#!/bin/bash # grub2-verify # Checks the signatures of every file which is has a signature in /boot. # Author: Bandie # Licence: GNU-GPLv3 red=$(tput setaf 1) green=$(tput setaf 2) normal=$(tput sgr0) all_files=( ) error_files=( ) missing_files=( ) # Signature check part + error counter + file counter + file list echo "Checking signatures in /boot..." >&2 while IFS= read -r -d '' i do if ! gpg --verify-files "$i" >/dev/null 2>&1 then error_files+=( "$i" ) fi all_files+=( "$i" ) done < <(find /boot -type f -name "*.sig" -print0) echo "Checking missing signatures in /boot..." >&2 while IFS= read -r -d '' i do if test ! -f ${i}.sig then missing_files+=( "$i" ) fi done < <(find /boot -type f -not -name "*.sig" -print0) # Nothing to verify? Exit 2. if (( ${#all_files[@]} == 0 )) then echo "Nothing to verify." >&2 exit 2 fi # Message signatures printf '%s' 'Found ' >&2 if (( ${#error_files} == 0 )) then printf '%s' "$green" "no" "$normal" >&2 else printf '%s' "$red" "${#error_files[@]}" "$normal" >&2 fi if (( ${#error_files[@]} == 1 )) then echo " bad signature." >&2 else echo " bad signatures." >&2 fi # Message missing printf '%s' 'Found ' >&2 if (( ${#missing_files} == 0 )) then printf '%s' "$green" "no" "$normal" >&2 else printf '%s' "$red" "${#missing_files[@]}" "$normal" >&2 fi if (( ${#missing_files[@]} == 1 )) then echo " missing signature." >&2 else echo " missing signatures." >&2 fi # File list if (( ${#error_files[@]} > 0 )) then printf 'BAD signature: %s\n' "${error_files[@]}" fi if (( ${#missing_files[@]} > 0 )) then printf 'MISSING signatures: %s\n' "${missing_files[@]}" fi # Exit codes if (( ${#error_files[@]} > 0 )) then exit 1 elif (( ${#missing_files[@]} > 0 )) then exit 3 else exit 0 fi exit 99