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2020-12-28 18:39:06 +00:00
\pgfmathsetseed{\number\pdfrandomseed} % to ensure that it is randomized
% use \randomseed for xelatex
\title{\textbf{Application Form Y42}}
\author{Intergalactic Registration Office}
\date{Control no. \randomnum{1000}}
I hereby applicate for the registration of being a hacker.
The passport document has been \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} already issued in a blank state \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} not yet issued
\section*{Personal data}
Forename/Nick (max. 17 characters)
Surname (max. 17 characters) [optional]
Home(-hackerspace) (max. 17 characters)
\section*{Current situation}
\subsection*{Chaos events}
This is my \ \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} first \ \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} second \ \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} $\{\exists x \in \mathbb{N} \ |\ x > 2 \}$ \ \ \ Chaos event I've ever visited.
\subsection*{The Chaos}
I know \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} nothing \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} somewhat \ \ \ \answerbox{0.1} the secret \ \ \ \ about the Chaos.
\section*{Application for registering my GPG fingerprint - Optional}
I hereby applicate to register my GPG fingerprint.
I have either
\item[1.] uploaded the public key to the \textbf{keys.openpgp.org} keyserver \textbf{using the following mail address} or
\item[2.] I can state the \textbf{full GPG fingerprint}, which is
Mail address or full GPG fingerprint in the form of 1234-ABCD-5678-9012-1234-1234-1234-1234-1234