#!/bin/bash ## Server private key echo -n "Where to save your server's key file? ($PWD/ding_server.key): " read temp if [ -n "$temp" ] then save=$temp else save="$PWD/ding_server.key" fi key=$save openssl genrsa -out $save 4096 ## CSR echo -n "Where to save your Certificate Signing Request (CSR)? ($PWD/ding_server.csr): " read temp if [ -n "$temp" ] then save=$temp else save="$PWD/ding_server.csr" fi csr=$save echo -e "\033[01;33mPlease enter some information. THEY MUST BE DIFFERENT FROM THE CA's INFORMATION.\033[00m" openssl req -new -key $key -out $save -sha512 ## Signing echo -n "Path of your CA Certificate? ($PWD/CA.crt): " read temp if [ -n "$temp" ] then loadCAcrt=$temp else loadCAcrt="$PWD/CA.crt" fi echo -n "Path of your CA key? ($PWD/CA.key): " read temp if [ -n "$temp" ] then loadCAkey=$temp else loadCAkey="$PWD/CA.key" fi echo -n "Where to save your signed server certificate? ($PWD/ding_server.crt): " read temp if [ -n "$temp" ] then save=$temp else save="$PWD/ding_server.crt" fi echo -n "How many days should the certificate be valid? (365): " read temp if [ -n "$temp" ] then t=$temp else t=365 fi openssl x509 -req -in $csr -CA $loadCAcrt -CAkey $loadCAkey -CAcreateserial -out $save -days $t -sha512 rm $csr