\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{ a4paper, total={170mm,257mm}, left=20mm, top=20mm, } \usepackage{pgf} \pgfmathsetseed{\number\pdfrandomseed} % to ensure that it is randomized % use \randomseed for xelatex \newcommand{\randomnum}[1]{% \pgfmathsetmacro{\thenum}{int(random(ceil(#1-#1/4),floor(#1+#1/4)))}% \thenum% }% \newcommand{\answerbox}[1]{%% \fbox{\rule{#1in}{0pt}\rule[-0.5ex]{0pt}{4ex}}} \title{\textbf{Application Form PKSR20}} \author{C3Reg} \date{Control no. \answerbox{1}} \addtolength{\topmargin}{-2cm} \begin{document} \maketitle \thispagestyle{empty} \section*{} I hereby applicate to register my GPG fingerprint. I fullfil the requirement that I have either \begin{itemize} \item[1.] uploaded the public key to the \textbf{keys.openpgp.org} keyserver \textbf{using the following mail address} or \item[2.] I can state the \textbf{full GPG fingerprint}, which is \end{itemize} \ Mail address or full GPG fingerprint (e.g. 1234-2234-3234-4234-5234-6234-7234-8234-9234-0234) \\ \answerbox{6.5} \\ \\ I state that I am certain about the requirements given above and checked that these requirements are given during the registration process. \section*{Additional information} The following colour is applicable on this fingerprint: \\ Colour of fingerprint \\ \answerbox{6.5} \\ \\ \\ Please reason the chosen color in a small sentence. \\ Reason \\ \answerbox{6.5} \\ \\ \\ From a scale from 1 (definitely not) to 5 (definitely), how private is your public key? \\ \\ \answerbox{0.1} 1 \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} 2 \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} 3 \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} 4 \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} 5 \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ From a scale from 1 (definitely not) to 5 (definitely), how private is your private key? \\ \\ \answerbox{0.1} 1 \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} 2 \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} 3 \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} 4 \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} 5 \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ From a scale from 1 (definitely not) to 5 (definitely), how public is your public key? \\ \\ \answerbox{0.1} 1 \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} 2 \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} 3 \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} 4 \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} 5 \ \ \ \end{document}