#!/bin/bash echo "###################" echo "# CA generation #" echo -e "###################\n" ## CA Private key echo -n "Where to save your CA key file? ($PWD/CA.key): " read temp if [ -n "$temp" ] then save=$temp else save="$PWD/CA.key" fi CAkey=$save openssl genrsa -aes256 -out $save 8192 ## CA Certificate echo -n "Where to save your CA certificate? ($PWD/CA.crt): " read temp if [ -n "$temp" ] then save=$temp else save="$PWD/CA.crt" fi echo -n "How many days should the certificate be valid? (3650): " read temp if [[ $temp =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] then days=$temp else days=3650 fi echo -e "\033[01;33mPlease enter some information about the CA.\033[00m" openssl req -new -x509 -days $days -key $CAkey -out $save