to-date and was last updated at > Sat 20 Mar 18:38:08 CET 2021 *Bandie* P.S.: Thank you, [@Sir\_Boops](https://mastodon.sergal.org/@Sir_Boops), for preparing this document.